ROPTS=-zav --no-p --chmod=u=rw,g=rw,o=r --delete --exclude=www/.htaccess --exclude=.svn --exclude=.git --exclude=*.mtt --exclude=tpl/css --exclude=www/file --exclude=*node_modules* --exclude=*.php --exclude=tests.n LANG=fr PLUGINS?=0 ENV?="dev"
#To compile project with plugins, add PLUGINS=1 or type `export PLUGINS=1`
install: #copy config file from template #cp config.xml.dist config.xml @if [ $(ENV) = "dev" ]; then \
make install_dev; \
#setup dev environnement from source
install_dev: #set config file to debug=1 #@sed -e 's?debug=.*?debug="1"?g' --in-place config.xml #install haxe dependencies in .haxelib haxelib newrepo haxelib -always install cagette.hxml haxelib -always install cagetteJs.hxml #template tools haxelib run templo sudo mv temploc2 /usr/bin #extra plugins @if [ $(PLUGINS) = 1 ]; then \
haxelib git cagette-pro git@bitbucket.org:bubar/cagette-pro.git; \
haxelib git cagette-hosted git@bitbucket.org:bubar/cagette-hosted.git; \
haxelib git cagette-wholesale-order git@github.com:bablukid/cagette-wholesale-order.git; \
fi #install npm dependencies npm install npm run libs:dev npm run build:js #compile @make css @make compile @make frontend @make templates @echo "Well, it looks like everything is fine : librairies are installed, backend and frontend has been compiled !"
#compile backend to Neko
compile: @if [ $(PLUGINS) = 1 ]; then \
echo "compile Cagette.net with plugins"; \
haxe cagetteAllPlugins.hxml; \
else \
echo "compile Cagette.net core"; \
haxe cagette.hxml; \
#compile SASS files to CSS
css: npm run build:sass
#compile frontend to JS
frontend: @if [ $(PLUGINS) = 1 ]; then \
haxe cagetteAllPluginsJs.hxml; \
else \
haxe cagetteJs.hxml; \
fi mkdir -p tmp chown www-data:www-data tmp
#update POT file from source
i18n: haxe potGeneration.hxml
#compile templates in each language, required for production env.
templates: mkdir -p lang/master/tmp haxe cagette.hxml -D i18n_generation @make LANG=fr ctemplates msgfmt www/lang/texts_fr.po -o www/lang/texts_fr.mo chown www-data:www-data -R www
ctemplates: # (cd lang/$(LANG)/tpl; temploc2 -macros macros.mtt -output ../tmp/ *.mtt */*.mtt */*/*.mtt */*/*/*.mtt */*/*/*/*.mtt)
(cd lang/$(LANG)/tpl; temploc2 -macros macros.mtt -output ../tmp/ *.mtt */*.mtt */*/*.mtt)
#Compile and run unit tests
tests: @if [ $(PLUGINS) = 1 ]; then \
haxe testsPlugins.hxml; \
else \
haxe tests.hxml; \
fi @docker-compose run --workdir="/var/www/www" neko neko tests.n mysql://root:root@mysql/tests
cp_plugin: cp -R .haxelib/cagette-hosted/git/tpl/* lang/master/tpl/plugin/hosted/ cp -R .haxelib/cagette-pro/git/tpl/* lang/master/tpl/plugin/pro/ cp -R .haxelib/cagette-wholesale-order/git/tpl/* lang/master/tpl/plugin/who/