Reminder: you have a delivery to validate.
msgstr ""
#: src/controller/Cron.hx:13015
msgid ""
"this section"
msgstr ""
#: src/service/WaitingListService.hx:374
msgid "::name:: suscribed to the waiting list of ::group:: on ::date::
msgstr ""
#: src/service/WaitingListService.hx:603
msgid "He/she left this message :
msgstr ""
#: src/service/WaitingListService.hx:829
msgid "[::group::] ::name:: suscribed to the waiting list."
msgstr ""
#: src/service/WaitingListService.hx:1166
msgid "You are already in the waiting list of this group"
msgstr ""
#: src/service/WaitingListService.hx:1571
msgid "You should be logged in."
msgstr ""
#: src/service/WaitingListService.hx:1736
msgid "You are not in the waiting list of this group"
msgstr ""
#: src/service/WaitingListService.hx:2208
msgid "[::group::] Membership request refused."
msgstr ""
#: src/service/WaitingListService.hx:2278
msgid "Your membership request for ::group:: has been refused."
msgstr ""
#: src/service/WaitingListService.hx:2579
msgid "[::group::] ::name:: membership request has been refused by ::admin::."
msgstr ""
#: src/service/WaitingListService.hx:2726
msgid ""
"::name:: was registred to the waiting list.
::admin:: "
"has refused his/her request.
msgstr ""
#: src/service/WaitingListService.hx:3497
msgid "[::group::] Membership request accepted."
msgstr ""
#: src/service/WaitingListService.hx:3568
msgid ""
"Your membership request for ::group:: has been accepted !
You're "
"now a member of the group.
msgstr ""
#: src/service/WaitingListService.hx:3928
msgid "[::group::] ::name:: membership request has been accepted by ::admin::."
msgstr ""
#: src/service/WaitingListService.hx:4076
msgid ""
"::name:: was registred to the waiting list.
::admin:: "
"has accepted his/her request.
msgstr ""
#: src/service/DistributionService.hx:3416
msgid ""
"There is already a distribution at this place overlapping with the time range "
"you've selected."
msgstr ""
#: src/service/DistributionService.hx:3598 src/service/DistributionService.hx:15079
msgid "The date of the delivery must be prior to the end of the contract (::contractEndDate::)"
msgstr ""
#: src/service/DistributionService.hx:3810 src/service/DistributionService.hx:15320
msgid "The date of the delivery must be after the begining of the contract (::contractBeginDate::)"
msgstr ""
#: src/service/DistributionService.hx:4084
msgid "The distribution start date must be set after the orders end date."
msgstr ""
#: src/service/DistributionService.hx:4249
msgid "The orders end date must be set after the orders start date !"
msgstr ""
#: src/service/DistributionService.hx:8522
msgid "Deletion non possible: some orders are saved for this delivery."
msgstr ""
#: src/service/DistributionService.hx:9535
msgid "daysBeforeOrderEnd or daysBeforeOrderStart is null"
msgstr ""
#: src/service/DistributionService.hx:10569
msgid "this distributionCycle has not been recorded"
msgstr ""
#: src/service/DistributionService.hx:13204
msgid "The delivery of the ::delivDate:: could not be deleted because it has orders."
msgstr ""
#: src/service/UserService.hx:506
msgid "There is no account with this email"
msgstr ""
#: src/service/UserService.hx:689
msgid ""
"Your account have not been validated yet. We sent an e-mail to ::email:: "
"to finalize your subscription!"
msgstr ""
#: src/service/UserService.hx:986
msgid "Invalid password"
msgstr ""
#: src/service/UserService.hx:1584 src/service/UserService.hx:2456
msgid "Invalid email address"
msgstr ""
#: src/service/UserService.hx:1695 src/service/UserService.hx:2567
msgid "We already have an account with this email address"
msgstr ""
#: src/service/OrderService.hx:834 src/service/OrderService.hx:4382
msgid "Error : product \"::product::\" quantity should be integer"
msgstr ""
#: src/service/OrderService.hx:1094
msgid "multi-weighing products should be ordered only with integer quantities"
msgstr ""
#: src/service/OrderService.hx:2944
msgid "There is no more '::productName::' in stock, we removed it from your order"
msgstr ""
#: src/service/OrderService.hx:3379 src/service/OrderService.hx:5676
msgid ""
"We reduced your order of '::productName::' to quantity ::oQuantity:: because "
"there is no available products anymore"
msgstr ""
#: src/service/OrderService.hx:6675
msgid "This order has already been deleted."
msgstr ""
#: src/service/OrderService.hx:7838
msgid "Deletion not possible: quantity is not zero."
msgstr ""
#: src/service/OrderService.hx:9076 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:1781 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateShort.mtt:1761 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:2289 lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:2844 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:2813 lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:4400 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:5191 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:2176 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:2993
msgid "Canceled"
msgstr ""
#: src/service/ReportService.hx:319
msgid "Delivery ::contractName:: of the "
msgstr ""
#. kilogramms
#: src/View.hx:3342 common/Formatting.hx:1329
msgid "Kg."
msgstr ""
#. gramms
#: src/View.hx:3383 common/Formatting.hx:1369
msgid "g."
msgstr ""
#. unit of a product)
#: src/View.hx:3434
msgid "pieces"
msgstr ""
#. unit of a product)
#: src/View.hx:3473 common/Formatting.hx:1256 common/Formatting.hx:1404
msgid "piece"
msgstr ""
#. liter
#: src/View.hx:3524 common/Formatting.hx:1454
msgid "L."
msgstr ""
#. centiliter
#: src/View.hx:3563 common/Formatting.hx:1493
msgid "cl."
msgstr ""
#: src/View.hx:4098
msgid "Sunday"
msgstr ""
#: src/View.hx:4113
msgid "Monday"
msgstr ""
#: src/View.hx:4128
msgid "Tuesday"
msgstr ""
#: src/View.hx:4144
msgid "Wednesday"
msgstr ""
#: src/View.hx:4162
msgid "Thursday"
msgstr ""
#: src/View.hx:4179
msgid "Friday"
msgstr ""
#: src/View.hx:4194
msgid "Saturday"
msgstr ""
#: src/View.hx:4224
msgid "January"
msgstr ""
#: src/View.hx:4240
msgid "February"
msgstr ""
#: src/View.hx:4257
msgid "March"
msgstr ""
#: src/View.hx:4271
msgid "April"
msgstr ""
#: src/View.hx:4285
msgid "May"
msgstr ""
#: src/View.hx:4297
msgid "June"
msgstr ""
#: src/View.hx:4310
msgid "July"
msgstr ""
#: src/View.hx:4323
msgid "August"
msgstr ""
#: src/View.hx:4338
msgid "September"
msgstr ""
#: src/View.hx:4356
msgid "October"
msgstr ""
#: src/View.hx:4372
msgid "November"
msgstr ""
#: src/View.hx:4389
msgid "December"
msgstr ""
#: src/View.hx:4615 src/View.hx:5512
msgid "no date set"
msgstr ""
#. time : at 12:30
#: src/View.hx:4891
msgid "at"
msgstr ""
#: src/payment/Cash.hx:294
msgid "Cash"
msgstr ""
#: src/payment/Cash.hx:323 src/payment/MoneyPot.hx:349
msgid "Pay by cash at product distribution"
msgstr ""
#: src/payment/MoneyPot.hx:315
msgid "Money pot"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/lastMessages.mtt:75
msgid "Subject"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/lastMessages.mtt:103 lang/master/tpl/messages/message.mtt:604 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:1142
msgid "Status"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/waiting.mtt:79 lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:4080
msgid "Waiting list"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/waiting.mtt:276
msgid "Message"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/waiting.mtt:701
msgid "Accept membership request"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/waiting.mtt:892
msgid "Deny request"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:75 lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:342
msgid "Import"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:344
msgid "Users to import"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:837 lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:1546
msgid "phone"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:932 lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:1638
msgid "zip code"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:1160
msgid "Existing accounts"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:1892 lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:930
msgid "Warning"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:1921
msgid ""
"Before validating this import, please check that this table est correctly "
If some datas are shifted or are not linked to the right column, "
"please check your CSV file."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:2149 lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:2544
msgid "Try again"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:2245
msgid "Finalize import"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:2334
msgid "Oups !"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:2362
msgid ""
"It looks like there is no data to import. Please check your CSV file or check "
"that the users you want to import are not already registred."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:2701
msgid ""
"Congratulations ! You just imported ::numImported:: users in your "
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:2847
msgid ""
"You may now consider inviting them "
"to log into"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:2977
msgid ""
"You did'nt import anything in your database because your file was empty, "
"or contained already registred users"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:3134
msgid "Go back to the main page"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:3224 lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:2630
msgid "Help"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:3249
msgid ""
"Here you can import a large amount of members in your database from a simple "
"Excel or Libre Office file.
- The first step is to download "
"this demo file.
- Fill out the table, of modify your existing file "
"to striclty match the columns order.
- Once your file is completed, "
"click on \"save as\" in your spreadsheet software, and select \"CSV\" format
- Select "
"the following options : separator : coma or dot-coma, encoding "
": Unicode UTF-8
- Save the file
- finally, click on \"select "
"a file\" on this page and upload it.
msgstr ""
#. show a sublist of members which has been selected
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:95
msgid "Selection :"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:200
msgid "Members without any contracts"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:278
msgid "Members whose membership should be renewed"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:365
msgid "Members who has never logged in"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:441
msgid "Members with orders or contracts"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:544 lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/default.mtt:158
msgid "members"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:590 lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:707
msgid "Back to main page"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:652 lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:3954
msgid "Search"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:864
msgid ""
"You can invite by email all the members who never logged in, in one single "
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:1124
msgid "Send invitations"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:2863
msgid "Import members"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:2972
msgid "Selections"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:3030
msgid "All members"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:3104
msgid "Without orders or contracts"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:3192
msgid "With orders or contracts"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:3277
msgid "Never logged in"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:3393
msgid "Memberships to renew"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:3499
msgid "Members balance"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:4120
msgid "There is ::waitingList:: people on waiting list."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:4278 lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:4578
msgid "Display the list"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:4383
msgid "New members"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:4416
msgid "There is ::newUsers:: members who never logged in"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:52 lang/master/tpl/member/payments.mtt:52
msgid "Contact informations"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:526
msgid "Téléphone"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:872
msgid "Last login"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:977
msgid "This member never logged in"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:1041
msgid "Registred since"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:1237
msgid "This member has not set a password"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:1322 lang/master/tpl/member/payments.mtt:1557 lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:9707 lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:4664 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:3311 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:3491 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:4051 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:4408 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/products.mtt:3378 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:3821 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:4434 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/view.mtt:545 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:837 lang/master/tpl/amap/default.mtt:612
msgid "Edit"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:1377
msgid "Remove from group"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:1525
msgid "Put on waiting list"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:1753
msgid "Received messages"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:1999
msgid "Send an invitation"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:2171
msgid "Log in as this member"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:2265
msgid "Membership fee"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:2372
msgid "Membership up to date"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:2431
msgid "Membership to renew"
msgstr ""
#. full sentence : Membership up to date for the period 2017-2018
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:2472
msgid "for the period"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:2679
msgid "Manage membership fees"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:2774
msgid "Current orders"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:2893
msgid "CSA contracts"
msgstr ""
#. short version for quantity
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:2998 lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:4009 lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:780 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:455 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateShort.mtt:482 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:424 lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:2476 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:453 lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:335 lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:2541 lang/master/tpl/contract/orderAndPay.mtt:967 lang/master/tpl/contract/order.mtt:870 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:4553 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:1602 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:2394
msgid "Qty"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:3053 lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:4066 lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:834 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:482 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateShort.mtt:509 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:448 lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:2532 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:477 lang/master/tpl/contract/orderByDate.mtt:586 lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:389 lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:2596 lang/master/tpl/contract/orderAndPay.mtt:850 lang/master/tpl/contract/order.mtt:753 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:4587 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByDate.mtt:612 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProductList.mtt:1574 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProduct.mtt:628 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:1015 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:1658 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/stats.mtt:796 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByTimeFrame.mtt:759 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:2450
msgid "Product"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:3113 lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:4356 lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:748 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:424 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:1569 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:2361
msgid "Contract"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:3350 lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:1092
msgid "Order alternated with"
msgstr ""
#. short version of unit price
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:4198 lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:518 lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:2726 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:4718
msgid "U.P"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:4260 lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:990 lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:2593 lang/master/tpl/contract/orderByDate.mtt:645 lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:581 lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:2790 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:4766 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:1816 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:2608
msgid "Sub-total"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:4295 lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:1023 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:541 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:501 lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:2627 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:530 lang/master/tpl/contract/orderByDate.mtt:678 lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:613 lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:2823 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:4800 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:1850 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:2642
msgid "Fees"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:4325 lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:1051 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:569 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:526 lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:2656 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:555 lang/master/tpl/contract/orderByDate.mtt:706 lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:640 lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:2851 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:4829 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:7142 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByDate.mtt:720 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProductList.mtt:1676 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProductList.mtt:2191 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProduct.mtt:733 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:3766 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:1879 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByTimeFrame.mtt:1536 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:2671
msgid "Total"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:5289 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:2609 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:3210 lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:3800 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:3786 lang/master/tpl/contract/orderByDate.mtt:1719
msgid "TOTAL"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:5570 lang/master/tpl/member/payments.mtt:1058 lang/master/tpl/account/payments.mtt:1014 lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:4832
msgid "Balance"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:5970 lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:5219
msgid "Payments details"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/payments.mtt:1614 lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:3138 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/products.mtt:3583 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:2186 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:4513 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:1643
msgid "Del."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/payments.mtt:1787 lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:1477 lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:9987
msgid "Delete ?"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/payments.mtt:2765
msgid "Insert a payement"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/balance.mtt:52
msgid "Balance of members"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/balance.mtt:147
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/balance.mtt:497
msgid "In debt"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/member/balance.mtt:844
msgid "In credit"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/default.mtt:219
msgid "contracts in progress"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/default.mtt:288
msgid "Edit properties"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/default.mtt:452 lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/addimage.mtt:40
msgid "Choose a logo"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/default.mtt:519
msgid ""
"Your group has a public page, You can use it as a micro-website.
Copy-paste "
"the address of this page and share it !"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/default.mtt:962
msgid "Display"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/rights.mtt:40
msgid "Management of rights and access"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/rights.mtt:102
msgid "Add a right"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/rights.mtt:259
msgid "Actions"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/rights.mtt:540 lang/master/tpl/categories/default.mtt:1135
msgid "Modify"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/addimage.mtt:250
msgid "Format : JPG, GIF or PNG"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/addimage.mtt:331 lang/master/tpl/product/addimage.mtt:386 lang/master/tpl/vendor/addimage.mtt:421
msgid "Send"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/design.mtt:162
msgid "My group"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/design.mtt:296
msgid "Access rights"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/design.mtt:366
msgid "VAT rates"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/design.mtt:434 lang/master/tpl/shop/productInfo.mtt:2465 lang/master/tpl/product/categorize.mtt:43 lang/master/tpl/categories/default.mtt:38 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/products.mtt:468
msgid "Categories"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/design.mtt:501
msgid "Currency"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/productInfo.mtt:292
msgid "incl. VAT"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/productInfo.mtt:455
msgid "VAT included"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/productInfo.mtt:577
msgid "included"
msgstr ""
#. product has a variable weight
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/productInfo.mtt:860
msgid "about ::qt:: ::unit::"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/productInfo.mtt:1343
msgid "Variable price depending on weight"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/productInfo.mtt:2271 lang/master/tpl/contract/view.mtt:1835
msgid "Read more"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/needLogin.mtt:202 lang/master/tpl/shop/needLogin.mtt:544 lang/master/tpl/user/default.mtt:130
msgid "Connection"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/needLogin.mtt:294
msgid "In order to confirm your basket,
You need to authenticate."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/needLogin.mtt:735
msgid "Sign up"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/default.mtt:952
msgid "Orders will close on"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/default.mtt:1500
msgid "Autres"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/default.mtt:3262
msgid "Out of stock"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/default.mtt:3360
msgid "Order closed"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/default.mtt:3499
msgid "Only ::pstock:: items in stock"
msgstr ""
#. Order button
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/default.mtt:3956 lang/master/tpl/shop/choose.mtt:2086 lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:8671 lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:4580 lang/master/tpl/contract/view.mtt:2925 lang/master/tpl/contract/view.mtt:3263 lang/master/tpl/contract/orderAndPay.mtt:88 lang/master/tpl/contract/order.mtt:88
msgid "Order"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/default.mtt:4328
msgid "My order"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/default.mtt:4506
msgid "Sign up and validate the order"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/default.mtt:4562 lang/master/tpl/distribution/planning.mtt:2794
msgid "Validate"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/default.mtt:4637 lang/master/tpl/contract/view.mtt:3369
msgid "You can check your previous orders in 'my account' section"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/default.mtt:4877
msgid "All products"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/choose.mtt:77
msgid "Choose a delivery"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/choose.mtt:222
msgid "There is currently no delivery planned."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/choose.mtt:2197
msgid "Opening of orders"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/messages/message.mtt:181
msgid "Sent on the"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/messages/message.mtt:264
msgid "Sender"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/messages/message.mtt:450
msgid "Receiver(s)"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/messages/message.mtt:1212 lang/master/tpl/place/view.mtt:594 lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:6257 lang/master/tpl/vendor/addimage.mtt:542
msgid "Back"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/messages/default.mtt:210
msgid "All sent messages"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/messages/default.mtt:262
msgid "Last sent messages"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/messages/default.mtt:626
msgid "Send an e-mail"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/base.mtt:3362
msgid "Close"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/membership/default.mtt:76
msgid "Subscription payment of"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/membership/default.mtt:225
msgid "Subscription payment date"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/membership/default.mtt:448 lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:9938 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:6568 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:6961 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:897
msgid "Delete"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/membership/default.mtt:636
msgid "Key-in a subscription payment"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/product/categorize.mtt:81
msgid ""
"You can link your products to categories, in order to better organize them "
"in the \"shop mode\".
To add categories: select checkboxes of "
"products and then select a category in the list at the bottom of the page. "
"Click then on \"add\".
To remove a category: click on it."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/product/categorize.mtt:857
msgid "Select all"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/product/categorize.mtt:1284
msgid "Add the category"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/product/categorize.mtt:1370
msgid "Save modifications"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/product/categorize.mtt:1596
msgid "Manage categories"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:74
msgid "Import products"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:972
msgid ""
"Before validating the import, please check if the table above is correctly "
If data are not in line or not corresponding to the right column, "
"it means that your CSV file is not correct."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:1344
msgid "Import these products in the database"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:1460
msgid "Ouch!"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:1488
msgid "It seems that there is no data to import."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:1703
msgid "Products already available in the database"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:2190
msgid "Congratulations! You have imported ::num:: products in your database"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:2323
msgid ""
"You did not import anything in your database because your file was empty "
"or contained products already present in the database."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:2528 lang/master/tpl/product/addimage.mtt:519
msgid "Back to the management of products"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:2651
msgid ""
"This page will allow you to import a large number of products in your database "
"from an Excel file."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:2785
msgid "To start, Download this demo file"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:2874
msgid ""
"Fill correctly this file, or modify your existing file to respect strictly "
"the order of columns"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:2995
msgid ""
"When your file is ready, click on\"Save as\" in your Excel sheet and choose "
"the format CSV"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:3111
msgid ""
"Choose the following options: separation characters: comma, encoding: "
"Unicode UTF8"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:3234
msgid "Save your file"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:3274
msgid "Then click on the button above \"Choose a file\" and send your file"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/product/addimage.mtt:44
msgid "Import a photo of the product"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/product/addimage.mtt:268
msgid "Size of the photo: 300 x 300px"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/product/addimage.mtt:316 lang/master/tpl/vendor/addimage.mtt:345
msgid "Format : JPEG"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:120 lang/master/tpl/distribution/validate.mtt:201
msgid "Validate the delivery of the"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:807 lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:2504 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:1630 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:2422
msgid "Ref"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:927 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByDate.mtt:676 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProductList.mtt:1634 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:1752 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByTimeFrame.mtt:821 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:2544
msgid "Unit price incl. VAT"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:958 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:513 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:476 lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:2564 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:505 lang/master/tpl/contract/orderByDate.mtt:617 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:1783 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:2575
msgid "U.P."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:1080 lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:668 lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:1853 lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:2880 lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:3671 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:4859 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:6020 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:1909 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:3087 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:2701 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:3923
msgid "Paid"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:2124
msgid "Total ordered"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:2482 lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:4764 lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:4872
msgid "Payment"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:3075
msgid "This payment was received"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:3494
msgid "Total paid"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:3749
msgid "This order has been made when payments were disabled"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:4287
msgid "Paid too much, credit of ::amount::"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:4429
msgid "Missing"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:4540
msgid "Everything is allright !"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:4683 lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:6883
msgid "Key-in a refund"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:4783 lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:6983
msgid "Key-in a payment"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:5081 lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:5566 lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:7249 lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:7685
msgid "Validate this order"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:5215
msgid ""
"You cannot validate this order because the amount paid
by the member "
"does not correspond to the total amount of his order!"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:5954
msgid "Details"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:6312
msgid "This payment has been received"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:7384
msgid "You cannot validate this order
because the balance of the member is negative"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:7961
msgid "Back to the delivery validation"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:8103
msgid "Payment history of this member"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/install/default.mtt:78 lang/master/tpl/install/default.mtt:400
msgid "Update"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/stats/default.mtt:138 lang/master/tpl/stats/default.mtt:215 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/contract.mtt:146 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/products.mtt:44 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/view.mtt:1152 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/stocks.mtt:47 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/design.mtt:534
msgid "Products"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/planning.mtt:89
msgid "Planning of deliveries:"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/planning.mtt:161
msgid ""
"Subscribe now by selecting checkboxes corresponding to dates which are convenient "
"for you. The goal of attendances consists in helping during the delivery "
"of products."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/planning.mtt:1997 lang/master/tpl/distribution/planning.mtt:2199
msgid "full"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/validate.mtt:530 lang/master/tpl/distribution/validate.mtt:2043 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:280
msgid "Validated"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/validate.mtt:730 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:316
msgid "Not validated"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/validate.mtt:1009
msgid "Back to the summary sheet of orders"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/validate.mtt:1527 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:1007 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:1045 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:2065
msgid "Num"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/validate.mtt:1857
msgid "To be validated"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:76 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateShort.mtt:76 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:76 lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:76 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByProductUser.mtt:76 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:76 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:1221 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:756
msgid "Attendance sheet"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:416 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateShort.mtt:443
msgid "Contact details"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:598 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateShort.mtt:540 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:555 lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:2686 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:584
msgid "Signature"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:1132 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateShort.mtt:1111 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:1474 lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:2192 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:1516 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:2228
msgid "alternately with"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:2929
msgid "Payment:"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:4066 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:5561
msgid "To be paid"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:4158 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:5688
msgid "Pay back"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:4500
msgid "Balance of the member:"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:6070 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateShort.mtt:2153 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:3459 lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:4242 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByProductUser.mtt:2364 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:4035
msgid "Push on \"Control + P\" to print this page."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:303 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:1833 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:303 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:1875 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:99
msgid "Delivery of the"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:213 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByProductUser.mtt:213
msgid "Distribution of the ::date::, from ::from:: to ::to::"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:667 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByProductUser.mtt:667
msgid "Contact in charge of the contract"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:934 lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByProductUser.mtt:934
msgid "Members on duty"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:4079
msgid "Total order:"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/categories/default.mtt:73
msgid ""
"Categories allow to sort your products per category, for example \"vegetables, "
"meet, backery, etc.\"
It is possible to create many groups of categories "
"in order to sort products as we wish."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/categories/default.mtt:314
msgid ""
"You currently have no category. Would you like to create the list of categories "
"by default ?"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/categories/default.mtt:482
msgid "Create the list of default categories"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/categories/default.mtt:733
msgid "Modify group"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/categories/default.mtt:874
msgid "Remove group"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/categories/default.mtt:1266
msgid "Remove"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/categories/default.mtt:1407
msgid "Add a category in this group"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/categories/default.mtt:1565
msgid "Add a group"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/transaction/cash.mtt:219 lang/master/tpl/transaction/transfer.mtt:218 lang/master/tpl/transaction/moneypot.mtt:219 lang/master/tpl/transaction/check.mtt:219
msgid "Your order has been recorded !"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/transaction/cash.mtt:339
msgid "You chose to pay by cash at the product distribution"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/transaction/cash.mtt:430
msgid "Please prepare the following amount for the distribution :"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/transaction/cash.mtt:677 lang/master/tpl/transaction/transfer.mtt:896 lang/master/tpl/transaction/moneypot.mtt:777 lang/master/tpl/transaction/check.mtt:922
msgid "Check my orders"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/transaction/pay.mtt:89
msgid "Order payment"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/transaction/pay.mtt:132
msgid "Your current balance is"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/transaction/pay.mtt:243
msgid "Amount to pay"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/transaction/pay.mtt:328
msgid ""
"Your basket has been recorded, please select a payment method to confirm "
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/transaction/pay.mtt:580
msgid "Currently no payment method has been defined for this group."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/transaction/transfer.mtt:335
msgid "You chose to pay by transfer"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/transaction/transfer.mtt:398
msgid "Please make a transfer of"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/transaction/transfer.mtt:491
msgid "to the following bank account:"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/transaction/transfer.mtt:540
msgid "IBAN:"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/transaction/transfer.mtt:602
msgid ""
"Mention this reference in the label of the transfer in order to facilitate "
"its process:"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/transaction/moneypot.mtt:339
msgid "You chose to pay with your money pot."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/transaction/moneypot.mtt:415
msgid ""
"Please remember to clear your balance at the time agreed with the coordinator "
"of your group."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/transaction/moneypot.mtt:545
msgid "Your current balance is : ::balance:: ::currency::"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/transaction/moneypot.mtt:924
msgid "Check my payments history"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/transaction/check.mtt:336
msgid "You chose to pay by check at the product distribution"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/transaction/check.mtt:434
msgid "Prepare a check of ::amount:: ::currency:: payable to : ::checkOrder::"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/transaction/check.mtt:628
msgid ""
"Mention this reference at the back of the check in order to facilitate its "
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:1268
msgid "Go to my account"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:1436
msgid ""
"Contact the person in charge in order to subscribe to this group and get "
"to know membership conditions."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:1741
msgid "Membership request"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:1828
msgid ""
"This group accepts subscriptions on waiting list. A coordinator will contact "
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:2082
msgid "Subscription on waiting list"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:2325
msgid "Free subscription"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:2411
msgid "This group is full and do not accept any more subscription."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:2600
msgid "Already member? Log in:"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:2811 lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:1611
msgid "Log in"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:3113
msgid "Next deliveries"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:4223
msgid "Suppliers and products"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:4277
msgid "Non-complete extract of available products:"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:5027
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:5060
msgid ", the free software of food direct-selling"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/user/insert.mtt:181
msgid "These persons are already in the database, but are not member of this group:"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/user/insert.mtt:417
msgid "These persons are already member of this group:"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/user/default.mtt:67
msgid "Password forgotten"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/user/register.mtt:67
msgid "Sign up!"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/user/definePassword.mtt:29
msgid "Change of password"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/user/definePassword.mtt:154 lang/master/tpl/user/forgottenPassword.mtt:231
msgid ""
"If you have forgotten your password or if you would like to change it, please "
"key-in below your e-mail address:"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/user/definePassword.mtt:326 lang/master/tpl/user/forgottenPassword.mtt:446
msgid "An e-mail was sent to you to allow you changing your password."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/user/definePassword.mtt:433 lang/master/tpl/user/forgottenPassword.mtt:563
msgid "Key-in your new password:"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/user/definePassword.mtt:513 lang/master/tpl/user/forgottenPassword.mtt:685
msgid "Congratulations, your password have been modified!"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/user/definePassword.mtt:635
msgid "Log in with"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/user/choose.mtt:55 lang/master/tpl/mail/invitation.mtt:238 lang/master/tpl/mail/newPasswordConfirmed.mtt:35 lang/master/tpl/mail/forgottenPassword.mtt:35
msgid "Hello"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/user/choose.mtt:258
msgid ""
"Connect to your Cagette Pro account to manage your products, catalogs "
"and deliveries."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/user/choose.mtt:875
msgid "Please click on the Cagette group you want to connect to."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/user/choose.mtt:1533
msgid "You don't belong to any group yet"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/user/choose.mtt:1696 lang/master/tpl/user/choose.mtt:2154
msgid "Create my own group"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/user/choose.mtt:1999
msgid "Find other groups near me"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/user/choose.mtt:2303
msgid "Subscriptions on waiting list"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/user/choose.mtt:2494
msgid "Request sent on ::date::"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/user/choose.mtt:2699
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/user/forgottenPassword.mtt:815
msgid "Log in with your new password"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/invitation.mtt:324
msgid "As a member of ::groupName::"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/invitation.mtt:405 lang/master/tpl/mail/invitation.mtt:481
msgid "you have been pre-registered on"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/invitation.mtt:566
msgid ""
"This software makes the organisation of the group easy by informing you about "
"the next delivery dates, orders and current contracts"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/invitation.mtt:720
msgid "In order to finalize the subscription, please choose your password"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/invitation.mtt:809
msgid "You will then be able to connect anytime by using your e-mail"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/invitation.mtt:949
msgid "and your password on the website"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/invitation.mtt:1268
msgid "Finalize your subscription"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/newPasswordConfirmed.mtt:81
msgid "A new password has been defined for ::site::"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/newPasswordConfirmed.mtt:160
msgid "The new password is ::pass::, don't forget it !"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/newPasswordConfirmed.mtt:255
msgid "You can use the following emails to log into your account : ::emails::"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/design.mtt:218
msgid "This e-mail was sent from"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/design.mtt:336
msgid "You receive this message because you are part of"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/forgottenPassword.mtt:80
msgid "You asked to modify your password,"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/forgottenPassword.mtt:145
msgid "Click here to perform this operation"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/forgottenPassword.mtt:207
msgid "Be careful, this link is valid only 24 hours for security reasons."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/admin/emails.mtt:103
msgid "Emails are temporarily stored in a buffer, waiting to be sent by the cron"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/maintain.mtt:141
msgid "Maintenance"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:233
msgid "Welcome to !"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:287
msgid ""
"Congratulations, you just created a new group !
As an example, we created "
"a fake farmer and fake products.
It will show you how things work together "
Of course, you'll be able to delete them."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:547
msgid ""
"As a starter, we recommand you to follow the guided tour to discover "
"step by step the main sections of the software."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:816
msgid "Start the guided tour"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:1118
msgid "Open orders"
msgstr ""
#. on homepage when there is no planned deliveries
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:1460
msgid "You delivery planning is currently empty"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:2561 lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:6580
msgid "Modify my order"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:2758
msgid "Add products"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:2959 lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:8914
msgid "Order closed since"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:3053 lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:9008
msgid "Order will open on"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:3287
msgid "My ordered products"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:4837
msgid "alternated with ::mate::"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:5045 lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:5271
msgid "It's your turn"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:5116 lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:5342
msgid "It's his/her turn"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:5877 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:1073
msgid "Distribution list"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:6208
msgid "Permanence"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:6370
msgid "Contract details"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:7422
msgid "Warning, you're engaged in this distribution !"
msgstr ""
#. Delivery from 18:00 to 19:30
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:9600
msgid "Delivery from ::start:: to ::end::"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:10837
msgid "Permanences"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:10868
msgid "Don't forget to register for permanences"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:11159
msgid "Warning, you don't have defined a password yet !"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:11344
msgid "Set my password"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:651 lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:681
msgid "Previous"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:774 lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:800 js/Tuto.hx:2468
msgid "Next"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:1810
msgid "Excel/CSV Export"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:3279
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:3378
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:3422
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:4148
msgid "No contact"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:4681
msgid "CSA contract"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:4981
msgid "Subscription"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:5371
msgid "Check to be given at the collection of products"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:5506
msgid "Cash to be given at the collection of products"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:5644
msgid "This transfer must be validated by a coordinator"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/error.mtt:315
msgid "Ouch !"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/error.mtt:349
msgid "An error occurred."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/error.mtt:404
msgid "If the website is unavailable, please try again in few minutes."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/error.mtt:493
msgid "If this happen repeatedly, please let us know so we can solve the issue."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/error.mtt:598
msgid "Technical description of the error"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/insertChoose.mtt:55
msgid "Choose a type of contract:"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/insertChoose.mtt:278
msgid "Create a CSA contract"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/insertChoose.mtt:345
msgid ""
"It is a contract with a duration of one year or for one season. Products "
"are always the same at each delivery"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/insertChoose.mtt:493
msgid ""
"Example: there is a contract for vegetables that is 1 year long. Jean takes "
"a basket that costs 10€ per delivery, and Brigitte takes a basket that "
"costs 15€ per delivery."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/insertChoose.mtt:890
msgid "Create a contract with variable orders"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/insertChoose.mtt:972
msgid ""
"It is a contract in which members can change their orders at each delivery. "
"There is a different order for each delivery."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/insertChoose.mtt:1129
msgid ""
"Example: Jean orders a basket that costs 10€ for the first delivery, "
"then nothing for the second delivery, then a basket for 20€ etc."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderByDate.mtt:93
msgid "Modify the order delivered on ::date::"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderByDate.mtt:184
msgid ""
"You can modify here an existing order. If you would like to remove a product, "
"just key-in the quantity 0.
You may not be able to modify all elements "
"as the order could be closed for some suppliers"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderByDate.mtt:1538
msgid "Order closed or already paid"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderByDate.mtt:1888
msgid "Update the order"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:51
msgid "Last orders"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:170
msgid "CSA Contracts"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:1922 lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:3744
msgid "Unpaid"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:2415
msgid "Order delivered on"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:4173
msgid "Profile"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:4375
msgid ""
"Do you really want to quit this group ? You won't be a member anymore: you "
"won't receive any new message and won't be able to see your previous orders "
"in this group."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:4609
msgid "Leave this group"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:5318
msgid "Tutorials"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:5629
msgid "Start"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:5815
msgid "Stop"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:5984
msgid "Tutorial stopped"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:6047
msgid "You'll be able to restart it here."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:6308
msgid "Display the interface in another language"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:6420
msgid "Current language is"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/view.mtt:1943 lang/master/tpl/amap/default.mtt:1745
msgid "Coordinator"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/view.mtt:2466
msgid "Next distributions"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/view.mtt:3051
msgid "No planned distributions."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderAndPay.mtt:156 lang/master/tpl/contract/order.mtt:152 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:213
msgid "For the delivery of the"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderAndPay.mtt:259
msgid ""
"Key-in here your orders in advance for this supplier.
You can check your "
"current orders any time on the following page my account.
Tip: "
"to remove an order please key-in the quantity 0"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderAndPay.mtt:2495 lang/master/tpl/contract/order.mtt:2413
msgid "There is currently no open order"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderAndPay.mtt:3140 lang/master/tpl/contract/order.mtt:3143 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:4389
msgid "Validate the order"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderAndPay.mtt:3286 lang/master/tpl/contract/order.mtt:3282
msgid "Supplier:"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderAndPay.mtt:3347 lang/master/tpl/contract/order.mtt:3345
msgid "Contact in charge:"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/order.mtt:245
msgid ""
"As long as orders are open, you can come back on this page and modify your "
You can check any time your current orders on the following page "
"my account."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/order.mtt:3009
msgid "Tip: to remove an order please key-in the quantity 0"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/contract.mtt:228 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/contract.mtt:849
msgid "Deliveries"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/contract.mtt:305 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:45 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/selectDistrib.mtt:83 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/selectDistrib.mtt:705 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/design.mtt:834
msgid "Orders"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:427 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:588
msgid "New order"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:888 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:1750
msgid "Summary by products"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:1386
msgid "Standard"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:1486
msgid "By Product-User"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:1850
msgid ""
"Be careful, there are ::disabledProducts:: order(s) containing disabled "
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:4520
msgid "Prod. ID"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:4681
msgid "Unit price including taxes"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:6093 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:3158 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:3994
msgid "Not paid"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:6332 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:6725
msgid ""
"Do you really want to delete this order row for the product \"::productName::\" "
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:7333
msgid "::totalAdh:: member(s) in this distribution."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/products.mtt:93
msgid "New product"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/products.mtt:259
msgid "Import from Excel/CSV"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/products.mtt:674 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/products.mtt:1022
msgid "You need to select at least one product to perform this action"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/products.mtt:3544 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:3983
msgid "Picture"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/products.mtt:3825 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:3930
msgid "Check all"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/products.mtt:4011
msgid "Enable"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/products.mtt:4149
msgid "Disable"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:202
msgid "Distributions to validate"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:250
msgid "You need to validate these distributions which took place recently"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:1197 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:2570
msgid "Old contracts"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:1235 lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:3111
msgid "Contracts"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:2076
msgid "Manage"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:2400
msgid "New contract"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:2715 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/calendar.mtt:222
msgid "Calendar"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:2975
msgid "Global orders view"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:3203
msgid "Same day"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:3327
msgid "Timeframe"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:3465 lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:2692
msgid "Farmers"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:4165
msgid "New farmer"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:4290
msgid "Delivery places"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:4655
msgid "New delivery place"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByDate.mtt:84
msgid "Global view of orders - delivery of"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByDate.mtt:578 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProductList.mtt:1542 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProduct.mtt:595 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByTimeFrame.mtt:726
msgid "Quantities"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByDate.mtt:643 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProductList.mtt:1603 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProduct.mtt:658 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByTimeFrame.mtt:789
msgid "Reference"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/view.mtt:44 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/design.mtt:304
msgid "Summary"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/view.mtt:151
msgid "Contract type"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/view.mtt:227
msgid "CSA Contract"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/view.mtt:268
msgid "Variable order contract"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/view.mtt:629
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProductList.mtt:1130 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProduct.mtt:45
msgid "Summary table per product"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProductList.mtt:1172 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProduct.mtt:255
msgid ""
"Be careful, if the price of the product was modified during the sale, every "
"order of a member is taken into account with the price as it was at the time "
"of the creation of the order"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProductList.mtt:1509 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProduct.mtt:561
msgid "Weight/Vol."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProductList.mtt:2304
msgid "Push \"Control + P\" to print this page."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProduct.mtt:173
msgid "Delivery of the ::date::"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProduct.mtt:690
msgid "Unit Price incl. VAT"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProduct.mtt:1619 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProduct.mtt:1854
msgid "Order form"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/selectDistrib.mtt:219
msgid "Location"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/selectDistrib.mtt:942
msgid "Click here to manage deliveries"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/selectDistrib.mtt:1076
msgid "Old orders"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:64
msgid "Key-in an order"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:111
msgid "Key-in an order for"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:666
msgid "Member:"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:1197
msgid "Alternately with :"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:1676
msgid "(inactive)"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:2320
msgid "Paid:"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:3056
msgid "Reverse the alternation"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:3370
msgid "Total order"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:114
msgid "Orders from the"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:155 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByTimeFrame.mtt:137
msgid "to"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:437 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:567
msgid "CSV Export"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:598 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:1267
msgid "Totals per supplier"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:725 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:1096
msgid "Sub-totals per contract"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:3861 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:4697
msgid "Total member"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:4195 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:5031
msgid "Total of all orders:"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/stats.mtt:102
msgid "Seniority of subscribers"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/stats.mtt:203
msgid "Sharing between orders"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/stats.mtt:294
msgid "Seniority of subscribers of ::contract::"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/stats.mtt:439
msgid "Number"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/stats.mtt:469
msgid "Year"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/stats.mtt:664
msgid "Sharing between orders of"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/stats.mtt:827
msgid "Total price"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/stats.mtt:862
msgid "% of orders"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/stats.mtt:1169
msgid "products"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByTimeFrame.mtt:83
msgid "Global view of orders - from"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByTimeFrame.mtt:864
msgid "Total HT"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByTimeFrame.mtt:895
msgid "Total TTC"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/distributionp.mtt:44
msgid "Participate to deliveries"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/distributionp.mtt:101
msgid "This page allows to see if members have participated to deliveries enough."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/distributionp.mtt:295
msgid "::distribs:: deliveries requiring ::distributorNum:: person(s)"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/distributionp.mtt:437
msgid "person(s) using this contract"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/distributionp.mtt:496
msgid "participations to deliveries to do per family."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/distributionp.mtt:651
msgid "Suscriber"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/distributionp.mtt:705 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/distributionp.mtt:1380
msgid "Number of attendances to deliveries"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/distributionp.mtt:1081
msgid "Insufficient"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/distributionp.mtt:1298
msgid "Member without order in this contract"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:926
msgid "Totals per member"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/design.mtt:386
msgid "Edit contract"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/design.mtt:692 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:44
msgid "Distributions"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/design.mtt:922
msgid "Stats"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:1238 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:1828
msgid "Distribution cycle"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:1397
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:1429
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:1462
msgid "Every 2 weeks"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:1501
msgid "Every 3 weeks"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:1754
msgid "One time distribution"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:2031
msgid "Distributions engagement"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:2166
msgid "Old distributions"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:903
msgid "Change group"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:1146
msgid "et"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:1397
msgid "Log out"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:1737
msgid "Look for another group"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:2482
msgid "Home"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:2588
msgid "My account"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:3444
msgid "Group"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:3578
msgid "Admin"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:4969
msgid "HELP"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:5066
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:5338
msgid "Propose features"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:5499
msgid "Vous êtes producteur ?"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:5546
msgid "Découvrez nos formations gratuites pour utiliser Cagette Pro "
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:5832
msgid "FOLLOW US"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:6644
msgid "CONTACT US"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:7323
msgid ""
" is made by
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/vendor/default.mtt:75
msgid "Suppliers"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/vendor/default.mtt:612
msgid "New suppliers"
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/vendor/default.mtt:725
msgid "On this page you can manage the list of suppliers of your group."
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/vendor/addimage.mtt:283
msgid "Recommended size of the photo: 300 x 300px"
msgstr ""
#: js/Tuto.hx:970
msgid "This tutorial is over."
msgstr ""
#: js/Tuto.hx:1108
msgid "Come back to tutorials page"
msgstr ""
#: js/Tuto.hx:1848
msgid "OK"
msgstr ""
#: common/Common.hx:6464
msgid "Guided tour for the coordinator"
msgstr ""
#: common/Common.hx:6554
msgid ""
"In order to better discover, we propose to do a guided tour "
"of the user interface of the software.
You will then have a global "
"overview on the different tools that are available to you.
You will "
"be able to stop and start again this tutorial whenever you want.
msgstr ""
#: common/Common.hx:6960
msgid ""
"This part of the navigation bar is visible by all members.It allows "
"to access to the three main pages: - The home page which displays "
"orders and the delivery planning.
- On the My account page, "
"you can update your personal information and check your orders history
- "
"On the Farmers page, you can see all farmers and coordinators of "
"the group
msgstr ""
#: common/Common.hx:7476
msgid ""
"This part is for coordinators only.Here you will be able to manage "
"the register of members, orders, products, etc.
Now click on the "
"Members section
msgstr ""
#: common/Common.hx:7781
msgid ""
"The purpose of this section is to administrate the list of your members.
Every "
"time that you register a new membrer, an account will be created for him/her. "
"Now the member can join you at and order or consult the planning "
"of the deliveries.Now click on a member in the list
msgstr ""
#: common/Common.hx:8211
msgid ""
"This is the page of a member. Here you can : - see and change their "
"contact details
- manage the membership fee of your group
- see "
"a summary of their orders
msgstr ""
#: common/Common.hx:8512
msgid ""
"Now let's have a look at the contracts section which is very important "
"for coordinators."
msgstr ""
#: common/Common.hx:8731
msgid ""
"Here you find the list of contracts.They inculde a start date, a end "
"date, and represent your relationship with a farmer.
Here you can "
"manage :
- the list of products of this farmer
- the orders of "
"members for this farmer
- and plan the delivery schedule
msgstr ""
#: common/Common.hx:9136
msgid ""
"Here you can manage the list of delivery places.
Don't forget "
"to key-in the complete address as a map will be displayed based on this address"
msgstr ""
#: common/Common.hx:9419
msgid "Let's look closer at how to manage a contract. Click on this button"
msgstr ""
#: common/Common.hx:9652
msgid ""
"Here is a summary of the contract.
There are two types of contracts:- Constant "
"contracts: the member commits on buying the same products during the whole "
"duration of the contract
- Variable contracts: the member can choose "
"what he buys for each delivery.
msgstr ""
#: common/Common.hx:10055
msgid "Let's see now the page Products"
msgstr ""
#: common/Common.hx:10241
msgid ""
"On this page, you can manage the list of products offered by this supplier.
Define "
"at least the name and the price of products. It is also possible to add a "
"description and a picture."
msgstr ""
#: common/Common.hx:10551
msgid "Let's see the deliveries page"
msgstr ""
#: common/Common.hx:10740
msgid ""
"Here we can manage the list of deliveries for this supplier.
In the software, "
"a delivery has a date, a start time, and an end time. The location of the "
"delivery must also be defined, by using the list that we have already seen."
msgstr ""
#: common/Common.hx:11091
msgid "Let's see now the Orders page"
msgstr ""
#: common/Common.hx:11341
msgid ""
"Here we can manage the list of orders for this supplier.
If you choose "
"to \"open orders\" to members, they will be able to make their orders online "
This page will centralize automatically the orders for this "
"supplier. Otherwise, as a coordinator, you will be able to enter orders "
"on behalf of a member."
msgstr ""
#: common/Common.hx:11785
msgid ""
"We have seen the main features related to contracts.
Let's see the "
"messaging section.
msgstr ""
#: common/Common.hx:12012
msgid ""
"The messaging section allows you to send e-mails to different lists of "
"members. It is not necessary anymore to maintain a lot of lists of e-mails "
"depending on contracts, as all these lists are automatically generated.
" E-mails are sent with your e-mail address as sender, so you will receive "
"answers in your own mailbox.
msgstr ""
#: common/Common.hx:12466
msgid "Click here now on this page"
msgstr ""
#: common/Common.hx:12622
msgid ""
"In this last page, you can configure everything that is related to your "
The page Access rights is important as it is where you "
"can define other coordinators among members. They will then be able to manage "
"one or many contracts, send emails, etc.
msgstr ""
#: common/Common.hx:13006
msgid ""
"This is the last step of this tutorial. I hope that it gave you a good "
"overview of this software.
To go further, do not hesitate to look at "
"the documentation. The link is always available at the bottom of the "
msgstr ""