@ -30,52 +30,54 @@ EOF |
DocumentRoot /var/www/cagettepei/www/ |
</VirtualHost> |
``` |
* sed -i '/<Directory \/var\/www\/>/,/<\/Directory>/ s/AllowOverride None/AllowOverride All/' /etc/apache2/apache2.conf |
* a2dissite 000-default.conf |
* a2ensite cagettepei.conf |
* a2enmod neko rewrite |
* systemctl restart apache2 |
* sed -i '/<Directory \/var\/www\/>/,/<\/Directory>/ s/AllowOverride None/AllowOverride All/' /etc/apache2/apache2.conf |
* a2dissite 000-default.conf |
* a2ensite cagettepei.conf |
* a2enmod neko rewrite |
* systemctl restart apache2 |
* cd /var/www/cagettepei |
* vim config.xml |
``` |
<config |
host="<DOMAIN.TLD>" |
name = "CagettePéi" |
default_email = "<EMAIL>" |
webmaster_email = "<EMAIL>" |
database="mysql://cagettepei:cagettepei@localhost/cagettepei" |
smtp_host="localhost" |
smtp_port="25" |
smtp_user="" |
smtp_pass="" |
lang="fr" |
langs="fr" |
langnames="Français" |
maintain="0" |
debug="0" |
sqllog="0" |
cache="1" |
cachetpl="0" |
/> |
``` |
* cd /var/www/cagettepei |
* vim config.xml |
``` |
<config |
host="<DOMAIN.TLD>" |
name = "CagettePéi" |
default_email = "<EMAIL>" |
webmaster_email = "<EMAIL>" |
database="mysql://cagettepei:cagettepei@localhost/cagettepei" |
smtp_host="localhost" |
smtp_port="25" |
smtp_user="" |
smtp_pass="" |
lang="fr" |
langs="fr" |
langnames="Français" |
maintain="0" |
debug="0" |
sqllog="0" |
cache="1" |
cachetpl="0" |
/> |
``` |
-------------------- |
* # go to http://localhost for ERROR + table regeneration, then |
go to http://localhost for ERROR + table regeneration, then |
* cd /var/www/cagettepei |
* SECRET=$(grep key= config.xml | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d'"' -f2) |
* echo "insert into User values (1,'fr',MD5('${SECRET}cagettepei'),1,'Administrateur','Cagette Péi', 'admin', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, now(), now(),6,null, null)" | mysql -h localhost -u cagettepei -pcagettepei cagettepei |
* # connect with admin / cagettepei |
* SECRET=$(grep key= config.xml | cut -d= -f2 | cut -d'"' -f2) |
* echo "insert into User values (1,'fr',MD5('${SECRET}cagettepei'),1,'Administrateur','Cagette Péi', 'admin', null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, now(), now(),6,null, null)" | mysql -h localhost -u cagettepei -pcagettepei cagettepei |
then, connect with admin / cagettepei |
### change admin password |
* # change admin password |
* echo "update User set pass=MD5('${SECRET}cagettepei') where id=1" | mysql -h localhost -u cagettepei -pcagettepei cagettepei |
@ -118,6 +120,7 @@ ExecStart=/var/www/cagettepei-batch minute |
[Install] |
WantedBy=multi-user.target |
``` |
* vim /etc/systemd/system/cagettepei-batch-day.service |
``` |
[Unit] |
@ -131,6 +134,7 @@ ExecStart=/var/www/cagettepei-batch daily |
[Install] |
WantedBy=multi-user.target |
``` |
* vim /etc/systemd/system/cagettepei-batch-minute.timer |
``` |
[Unit] |
@ -144,6 +148,7 @@ Unit=cagettepei-batch-minute.service |
[Install] |
WantedBy=timers.target |
``` |
* vim /etc/systemd/system/cagettepei-batch-day.timer |
``` |
[Unit] |
@ -159,12 +164,9 @@ WantedBy=timers.target |
``` |
* systemctl daemon-reload |
* systemctl edit apache2 # bind the 2 timers to apache2 cagette |
``` |
[Unit] |
BindsTo = cagettepei-batch-minute.timer cagettepei-batch-day.timer |
``` |
``` |
[Unit] |
BindsTo = cagettepei-batch-minute.timer cagettepei-batch-day.timer |
``` |
* systemctl enable cagettepei-batch-minute.timer cagettepei-batch-day.timer |
* systemctl start cagettepei-batch-minute.timer cagettepei-batch-day.timer |
* systemctl start cagettepei-batch-minute.timer cagettepei-batch-day.timer |