<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>::_("Attendance sheet")::</title> <link href="/css/print.css" rel="stylesheet"/> </head> <body> <h1>::user._amap.name::</h1> <h2>Livraison du ::hDate(date)::</h2> <table style="width:100%;"> ::set name = "":: ::set name2 = "":: ::set total = 0:: ::set productNum = 0:: <tr> <th>::_("Name")::</th> <th>::_("Contact details")::</th> <th>::_("Qty")::</th> <th>::_("Product")::</th> <th>::_("U.P.")::</th> <th>::_("Fees")::</th> <th>::_("Total")::</th> <th>::_("Signature")::</th> </tr> ::foreach m orders:: ::if m.userName != name || m.userName2 != name2:: ::set class="name":: ::else:: ::set class="":: ::end:: <tr class="::class::"> <td> ::if m.userName != name || m.userName2 != name2:: ::set basket = getBasket(m.userId,place.id,date):: <span ::cond basket!=null::>::_("Num"):: ::basket.num:: - </span> <b>::m.userName::</b> ::if m.userName2 != null:: <br />::_("alternately with"):: <b>::m.userName2::</b> ::end:: ::set total = 0:: ::set productNum = 0:: ::end:: </td> <td> ::if m.userName != name || m.userName2 != name2:: ::set u = getUser(m.userId): ::if u !=null:: $$nullSafe(::u.phone::) ::end:: ::if m.userName2 != null:: ::set u = getUser(m.userId2): ::if u !=null:: <br />$$nullSafe(::u.phone::) ::end:: ::end:: ::end:: </td> ::set name = m.userName :: ::set name2 = m.userName2 :: <td> ::if(m.quantity==0 && m.canceled):: ::_("Canceled"):: ::else:: ::raw m.smartQt:: ::end:: ::set productNum = productNum+m.quantity:: </td> <td> ::m.productName:: </td> <td> ::formatNum(m.productPrice):: ::currency():: </td> <td> ::if m.fees!=null:: ::formatNum(m.fees):: ::currency():: ::end:: </td> <td> ::formatNum(m.total):: ::currency():: ::set total = total + m.total:: </td> <td style="width:20%;"></td> </tr> <!--TOTAL--> ::set next = orders[repeat.m.index+1]:: ::if next==null || next.userName!=name || next.userName2!=name2:: <tr> <td></td> <td></td> <td class="total">::formatNum(productNum)::</td> <td class="total" colspan="2"></td> <td class="total">::_("TOTAL")::</td> <td class="total">::formatNum(total):: ::currency()::</td> <td></td> </tr> <!-- PAIEMENTS --> <tr ::cond user._amap.hasPayments()::> <!-- PAYMENT CHECK FOR SHOP MODE --> ::if (user._amap.hasShopMode()):: <td></td> <th>::_("Payment:"):: </th> <td colspan="6"> <table style="width:100%;border:1px solid #CCC;"> ::if(basket!=null):: ::set tpaid=0:: ::set op = basket.getOrderOperation(false):: ::if op!=null:: ::foreach p op.getRelatedPayments():: <tr> <td style="min-width:30px;"> ::if(p.pending==true):: <img src="/img/tick_no.png"/> ::else:: <img src="/img/tick_ok_me.png"/> ::end:: </td> <td> ::formatNum(p.amount):: ::currency():: ::set tpaid = p.amount+tpaid:: </td> <td> ::p.name:: </td> </tr> ::end:: ::end:: <!-- bug : 2 vars are the same but == doesnt work --> ::set total = numClean(total):: ::set tpaid = numClean(tpaid):: ::if(total!=tpaid):: <tr style="background-color:#EEE;"> <td><img src="/img/tick_no.png"/></td> <td>::formatNum(total-tpaid):: ::currency()::</td> <td> ::if(total>tpaid):: ::_("To be paid"):: ::formatNum(total-tpaid):: ::currency():: ::else:: ::_("Pay back"):: ::formatNum(tpaid-total):: ::currency():: ::end:: </td> </tr> ::end:: ::end:: </table> </td> ::else:: <!-- PAYMENT CHECK FOR STANDARD MODE --> <td></td> ::set ua = u.getUserAmap(user._amap):: ::set balance = ua.balance:: <th>::_("Balance of the member:"):: ::ua.balance:: ::currency()::</th> <td colspan="6"> ::set pending = 0:: <table style="width:100%;border:1px solid #CCC;"> <!-- payment to confirm --> ::foreach p ua.getLastOperations(5):: ::if p.type==2 && p.pending==true:: <tr> <td style="width:30px;"> ::if(p.pending==true):: <img src="/img/tick_no.png"/> ::else:: <img src="/img/tick_ok_me.png"/> ::end:: </td> <td> ::formatNum(p.amount):: ::currency():: - ::p.name:: ::set pending = pending + p.amount:: </td> </tr> ::end:: ::end:: <!-- need to pay more or cash back --> ::if(balance<0 && balance+pending!=0):: <tr style="background-color:#EEE;"> <td style="width:30px;"><img src="/img/tick_no.png"/></td> <td> ::if(balance+pending<0):: ::_("To be paid"):: ::formatNum(abs(balance+pending)):: ::currency():: pour équilibrer le solde ::else:: ::_("Pay back"):: ::formatNum(balance+pending):: ::currency():: pour équilibrer le solde ::end:: </td> </tr> ::end:: </table> </td> ::end:: </tr> ::end:: ::end:: </table> <p>::raw nl2br(user.getAmap().txtDistrib)::</p> <p class="hidden"> <i>::_("Push on \"Control + P\" to print this page.")::</i> </p> <table class="" ::cond sqlLog::> ::foreach r sqlLog:: <tr ::attr class if(r.bad) 'badSql'::> <td>::r.t::ms</td> <td>::r.length::</td> <td><a href="#" onclick="javascript:alert('::r.explain::');return false;">Exp</a></td> <td><a href="#" onclick="javascript:alert('::r.stack::');return false;">Stack</a></td> <td>::r.sql::</td> </tr> ::end:: </table> </body> </html>