msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: \n"
"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2018-11-13 16:18+0100\n"
"Last-Translator: Olivier Humbert This step is important in order to: Cette étape est importante afin de : Your distribution just finished, don't forget to validate it Votre distribution vient de se terminer, n'oubliez pas de la valider"
"b> Click here to validate the distribution (You "
"must be connected to your group Cagette)"
msgstr ""
" Cliquez ici pour valider la distribution "
"( Vous devez être connecté à votre groupe CagetteiPéi) Reminder: you have a delivery to validate. Rappel : Vous avez une distribution à valider. Click here to validate the delivery (You "
"must be connected to your Cagette group)"
msgstr ""
" Cliquez ici pour valider la distribution "
"( Vous devez être connecté à votre groupe CagettePéi ) As you did not validate it manually after 10 days, A défaut d'une validation manuelle de votre part au bout de 10 jours, ::name:: suscribed to the waiting list of ::group:: on ::"
"date:: ::name:: s'est inscrit à la liste d'attente de ::group:: "
"le ::date:: He/she left this message : Il/elle a laissé ce message : ::name:: was registred to the waiting list. ::admin:: "
"has refused his/her request. ::name:: était inscrit à la liste d'attente. ::admin::"
"b> a refusé sa demande. Your membership request for ::group:: has been accepted !"
"p> You're now a member of the group. Votre demande d'adhésion à ::group:: a été acceptée ! Vous "
"êtes maintenant membre de ce groupe. ::name:: was registred to the waiting list. ::admin:: "
"has accepted his/her request. ::name:: était inscrit à la liste d'attente. ::admin::"
"b> a accepté sa demande. In order to better discover, we propose to do a guided tour "
"of the user interface of the software. You will be "
"able to stop and start again this tutorial whenever you want. Afin de mieux découvrir CagettePéi, nous vous proposons de faire une "
"visite guidée de l’interface du logiciel. Vous pourrez stopper et reprendre ce tutoriel quand vous le souhaitez."
#: common/Common.hx:6939
msgid ""
"This part of the navigation bar is visible by all members.It allows to "
"access to the three main pages:\t Now click on the "
"Members section Cliquez maintenant sur la rubrique Adhérents Now click on a member in the list Cliquez maintenant sur un adhérent Here you can "
"manage :
As the manager of the contract you can modify the order from this page: "
"Management of contracts"
msgstr ""
En tant que gestionnaire de contrat vous pouvez modifier une commande "
"depuis la page de gestion des commandes dans Gestion contrats"
#: src/controller/Contract.hx:16775
msgid "Error, could not find the order"
msgstr "Erreur, impossible de retrouver la commande"
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:322 src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:1383
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:2593
msgid "Access forbidden"
msgstr "Accès interdit"
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:569 lang/master/tpl/account/payments.mtt:823
#: lang/master/tpl/member/payments.mtt:867
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:4525
msgid "Payments"
msgstr "Paiements"
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:1628
msgid "The sent image was too big. The maximum allowed size is 12MB"
msgstr ""
"L'image envoyée est trop lourde. Le poids maximum autorisé est de 12 Mo"
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:3440
msgid "Member"
msgstr "Adhérent"
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:3709
msgid "Group administrator"
msgstr "Administrateur de groupe"
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:3778
msgid "Membership management"
msgstr "Gestion des adhérents"
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:3848
msgid "Messages"
msgstr "Messages"
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:4256 src/db/User.hx:16169
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:6119
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/rights.mtt:230
msgid "Rights"
msgstr "Droits"
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:4487
msgid "All contracts"
msgstr "Tous les contrats"
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:4988
msgid "Contracts management"
msgstr "Gestion des contrats"
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:6012
msgid "You cannot strip yourself of admin rights."
msgstr ""
"Vous ne pouvez pas vous enlevez vous-même les droits de gestion du groupe."
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:6209
msgid "Rights removed"
msgstr "Droits retirés"
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:6278
msgid "Rights created or modified"
msgstr "Droits créés ou modifiés"
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:6365
msgid "Give rights to a user"
msgstr "Donner des droits à un utilisateur"
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:6421
msgid "Modify the rights of ::user::"
msgstr "Modifier les droits de ::user::"
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:6835 src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:7099
msgid "Name "
msgstr "Nom "
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:6898 src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:7163
msgid "Rate "
msgstr "Taux "
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:7607
msgid "Rate updated"
msgstr "Taux mis à jour"
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:7652
msgid "Edit VAT rates"
msgstr "Editer les taux de TVA"
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:7907
msgid "Currency used by your group."
msgstr "Monnaie utilisée par votre groupe."
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:8049
msgid "Currency symbol"
msgstr "Symbole de votre monnaie"
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:8171
msgid "3 digit ISO code"
msgstr "Code ISO à 3 lettres"
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:8461
msgid "Currency updated"
msgstr "Monnaie mise à jour"
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:8891
msgid "Authorized payment types"
msgstr "Types de paiements autorisés"
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:9160
msgid "Make the check payable to"
msgstr "Ordre pour les chèques"
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:9290
msgid "IBAN of your bank account for transfers"
msgstr "IBAN de votre compte bancaire pour les virements"
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:9452
msgid "Allow money pots with negative balance"
msgstr "Autoriser les cagnottes négatives"
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:9910
msgid "Payment options updated"
msgstr "Options de paiement mises à jour"
#: src/controller/AmapAdmin.hx:9969
msgid "Options of payment"
msgstr "Options de paiements"
#: src/controller/admin/Admin.hx:2123
msgid "Configuration updated"
msgstr "Configuration mise à jour"
#: src/controller/admin/Admin.hx:2181
msgid "Email service configuration"
msgstr "Configuration du service d'email"
#: src/controller/Messages.hx:795
msgid "Sender name"
msgstr "Nom expéditeur"
#: src/controller/Messages.hx:882
msgid "Sender E-Mail"
msgstr "Email expéditeur"
#: src/controller/Messages.hx:966
msgid "Recipients"
msgstr "Destinataires"
#: src/controller/Messages.hx:1077 lang/master/tpl/messages/message.mtt:110
msgid "Subject:"
msgstr "Sujet :"
#: src/controller/Messages.hx:1174
msgid "Message:"
msgstr "Message :"
#: src/controller/Messages.hx:2618
msgid "The message has been sent"
msgstr "Le message a bien été envoyé"
#: src/controller/Messages.hx:3181
msgid "Non authorized access"
msgstr "Accès non autorisé"
#: src/controller/Messages.hx:3676
msgid "Everyone"
msgstr "Tout le monde"
#: src/controller/Messages.hx:3716
msgid "The board: persons in charge + contracts + memberships"
msgstr "Le bureau : les responsables + contrats + adhésions"
#: src/controller/Messages.hx:3820
msgid "TEST: me + spouse"
msgstr "TEST : moi + conjoint(e)"
#: src/controller/Messages.hx:3882
msgid "Members without contract/order"
msgstr "Adhérents sans contrat/commande"
#: src/controller/Messages.hx:3990 src/controller/Member.hx:2097
msgid "Memberships to be renewed"
msgstr "Adhesions-a-renouveller"
#: src/controller/Messages.hx:4145
msgid "Subscribers"
msgstr "Souscripteurs"
#: src/controller/User.hx:834
msgid "You are not connected"
msgstr "Vous n'êtes pas connecté"
#: src/controller/User.hx:2132
msgid "Please key-in your E-Mail address"
msgstr "Saisissez votre email"
#: src/controller/User.hx:2290 src/controller/User.hx:5499
msgid "Your new password"
msgstr "Votre nouveau mot de passe"
#: src/controller/User.hx:2426 src/controller/User.hx:5565
msgid "Again your new password"
msgstr "Retapez votre mot de passe pour vérification"
#: src/controller/User.hx:3018
msgid "This E-mail is not linked to a known account"
msgstr "Cet email n'est lié à aucun compte connu"
#: src/controller/User.hx:3307 src/controller/User.hx:4291
#: src/controller/Member.hx:11229 src/db/User.hx:14677
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:4888 lang/master/tpl/mail/design.mtt:279
msgid ""
msgstr "CagettePéi"
#: src/controller/User.hx:3419
msgid "Password change"
msgstr "Changement de mot de passe"
#: src/controller/User.hx:3825
msgid "Invalid request"
msgstr "Requête invalide"
#: src/controller/User.hx:4481
msgid "New password confirmed"
msgstr "Nouveau mot de passe confirmé"
#: src/controller/User.hx:4847 src/controller/User.hx:6016
msgid "You must key-in two times the same password"
msgstr "Vous devez saisir deux fois le même mot-de-passe"
#: src/controller/User.hx:5385
msgid "You already have a password"
msgstr "Vous avez déjà un mot de passe"
#: src/controller/User.hx:5910
msgid "Congratulations, your account is now protected by a password."
msgstr "Bravo, votre compte est maintenant protégé par un mot de passe."
#: src/controller/User.hx:6113
msgid "Create a password for your account"
msgstr "Définissez un mot de passe pour votre compte"
#: src/controller/User.hx:6398
msgid "Your invitation is invalid or expired ($k)"
msgstr "Votre invitation est invalide ou a expiré ($k)"
#: src/controller/User.hx:6719
msgid "Congratulations ::userName::, your account is validated!"
msgstr "Félicitations ::userName::, votre compte est validé !"
#: src/controller/Controller.hx:353
msgid "You should be logged in to perform this action."
msgstr "Vous devez être connecté pour pouvoir exécuter cette action."
#: src/controller/Amap.hx:515
msgid "You don't have access to this section"
msgstr "Vous n'avez pas accès a cette section"
#: src/controller/Amap.hx:1203
msgid "The group has been updated."
msgstr "Groupe mis à jour."
#: src/controller/Member.hx:1391
msgid "Without contracts"
msgstr "Sans-contrats"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:1744
msgid "With orders"
msgstr "Avec-commande"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:2452
msgid "Never connected"
msgstr "Jamais connecté"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:2633
msgid "Unknown selection"
msgstr "Sélection inconnue"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:3022 lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:758
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:2928
msgid "Members"
msgstr "Adhérents"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:3906
msgid "is now on waiting list."
msgstr "est maintenant en liste d'attente."
#: src/controller/Member.hx:4231
msgid "Membership request accepted"
msgstr "Demande d'inscription acceptée"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:4419
msgid "Membership request refused"
msgstr "Demande d'adhésion refusée"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:4753
msgid "Invitation sent."
msgstr "Invitation envoyée."
#: src/controller/Member.hx:5198
msgid "An error occurred while sending emails, please retry"
msgstr ""
"Une erreur temporaire est survenue pendant l'envoi des emails, merci de "
#: src/controller/Member.hx:5298
msgid "Congratulations, you just sent ::userLength:: invitations"
msgstr "Bravo, vous avez envoyé ::userLength:: invitations"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:5604
msgid "This person does not belong to your group"
msgstr "Cette personne ne fait pas partie de votre groupe"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:8463
msgid "You cannot modify the account of an administrator"
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas modifier le compte d'un administrateur"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:9117
msgid ""
"For security reasons, you cannot modify the e-mail of this person because "
"this person is a member of more than 1 group."
msgstr ""
"Par sécurité, vous ne pouvez pas modifier l'email de cette personne car elle "
"est membre de plusieurs groupes."
#: src/controller/Member.hx:9375
msgid ""
"This person did not define yet a password. You are exceptionaly authorized "
"to do it. Please don't forget to tell this person."
msgstr ""
"Cette personne n'a pas encore défini de mot de passe. Vous êtes "
"exceptionnellement autorisé à le définir à sa place. N'oubliez pas de la "
#: src/controller/Member.hx:9798 src/controller/Member.hx:22412
msgid "Phone number is required in this group."
msgstr "Le numéro de téléphone est obligatoire pour ce groupe"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:10362
msgid ""
"This e-mail was used by another user account. As this user account was not "
"used, it has been merged into the current user account."
msgstr ""
"Cet email était utilisé dans une autre fiche de membre, comme cette fiche "
"etait inutilisée, elle a été fusionnée avec la fiche courante."
#: src/controller/Member.hx:10536
msgid "Warning, this e-mail or this name already exists for another account : "
msgstr "Attention, cet e-mail ou ce nom existe déjà pour un autre compte : "
#: src/controller/Member.hx:10759
msgid "These accounts can't be merged because the second account has orders"
msgstr ""
"Ces comptes ne peuvent pas être fusionnés car le second compte a des "
"commandes "
#: src/controller/Member.hx:11303
msgid "Change your e-mail in your account"
msgstr "Changement d'email sur votre compte CagettePéi"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:11447 src/controller/Member.hx:11975
msgid ""
" just modified your e-mail in your account
Your e-mail is "
msgstr ""
" vient de modifier votre email dans votre compte CagetteiPéi.
Votre "
"email est maintenant:"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:11833
msgid "Change the e-mail of your account"
msgstr "Changement d'email sur votre compte CagettePéi"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:12173
msgid "This member has beed updated"
msgstr "Ce membre a été mis à jour"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:12430
msgid "You cannot do that."
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas faire ça."
#: src/controller/Member.hx:12528
msgid "You cannot delete yourself."
msgstr "Vous ne pouvez pas vous effacer vous même."
#: src/controller/Member.hx:12714
msgid ""
"Warning, this account has orders. Remove anyway"
msgstr ""
"Attention, ce compte a des commandes. Retirer quand-"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:13038
msgid "::user:: has been removed from your group"
msgstr "::user:: a été retiré de ce groupe"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:13149
msgid "This person does not belong to \"::amapname::\""
msgstr "Cette personne ne fait pas partie de \"::amapname::\""
#: src/controller/Member.hx:13455
msgid "Merge an account with another one"
msgstr "Fusionner un compte avec un autre"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:13511
msgid ""
"This action allows you to merge two accounts (when you have duplicates in "
"the database for example).
Contracts of account 2 will be moved to "
"account 1, and account 2 will be deleted. Warning, it is not possible to "
"cancel this action."
msgstr ""
"Cette action permet de fusionner deux comptes ( quand vous avez des doublons "
"dans la base de données par exemple).
Les contrats du compte 2 seront "
"rattachés au compte 1, puis le compte 2 sera effacé.
Attention cette "
"action n'est pas annulable."
#: src/controller/Member.hx:13994
msgid "Account 1"
msgstr "Compte 1"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:14110
msgid "Account 2"
msgstr "Compte 2"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:15267
msgid "Both accounts have been merged"
msgstr "Les deux comptes ont été fusionnés"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:15662
msgid "Firstname"
msgstr "Prénom"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:15680
msgid "Lastname"
msgstr "Nom"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:15697 lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:613
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:737
msgid "E-mail"
msgstr "E-mail"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:15712
msgid "Mobile phone"
msgstr "Téléphone portable"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:15733
msgid "Partner's firstname"
msgstr "Prénom conjoint(e)"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:15761
msgid "Partner's lastname"
msgstr "Nom conjoint(e)"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:15788
msgid "Partner's e-mail"
msgstr "Email conjoint(e)"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:15813
msgid "Partner's Mobile phone"
msgstr "Téléphone conjoint(e)"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:15844 src/db/Vendor.hx:1229 src/db/User.hx:16041
#: src/db/Place.hx:1482 lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:866
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:1574
msgid "Address 1"
msgstr "Adresse 1"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:15862 src/db/Vendor.hx:1267 src/db/User.hx:16076
#: src/db/Place.hx:1517 lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:899
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:1606
msgid "Address 2"
msgstr "Adresse 2"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:15880
msgid "Post code"
msgstr "Code postal"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:15898 src/controller/Group.hx:3751
#: src/db/Vendor.hx:1338 src/db/User.hx:16141 src/db/Place.hx:1582
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:964 lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:1669
msgid "City"
msgstr "Ville"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:16234
msgid "The email ::email:: is invalid, please update your CSV file"
msgstr "Le mail ::email:: est invalide, merci de modifier votre fichier"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:16502
msgid ""
"You must fill the name and the firstname of the person. This line is "
"incomplete: "
msgstr ""
"Vous devez saisir le nom et le prénom de cette personne, La ligne est "
"incomplète : "
#: src/controller/Member.hx:16668
msgid ""
"Each person must have an e-mail to be able to log in. ::user0:: ::user1:: "
"don't have one. "
msgstr ""
"Chaque personne doit avoir un email pour pouvoir se connecter, . ::user0:: ::"
"user1:: n'en a pas. "
#: src/controller/Member.hx:18522
msgid "The E-mail ::useremail:: is invalid, please modify your file"
msgstr "Le mail ::useremail:: est invalide, merci de modifier votre fichier"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:18850
msgid ""
"The E-mail of the partner of ::userFirstName:: ::userLastName:: '::"
"userEmail::' is invalid, please check your file"
msgstr ""
"L'email du conjoint(e) de ::userFirstName:: ::userLastName:: '::userEmail::' "
"est invalide, vérifiez votre fichier"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:20818
msgid "Send an E-mail to the person in charge of the group"
msgstr "Envoyer un mail au responsable du groupe"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:21516
msgid "This person is already member of this group"
msgstr "Cette personne est déjà inscrite dans cette AMAP"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:21861
msgid ""
"This person already had an account on, and is now member of your "
msgstr ""
"Cette personne était déjà inscrite sur CagettePéi, nous l'avons inscrite à "
"votre groupe."
#: src/controller/Member.hx:22063
msgid ""
"Not possible to add this person because there are already some people in the "
"database having the same firstname and name. Please contact the "
msgstr ""
"Impossible d'ajouter cette personne car plusieurs personnes dans la base de "
"données ont le même nom et prénom, contactez l'administrateur du site."
#: src/controller/Member.hx:22853
msgid ""
"::admin:: just keyed-in contact details of a new member:
See contact details"
msgstr ""
"::admin:: vient de saisir un nouvel adhérent :
Voir le détail"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:23157 lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:2672
msgid "New member"
msgstr "Nouvel adhérent"
#: src/controller/Member.hx:23311
msgid "This person is now member of the group"
msgstr "Cette personne a bien été enregistrée"
#: src/controller/Membership.hx:383
msgid "This person is not a member of your group"
msgstr "Cette personne ne fait pas partie de votre AMAP"
#: src/controller/Membership.hx:835 lang/master/tpl/membership/default.mtt:196
msgid "Period"
msgstr "Période"
#: src/controller/Membership.hx:958
msgid "Date of payment of subscription"
msgstr "Date de cotisation"
#: src/controller/Membership.hx:1174
msgid "This subscription has been already keyed-in"
msgstr "Cette cotisation a déjà été saisie"
#: src/controller/Membership.hx:1442
msgid "Subscription saved"
msgstr "Cotisation enregistrée"
#: src/controller/Membership.hx:2044
msgid "This subscription does not exist"
msgstr "Cette cotisation n'existe pas"
#: src/controller/Membership.hx:2149
msgid "Subscription deleted"
msgstr "Cotisation effacée"
#: src/controller/Place.hx:890
msgid ""
"Oops, we're unable to find where is located this address. This place will "
"not be shown on the map."
msgstr ""
"Oups, nous n'avons pas été capable de localiser cette adresse. Ce lieu "
"n'apparaitra pas sur la carte."
#: src/controller/Place.hx:1096
msgid "this place has been updated"
msgstr "Ce lieu a été mis à jour"
#: src/controller/Place.hx:1172
msgid "Edit a place"
msgstr "Modifier un lieu"
#: src/controller/Place.hx:1426
msgid "The place has been registred"
msgstr "Le lieu a été enregistré"
#: src/controller/Place.hx:1504
msgid "Register a new delivery place"
msgstr "nouveau lieu de livraison"
#: src/controller/Place.hx:1768
msgid ""
"You can't delete this place because one or more distributions are linked to "
"this place."
msgstr ""
"Vous ne pouvez pas effacer ce lieu car une ou plusieurs distributions sont "
"liées à ce lieu."
#: src/controller/Place.hx:1928
msgid "Place deleted"
msgstr "Lieu effacé"
#: src/controller/api/Order.hx:997 src/controller/api/Order.hx:2998
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:17158 src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:18730
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:19539 src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:22401
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:23284 src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:24158
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:24917 src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:26462
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:26753 src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:28526
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:29275
msgid "You do not have the authorization to manage this contract"
msgstr "Vous n'avez pas le droit de gérer ce contrat"
#: src/controller/api/Order.hx:1101 src/controller/api/Order.hx:3113
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:29449
msgid "This delivery has been already validated"
msgstr "Cette distribution a déjà été validée"
#: src/controller/api/Order.hx:2880
msgid "::user:: is not member of this group"
msgstr "::user:: n'est pas membre de ce groupe"
#: src/controller/api/Order.hx:4174 src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:30736
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:31872
msgid "Unable to find user #::num::"
msgstr "Impossible de trouver le membre #::num::"
#: src/controller/api/Order.hx:4283 src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:31980
msgid "::user:: is not part of this group"
msgstr "::user:: n'est pas membre de ce groupe"
#: src/controller/api/Order.hx:4374 src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:32074
msgid "Both selected accounts must be different ones"
msgstr "Les deux comptes sélectionnés doivent être différents"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:1210 src/controller/Group.hx:3294
#: src/controller/Install.hx:1535
msgid "Your firstname"
msgstr "Votre prénom"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:1294 src/controller/Group.hx:3378
#: src/controller/Install.hx:1616
msgid "Your lastname"
msgstr "Votre nom de famille"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:1375 src/controller/Group.hx:3453
msgid "Your e-mail"
msgstr "Votre email"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:1471
msgid "Leave a message"
msgstr "Laissez un message"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:1885
msgid ""
"Your subscription to the waiting list has been recorded. You will receive an "
"e-mail as soon as your request is processed."
msgstr ""
"Votre demande d'enregistrement en liste d'attente a été prise en compte. "
"Vous recevrez un email dès que votre demande sera traitée."
#: src/controller/Group.hx:2132
msgid "Subscription to \"::groupeName::\" waiting list"
msgstr "Inscription sur la liste d'attente de \"::groupeName::\""
#: src/controller/Group.hx:2493
msgid "You've been removed from the waiting list"
msgstr "Vous avez été retiré de la liste d'attente"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:2933 src/service/WaitingListService.hx:1331
msgid "You are already member of this group."
msgstr "Vous faites déjà partie de ce groupe."
#: src/controller/Group.hx:3059
msgid "Join the group"
msgstr "Rejoindre le groupe"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:3136
msgid "Confirm your subscription to \"::groupName::\""
msgstr "Confirmez votre inscription à \"::groupName::\""
#: src/controller/Group.hx:3598
msgid "Address"
msgstr "Adresse"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:3677 src/db/Vendor.hx:1304 src/db/User.hx:16110
#: src/db/Place.hx:1551
msgid "Zip code"
msgstr "Code postal"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:3822 src/db/Vendor.hx:1195 src/db/User.hx:15816
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:688 lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:1401
#: lang/master/tpl/member/payments.mtt:521
#: lang/master/tpl/member/waiting.mtt:208
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/view.mtt:1005
msgid "Phone"
msgstr "Téléphone"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:4361
msgid "You already subscribed to, please log in on this page"
msgstr "Vous êtes déjà inscrit à CagettePéi, connectez-vous sur cette page"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:4636
msgid "Your subscription has been taken into account"
msgstr "Votre inscription a été prise en compte"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:4713
msgid "Subscription to \"::groupName::\""
msgstr "Inscription à \"::groupName::\""
#: src/controller/Group.hx:4901
msgid "Create a new Cagette Group"
msgstr "Créer un nouveau groupe Cagette"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:5012 src/controller/Install.hx:1449
msgid "Name of your group"
msgstr "Nom de votre groupe"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:5094
msgid "CSA"
msgstr "AMAP"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:5127
msgid "Grouped orders"
msgstr "Groupement d'achat"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:5171
msgid "Farmers collective"
msgstr "Collectif de producteurs"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:5219
msgid "Farm shop"
msgstr "Vente à la ferme"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:5308 src/db/Amap.hx:9363
msgid "Group type"
msgstr "Type de groupe"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:6734
msgid "Market square"
msgstr "Place du marché"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:7175
msgid "CSA contract Vegetables - Example"
msgstr "Contrat Légumes AMAP - Exemple"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:7244
msgid ""
"This contract is an example where the customer has to commit to buy the "
"whole year as with AMAPs"
msgstr ""
"Ce contrat est un exemple de contrat maraîcher avec engagement à l'année "
"comme on le trouve dans les AMAP."
#: src/controller/Group.hx:7677 src/controller/Install.hx:3277
msgid "Big basket of vegetables"
msgstr "Gros panier de légumes"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:7841 src/controller/Install.hx:3434
msgid "Small basket of vegetables"
msgstr "Petit panier de légumes"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:8345
msgid "Farm Galinette"
msgstr "Ferme de la Galinette"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:8412
msgid "Bazas"
msgstr "Bazas"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:8552
msgid "Chicken Contract - Example"
msgstr "Contrat Poulet - exemple"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:8613
msgid ""
"Example of contract with variable orders. It is allowed to order something "
"else at every delivery."
msgstr ""
"Exemple de contrat à commande variable. Il permet de commander quelque chose "
"de différent à chaque distribution."
#: src/controller/Group.hx:9105
msgid "12 eggs"
msgstr "12 oeufs"
#: src/controller/Group.hx:9271
msgid "Chicken"
msgstr "Poulet"
#: src/controller/Shop.hx:667 src/controller/Main.hx:2175
msgid ""
"Members of this group should provide a phone number. Please click here to update your account."
msgstr ""
"Les membres de ce groupe doivent fournir un numéro de téléphone. Cliquez ici pour mettre à jour votre compte."
#: src/controller/Shop.hx:4754
msgid "In order to confirm your order, You need to authenticate."
msgstr "Afin de finaliser votre commande, vous devez vous identifier."
#: src/controller/Shop.hx:5183
msgid "Your order is empty"
msgstr "Votre commande est vide"
#: src/controller/Shop.hx:5697
msgid "This cart is invalid"
msgstr "Ce panier est invalide"
#: src/controller/Shop.hx:5873 src/controller/Shop.hx:6181
msgid "This distribution does not supply the product ::pname::"
msgstr ""
"Le produit ::pname:: n'est pas disponible pour cette distribution"
#: src/controller/Shop.hx:6594
msgid "Order of ::pname:: reduced to ::oquantity:: to match remaining stock"
msgstr ""
"Votre commande de ::pname:: a été réduite à ::oquantity:: articles car il "
"n'y a pas assez de stock disponible"
#: src/controller/Shop.hx:7377
msgid "Your order has been confirmed"
msgstr "Votre commande a été enregistrée !"
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:440
msgid "You don't have the authorization to manage contracts"
msgstr "Vous n'avez pas accès à la gestion des contrats"
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:2841
msgid ""
"Warning, at least one product does not have any category. Click here to add categories"
msgstr ""
"Attention, un ou plusieurs produits n'ont pas de catégories, cliquez ici pour en ajouter"
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:3722
msgid "Copy products in: "
msgstr "Copier les produits dans : "
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:4022
msgid "Copy products from: "
msgstr "Copier les produits depuis: "
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:4138
msgid "Delete existing products (all orders will be deleted!)"
msgstr "Effacer les produits existants (supprime toutes les commandes !)"
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:4745
msgid "Products copied from "
msgstr "Produits copiés de "
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:5390
msgid "Contract start "
msgstr "Début du contrat "
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:5564
msgid "Contract end "
msgstr "Fin du contrat "
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:5854 lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:3739
msgid "Distribution"
msgstr "Distribution"
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:6169
msgid "Opening of orders "
msgstr "Ouverture des commandes "
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:6415
msgid "End of orders"
msgstr "Fin commandes"
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:7200 src/db/Contract.hx:8038
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/view.mtt:349
msgid "Start date"
msgstr "Date de début"
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:7333 src/db/Operation.hx:11972
#: src/db/Contract.hx:8076 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/view.mtt:442
msgid "End date"
msgstr "Date de fin"
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:7680 src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:10245
msgid "Global view of orders"
msgstr "Vue globale des commandes"
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:8831 src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:11449
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:12881
msgid "There is no delivery at this date"
msgstr "Il n'y a aucune distribution à cette date"
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:9900
msgid "Delivery date"
msgstr "Date de distribution"
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:10290
msgid "This page allows you to have a global view on orders of all contracts"
msgstr ""
"Cette page vous permet d'avoir une vision d'ensemble des commandes tout "
"contrats confondus."
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:10384
msgid "
Select a delivery date:"
msgstr "
Sélectionnez la date de distribution qui vous interesse :"
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:14333
msgid "There is no delivery during this period"
msgstr "Il n'y a aucune distribution sur cette période"
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:16479
msgid "Orders from the ::fromDate:: to the ::toDate:: per supplier.csv"
msgstr "Commandes du ::fromDate:: au ::toDate:: par producteur.csv\")"
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:17748 src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:17848
msgid "The order has been deleted."
msgstr "La commande a été effacée."
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:19326
msgid "Prices are now up to date."
msgstr "Prix mis à jours à leur valeur actuelle."
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:19749
msgid "Name of the new contract"
msgstr "Nom du nouveau contrat"
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:19874
msgid "Copy products"
msgstr "Copier les produits"
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:19952
msgid "Copy deliveries"
msgstr "Copier les distributions"
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:22073
msgid "The contract has been duplicated"
msgstr "Le contrat a été dupliqué"
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:22768
msgid ""
"There is no delivery in this contract, please create at least one "
msgstr ""
"Il n'y a pas de distribution dans ce contrat, créez au moins une "
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:23738
msgid "No delivery in this contract"
msgstr "Aucune distribution dans ce contrat"
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:28681
msgid "The contract has been canceled"
msgstr "Le contrat a bien été annulé"
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:31483
msgid "Unable to find product ::pid::"
msgstr "Impossible de trouver le produit #::pid::"
#: src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:33115 src/controller/ContractAdmin.hx:33210
msgid "The order has been updated"
msgstr "La commande a été mise à jour"
#: src/controller/Cron.hx:8209
msgid "Opening of orders for the delivery of ::date::"
msgstr "Ouverture des commandes pour la distribution du ::date::"
#: src/controller/Cron.hx:8343
msgid "The following suppliers are involved :"
msgstr "Producteurs participants :"
#: src/controller/Cron.hx:8612
msgid ""
"Do not forget the delivery on ::day:: from ::from:: to ::to::
msgstr ""
"N'oubliez pas la distribution le ::day:: de ::from:: à ::to::
#: src/controller/Cron.hx:8779
msgid "Your products to collect :"
msgstr "Vos produits à récupérer :"
#: src/controller/Cron.hx:9021 lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:2902
msgid "alternated with"
msgstr "alterné avec"
#: src/controller/Cron.hx:9311
msgid ""
"Warning: you are in charge of the delivery ! Do not forget to print the "
"attendance sheet."
msgstr ""
"ATTENTION : Vous ou votre conjoint(e) êtes de permanence ! N'oubliez pas "
"d'imprimer la liste d'émargement."
#: src/controller/Cron.hx:9764 lang/master/tpl/shop/default.mtt:792
msgid "Distribution on ::date::"
msgstr "Distribution le ::date::"
#: src/controller/Cron.hx:10383
msgid "
#: src/controller/Cron.hx:11190
msgid "Validation of the ::date:: distribution"
msgstr "Validation de la distribution du ::date::"
#: src/controller/Cron.hx:11278 src/controller/Cron.hx:12631
#: src/controller/Cron.hx:14183
msgid "[::group::] Validation of the ::date:: distribution"
msgstr "[::group::] Validation de la distribution du ::date::"
#: src/controller/Cron.hx:11535
msgid ""
msgstr ""
the delivery of "
"the ::deliveryDate:: has been validated automatically
la distribution du ::deliveryDate:: a été automatiquement validée."
msgstr "Les opérations de mise à jour suivantes on été faites :
#: src/controller/Account.hx:853 src/controller/Account.hx:1044
msgid "Email ::em:: is invalid"
msgstr "L'email ::em:: est invalide"
#: src/controller/Account.hx:1308
msgid "This email is already used by another account."
msgstr "Cet email existe déjà dans un autre compte."
#: src/controller/Account.hx:1473
msgid "Your account has been updated"
msgstr "Votre compte a été mis à jour"
#: src/controller/Account.hx:1554
msgid "Modify my account"
msgstr "Modifier mon compte"
#: src/controller/Account.hx:1828
msgid "You left the group ::groupName::"
msgstr "Vous venez de quitter le groupe ::groupName::"
#: src/controller/Product.hx:1487
msgid "The product has been updated"
msgstr "Le produit a été mis à jour"
#: src/controller/Product.hx:1606
msgid "Modify a product"
msgstr "Modifier un produit"
#: src/controller/Product.hx:2639
msgid "The product has been saved"
msgstr "Le produit a été enregistrée"
#: src/controller/Product.hx:2762
msgid "Key-in a new product"
msgstr "Enregistrer un nouveau produit"
#: src/controller/Product.hx:3121
msgid ""
"Not possible to delete this product because some orders are referencing it"
msgstr "Impossible d'effacer ce produit car des commandes y sont rattachées"
#: src/controller/Product.hx:3314
msgid "Product deleted"
msgstr "Produit supprimé"
#: src/controller/Product.hx:5765
msgid ""
"You must first define categories before you can assign a category to a "
msgstr ""
"Vous devez d'abord définir des catégories avant de pouvoir catégoriser vos "
#: src/controller/Product.hx:7642
msgid "Modifications saved"
msgstr "Modifications enregistrées"
#: src/controller/Distribution.hx:2539
msgid "One person per page"
msgstr "Une personne par page"
#: src/controller/Distribution.hx:2599
msgid "One person per page sorted by contract"
msgstr "Une personne par page triée par contrat"
#: src/controller/Distribution.hx:2673
msgid "All"
msgstr "Tout à la suite"
#: src/controller/Distribution.hx:2717
msgid "All but without prices and totals"
msgstr "Tout à la suite sans les prix et totaux"
#: src/controller/Distribution.hx:6051
msgid "the delivery has been deleted"
msgstr "la distribution a bien été effacée"
#: src/controller/Distribution.hx:6569 src/controller/Distribution.hx:9080
#: src/controller/Distribution.hx:12068
msgid "End time"
msgstr "Heure de fin"
#: src/controller/Distribution.hx:6754 src/controller/Distribution.hx:9444
msgid "Orders opening date"
msgstr "Date d'ouverture des commandes"
#: src/controller/Distribution.hx:6873 src/controller/Distribution.hx:9594
msgid "Orders closing date"
msgstr "Date de clôture des commandes"
#: src/controller/Distribution.hx:7680
msgid ""
"The distribution has been proposed to the supplier, please wait for its "
msgstr ""
"La distribution a été proposée au producteur, attendez maintenant sa "
#: src/controller/Distribution.hx:7909 src/controller/Distribution.hx:11063
msgid "The distribution has been recorded"
msgstr "La distribution a été enregistrée"
#: src/controller/Distribution.hx:8051
msgid "Edit a distribution"
msgstr "Modifier une distribution"
#: src/controller/Distribution.hx:8471
msgid "The delivery is now up to date"
msgstr "La distribution a été mise à jour"
#: src/controller/Distribution.hx:8553
msgid "Modify a delivery"
msgstr "Modifier une distribution"
#: src/controller/Distribution.hx:10507
msgid ""
"Your request for a delivery has been sent to ::supplierName::.
Be "
"patient, you will receive an e-mail indicating if the request has been "
"validated or refused."
msgstr ""
"Votre demande de livraison a été envoyée à ::supplierName::.
Soyez patient(e), Vous recevrez un email qui vous indiquera si votre "
"demande a été acceptée ou refusée."
#: src/controller/Distribution.hx:10931
msgid "Distribution request sent"
msgstr "Demande de distribution envoyée"
#: src/controller/Distribution.hx:11221
msgid "Create a distribution"
msgstr "Créer une distribution"
#: src/controller/Distribution.hx:11873
msgid "Start time"
msgstr "Heure de début"
#: src/controller/Distribution.hx:12415
msgid "Opening time"
msgstr "Heure d'ouverture"
#: src/controller/Distribution.hx:12708
msgid "Closing time"
msgstr "Heure de fermeture"
#: src/controller/Distribution.hx:14152
msgid "The delivery has been saved"
msgstr "La distribution a été enregistrée"
#: src/controller/Distribution.hx:14318
msgid "Schedule a recurrent delivery"
msgstr "Programmer une distribution récurrente"
#: src/controller/Distribution.hx:14834
msgid "Recurrent deliveries deleted"
msgstr "Distributions récurrentes effacées"
#: src/controller/Distribution.hx:17070
msgid "This distribution have been validated"
msgstr "La distribution a été validée"
#: src/controller/Distribution.hx:17376
msgid "This distribution have been Unvalidated"
msgstr "La distribution a été dévalidée"
#: src/App.hx:2457 src/db/User.hx:15718 lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:592
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:1308
msgid "First name"
msgstr "Prénom"
#: src/App.hx:2502 src/db/User.hx:15754 lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:626
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:1341
msgid "Last name"
msgstr "Nom"
#: src/App.hx:2675 src/db/User.hx:16270
msgid "Password"
msgstr "Mot de passe"
#: src/App.hx:2718 src/App.hx:2760
msgid "address"
msgstr "adresse"
#: src/App.hx:8448
msgid ""
"Please configure the email settings in a
As an example, we "
"created a fake farmer and fake products.
It will show you how things "
"work together in
Of course, you'll be able to delete them."
msgstr ""
"Félicitations, vous venez de créer un compte pour votre groupe.
"A titre d'exemple, nous avons ajouté un producteur et quelques produits à "
"votre compte.
"Cela vous permettra de voir comment tout cela fonctionne et évite l'angoisse "
"de la page blanche !
"Bien sûr, vous serez libre de les effacer ou de les modifier par la suite."
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:547
msgid ""
"As a starter, we recommand you to follow the guided tour to discover "
"step by step the main sections of the software."
msgstr ""
"Pour commencer, nous vous recommandons de suivre la visite guidée "
"pour découvrir progressivement les principales rubriques du logiciel."
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:816
msgid "Start the guided tour"
msgstr "Commencer la visite guidée"
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:1118
msgid "Open orders"
msgstr "Commandes ouvertes"
#. on homepage when there is no planned deliveries
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:1460
msgid "You delivery planning is currently empty"
msgstr "Votre planning de distribution est vide"
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:2577 lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:6596
msgid "Modify my order"
msgstr "Modifier ma commande"
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:2774
msgid "Add products"
msgstr "Ajouter des produits"
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:2975 lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:8930
msgid "Order closed since"
msgstr "Commande close depuis le"
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:3069 lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:9024
msgid "Order will open on"
msgstr "La commande ouvre le"
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:3303
msgid "My ordered products"
msgstr "Mes produits commandés"
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:4853
msgid "alternated with ::mate::"
msgstr "alterné avec ::mate::"
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:5061 lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:5287
msgid "It's your turn"
msgstr "C'est votre tour"
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:5132 lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:5358
msgid "It's his/her turn"
msgstr "C'est son tour"
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:5893
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:1073
msgid "Distribution list"
msgstr "Liste d'émargement"
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:6224
msgid "Permanence"
msgstr "Permanence"
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:6386
msgid "Contract details"
msgstr "Détails du contrat"
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:7438
msgid "Warning, you're engaged in this distribution !"
msgstr "Attention, vous ou votre conjoint êtes inscrit à cette distribution !"
#. Order button on homepage
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:8687 lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:4580
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/view.mtt:2925
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/view.mtt:3263 lang/master/tpl/contract/order.mtt:88
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderAndPay.mtt:88
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/default.mtt:3956 lang/master/tpl/shop/choose.mtt:2086
msgid "Order"
msgstr "Commande"
#. Delivery from 18:00 to 19:30
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:9616
msgid "Delivery from ::start:: to ::end::"
msgstr "Distribution de ::start:: à ::end::"
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:11080
msgid "Permanences"
msgstr "Permanences"
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:11111
msgid "Don't forget to register for permanences"
msgstr "N'oubliez pas de vous inscrire aux permanences"
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:11402
msgid "Warning, you don't have defined a password yet !"
msgstr "Attention, vous n'avez pas encore défini de mot de passe !"
#: lang/master/tpl/home.mtt:11587
msgid "Set my password"
msgstr "Définir mon mot de passe"
#: lang/master/tpl/admin/emails.mtt:103
msgid ""
"Emails are temporarily stored in a buffer, waiting to be sent by the cron"
msgstr ""
"Les emails sont temporairement stockés dans cette liste d'attente, en "
"attendant d'être envoyés"
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:651 lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:681
msgid "Previous"
msgstr "Précédent"
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:774 lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:800
#: js/Tuto.hx:2468
msgid "Next"
msgstr "Suivant"
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:1477 lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:9613
#: lang/master/tpl/member/payments.mtt:1787
msgid "Delete ?"
msgstr "Effacer ?"
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:1810
msgid "Excel/CSV Export"
msgstr "Export Excel/CSV"
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:3279
msgstr "CE MATIN"
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:3378
msgstr "APRES-MIDI"
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:3422
msgstr "CE SOIR"
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:4148
msgid "No contact"
msgstr "Aucun contact"
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:4681
msgid "CSA contract"
msgstr "Contrat AMAP"
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:4764 lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:4872
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:2482
msgid "Payment"
msgstr "Paiement"
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:4981
msgid "Subscription"
msgstr "Adhésion"
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:5371
msgid "Check to be given at the collection of products"
msgstr "Chèque à donner au retrait des produits"
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:5506
msgid "Cash to be given at the collection of products"
msgstr "Liquide à donner au retrait des produits"
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:5644
msgid "This transfer must be validated by a coordinator"
msgstr "Ce virement doit être validé par un coordinateur"
#: lang/master/tpl/macros.mtt:9333 lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:1322
#: lang/master/tpl/member/payments.mtt:1557
#: lang/master/tpl/plugin/pro/delivery/orders.mtt:1170
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:3311
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:3491
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:4051
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:4408
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/view.mtt:545
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/products.mtt:3383
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:3821
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:4434
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:837
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:4441
#: lang/master/tpl/amap/default.mtt:612
msgid "Edit"
msgstr "Modifier"
#: lang/master/tpl/product/addimage.mtt:44
msgid "Import a photo of the product"
msgstr "Importer une photo de produit"
#: lang/master/tpl/product/addimage.mtt:268
msgid "Size of the photo: 300 x 300px"
msgstr "Taille de la photo : 300 x 300px"
#: lang/master/tpl/product/addimage.mtt:519
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:2528
msgid "Back to the management of products"
msgstr "Revenir à la gestion des produits"
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:74
msgid "Import products"
msgstr "Importer des produits"
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:342 lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:75
msgid "Import"
msgstr "Importer"
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:930
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:1892
msgid "Warning"
msgstr "Attention"
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:972
msgid ""
"Before validating the import, please check if the table above is correctly "
If data are not in line or not corresponding to the right "
"column, it means that your CSV file is not correct."
msgstr ""
"Avant de valider cet import, vérifiez que le tableau est bien correctement "
Si les données semblent incorrectes ou ne sont pas dans la bonne "
"colonne, cela veut dire que votre fichier CSV est incorrect."
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:1344
msgid "Import these products in the database"
msgstr "Importer ces produits dans la base de données"
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:1460
msgid "Ouch!"
msgstr "Oups !"
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:1488
msgid "It seems that there is no data to import."
msgstr "On dirait qu'il n'y a rien à importer."
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:1703
msgid "Products already available in the database"
msgstr "Produits déjà présentes dans la base de données"
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:2190
msgid "Congratulations! You have imported ::num:: products in your database"
msgstr "Bravo ! Vous avez importé ::num:: produits dans votre base de données"
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:2323
msgid ""
"You did not import anything in your database because your file was empty or "
"contained products already present in the database."
msgstr ""
"Vous n'avez rien importé dans votre base de données car votre fichier était "
"vide ou contenait des produits déjà enregistrées dans votre base de données."
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:2630
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:3224
msgid "Help"
msgstr "Aide"
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:2651
msgid ""
"This page will allow you to import a large number of products in your "
"database from an Excel file."
msgstr ""
"Cette page va vous permettre d'importer un grand nombre de produits dans "
"votre base de données à partir d'un fichier Excel ou Libre Office."
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:2785
msgid "To start, Download this demo file"
msgstr ""
"Pour commencer, téléchargez ce fichier de "
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:2874
msgid ""
"Fill correctly this file, or modify your existing file to respect strictly "
"the order of columns"
msgstr ""
"Remplissez ce fichier, ou modifiez un fichier existant en respectant l'ordre "
"des colonnes du fichier de démonstration."
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:2995
msgid ""
"When your file is ready, click on\"Save as\" in your Excel sheet and choose "
"the format CSV"
msgstr ""
"Une fois votre fichier rempli, cliquez sur \"enregistrer sous\" dans votre "
"tableur, et choisissez le format \"CSV\""
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:3111
msgid ""
"Choose the following options: separation characters: comma, encoding: "
"Unicode UTF8"
msgstr ""
"Choisissez les options suivantes : caractère de séparation : virgule, "
"encodage : Unicode UTF8"
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:3234
msgid "Save your file"
msgstr "Enregistrez votre fichier"
#: lang/master/tpl/product/import.mtt:3274
msgid "Then click on the button above \"Choose a file\" and send your file"
msgstr ""
"Ensuite, cliquez sur le bouton \"choisissez un fichier\" ci dessus et "
"envoyez votre fichier"
#: lang/master/tpl/product/categorize.mtt:43
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/design.mtt:434
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/products.mtt:468
#: lang/master/tpl/categories/default.mtt:38
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/productInfo.mtt:2465
msgid "Categories"
msgstr "Catégories"
#: lang/master/tpl/product/categorize.mtt:81
msgid ""
"You can link your products to categories, in order to better organize them "
"in the \"shop mode\".
To add categories: select checkboxes of "
"products and then select a category in the list at the bottom of the page. "
"Click then on \"add\".
To remove a category: click on it."
msgstr ""
"Afin de mieux organiser vos produits dans le \"mode boutique\", vous pouvez "
"les associer à des catégories.
Pour ajouter des catégories : "
"sélectionnez les produits en cochant les cases et choisissez une catégorie "
"dans la liste en bas de la page. Cliquez ensuite sur \"Ajouter\".
Pour supprimer une catégorie : cliquez simplement dessus."
#: lang/master/tpl/product/categorize.mtt:685
msgid "Select all"
msgstr "Tout cocher"
#: lang/master/tpl/product/categorize.mtt:1112
msgid "Add the category"
msgstr "Ajouter la catégorie"
#: lang/master/tpl/product/categorize.mtt:1198
msgid "Save modifications"
msgstr "Enregistrer les modifications"
#: lang/master/tpl/product/categorize.mtt:1424
msgid "Manage categories"
msgstr "Gérer les catégories"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateShort.mtt:76
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:76
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:76
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:76
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:76
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByProductUser.mtt:76
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:1221
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:756
msgid "Attendance sheet"
msgstr "Liste d'émargement"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateShort.mtt:443
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:416
msgid "Contact details"
msgstr "Coordonnées"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateShort.mtt:482
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:453
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:455
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:2476
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:424
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:2998 lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:4009
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:4553
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:1602
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:2394
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/order.mtt:870
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:335
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:2541
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderAndPay.mtt:967
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:780
msgid "Qty"
msgstr "Qté"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateShort.mtt:509
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:477
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:482
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:2532
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:448
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:3053 lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:4066
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:4587
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProductList.mtt:1574
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:1658
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProduct.mtt:628
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:1015
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByDate.mtt:612
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:2450
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByTimeFrame.mtt:759
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/stats.mtt:796
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderByDate.mtt:586
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/order.mtt:753
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:389
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:2596
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderAndPay.mtt:850
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:834
msgid "Product"
msgstr "Produit"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateShort.mtt:540
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:584
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:598
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:2686
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:555
msgid "Signature"
msgstr "Signature"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateShort.mtt:1111
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:1516
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:1133
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:2192
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:1474
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:2228
msgid "alternately with"
msgstr "en alternance avec"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateShort.mtt:2153
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:4035
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:6058
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:4242
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:3459
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByProductUser.mtt:2364
msgid "Push on \"Control + P\" to print this page."
msgstr "Appuyez sur \"Control + P\" pour imprimer cette page."
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:303
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:1875
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:303
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:1833
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:99
msgid "Delivery of the"
msgstr "Distribution du"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:424
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:3113 lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:4356
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:1569
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:2361
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:748
msgid "Contract"
msgstr "Contrat"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:505
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:513
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:2564
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:476
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:1783
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:2575
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderByDate.mtt:617
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:958
msgid "U.P."
msgstr "P.U"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:530
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:541
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:2627
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:501
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:4295
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:4800
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:1850
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:2642
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderByDate.mtt:678
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:613
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:2823
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:1023
msgid "Fees"
msgstr "Frais"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:555
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:569
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:2656
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:526
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:4325
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:4829
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:7142
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProductList.mtt:1676
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProductList.mtt:2191
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:1879
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProduct.mtt:733
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:3766
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByDate.mtt:720
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:2671
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByTimeFrame.mtt:1536
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderByDate.mtt:706
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:640
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:2851
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:1051
msgid "Total"
msgstr "Total"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePageContract.mtt:3786
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:2611
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:3800
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:3210
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:5289
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderByDate.mtt:1719
msgid "TOTAL"
msgstr "TOTAL"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/validate.mtt:201
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:120
msgid "Validate the delivery of the"
msgstr "Valider la distribution du"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/validate.mtt:530
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/validate.mtt:2043
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:280
msgid "Validated"
msgstr "Validée"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/validate.mtt:730
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:316
msgid "Not validated"
msgstr "Non validée"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/validate.mtt:1009
msgid "Back to the summary sheet of orders"
msgstr "Revenir au récapitulatif de commandes"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/validate.mtt:1527
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:1008
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDateOnePage.mtt:1045
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:2065
msgid "Num"
msgstr "N°"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/validate.mtt:1857
msgid "To be validated"
msgstr "A valider"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:2917
msgid "Payment:"
msgstr "Paiement:"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:4054
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:5549
msgid "To be paid"
msgstr "Reste à payer"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:4146
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:5676
msgid "Pay back"
msgstr "Rembourser"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByDate.mtt:4488
msgid "Balance of the member:"
msgstr "Solde de l'adhérent :"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:213
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByProductUser.mtt:213
msgid "Distribution of the ::date::, from ::from:: to ::to::"
msgstr "Distribution du ::date::, de ::from:: à ::to::"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:667
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByProductUser.mtt:667
msgid "Contact in charge of the contract"
msgstr "Coordinateur du contrat"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:934
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/listByProductUser.mtt:934
msgid "Members on duty"
msgstr "Adhérents de permanence"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:2504
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:1630
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:2422
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:807
msgid "Ref"
msgstr "Réf."
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:2593
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:4260
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:4766
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:1816
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:2608
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderByDate.mtt:645
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:581
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:2790
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:990
msgid "Sub-total"
msgstr "Sous-total"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/list.mtt:4079
msgid "Total order:"
msgstr "Total Commande :"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/planning.mtt:89
msgid "Planning of deliveries:"
msgstr "Planning des livraisons :"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/planning.mtt:161
msgid ""
"Subscribe now by selecting checkboxes corresponding to dates which are "
"convenient for you. The goal of attendances consists in helping during the "
"delivery of products."
msgstr ""
"Inscrivez-vous en cochant les cases correspondant aux dates qui vous "
"conviennent. Les permanences consistent à aider à la distribution de "
"produits lors d'une livraison."
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/planning.mtt:1997
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/planning.mtt:2199
msgid "full"
msgstr "complet"
#: lang/master/tpl/distribution/planning.mtt:2794
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/default.mtt:4562
msgid "Validate"
msgstr "Valider"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:52 lang/master/tpl/member/payments.mtt:52
msgid "Contact informations"
msgstr "Coordonnées"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:526
msgid "Téléphone"
msgstr "Téléphone"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:872
msgid "Last login"
msgstr "Dernière connexion"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:977
msgid "This member never logged in"
msgstr "Cet adhérent ne s'est jamais connecté"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:1041
msgid "Registred since"
msgstr "Inscrit depuis"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:1237
msgid "This member has not set a password"
msgstr "Cet adhérent n'a pas défini de mot de passe "
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:1377
msgid "Remove from group"
msgstr "Retirer du groupe"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:1525
msgid "Put on waiting list"
msgstr "Mettre en liste d'attente"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:1753
msgid "Received messages"
msgstr "Messages reçus"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:1999
msgid "Send an invitation"
msgstr "Envoyer une invitation"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:2171
msgid "Log in as this member"
msgstr "Se connecter sur ce compte"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:2265
msgid "Membership fee"
msgstr "Cotisations"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:2372
msgid "Membership up to date"
msgstr "Cotisation à jour"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:2431
msgid "Membership to renew"
msgstr "Cotisation à renouveller"
#. full sentence : Membership up to date for the period 2017-2018
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:2472
msgid "for the period"
msgstr "pour la période"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:2679
msgid "Manage membership fees"
msgstr "Gérer les cotisations"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:2774
msgid "Current orders"
msgstr "Commande en cours"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:2893
msgid "CSA contracts"
msgstr "Contrats AMAP"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:3350
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:1092
msgid "Order alternated with"
msgstr "Commande alternée avec"
#. short version of unit price
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:4198
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:4718
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:518
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:2726
msgid "U.P"
msgstr "P.U"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/view.mtt:5970
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:4996
msgid "Payments details"
msgstr "Détails paiements"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:344
msgid "Users to import"
msgstr "Personnes à importer"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:837 lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:1546
msgid "phone"
msgstr "téléphone"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:932 lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:1638
msgid "zip code"
msgstr "code postal"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:1160
msgid "Existing accounts"
msgstr "Comptes existants"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:1921
msgid ""
"Before validating this import, please check that this table est correctly "
If some datas are shifted or are not linked to the right column, "
"please check your CSV file."
msgstr ""
"Avant de valider l'importation, vérifiez bien que le tableau ci dessus est "
"correctement rempli.
Si des données sont décalées ou ne correspondent "
"pas à la bonne colonne, c'est que votre fichier CSV n'est pas correct."
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:2149
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:2544
msgid "Try again"
msgstr "Essayer encore"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:2245
msgid "Finalize import"
msgstr "Finaliser l'import"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:2334
msgid "Oups !"
msgstr "Houlà !"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:2362
msgid ""
"It looks like there is no data to import. Please check your CSV file or "
"check that the users you want to import are not already registred."
msgstr ""
"On dirait qu'il n'y a aucune donnée à importer. Vérifiez que les données de "
"votre fichier sont valides ou que les personnes ne sont pas déjà "
"enregistrées dans la base de données de CagettePéi."
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:2701
msgid ""
"Congratulations ! You just imported ::numImported:: users in your "
msgstr ""
"Félicitations ! Vous venez d'importer ::numImported:: personnes dans "
"votre groupe."
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:2847
msgid ""
"You may now consider inviting them to "
"log into"
msgstr ""
"Maintenant, pourquoi ne pas les inviter"
"a> à se connecter à CagettePéi ?"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:2977
msgid ""
"You did'nt import anything in your database because your file was empty, or "
"contained already registred users"
msgstr ""
"On dirait qu'il n'y a aucune donnée à importer. Vérifiez que les données de "
"votre fichier sont valides ou que les personnes ne sont pas déjà "
"enregistrées dans la base de données de CagettePéi"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:3134
msgid "Go back to the main page"
msgstr "Revenir à la page principale"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/import.mtt:3249
msgid ""
"Here you can import a large amount of members in your database from a simple "
"Excel or Libre Office file.
msgstr ""
"Cette page va vous permettre d'importer un grand nombre de personnes dans "
"votre base de données à partir d'un fichier Excel ou Libre Office.
#: lang/master/tpl/member/lastMessages.mtt:75
msgid "Subject"
msgstr "Sujet du message"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/payments.mtt:1614
#: lang/master/tpl/plugin/pro/delivery/default.mtt:3898
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/products.mtt:3588
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:2186
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:4513
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:1643
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:3138
msgid "Del."
msgstr "Suppr."
#: lang/master/tpl/member/payments.mtt:2765
msgid "Insert a payement"
msgstr "Créer un paiement"
#. show a sublist of members which has been selected
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:95
msgid "Selection :"
msgstr "Sélection :"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:200
msgid "Members without any contracts"
msgstr "Adhérents sans contrat"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:278
msgid "Members whose membership should be renewed"
msgstr "Adhésion à renouveller"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:365
msgid "Members who has never logged in"
msgstr "Adhérents qui ne se sont jamais connectés"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:441
msgid "Members with orders or contracts"
msgstr "Adhérent avec commande ou contrat"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:544
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/default.mtt:158
msgid "members"
msgstr "adhérents"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:590
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:707
msgid "Back to main page"
msgstr "Revenir à la page principale"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:652
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:3954
msgid "Search"
msgstr "Recherche"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:864
msgid ""
"You can invite by email all the members who never logged in, in one single "
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez inviter par email tout les adhérents qui ne se sont jamais "
"connectés en un seul clic."
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:1124
msgid "Send invitations"
msgstr "Envoyer des invitations"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:2863
msgid "Import members"
msgstr "Importer des adhérents"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:2972
msgid "Selections"
msgstr "Sélections"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:3030
msgid "All members"
msgstr "Tout le monde"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:3104
msgid "Without orders or contracts"
msgstr "Sans contrats ou commandes"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:3192
msgid "With orders or contracts"
msgstr "Avec contrat ou commande"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:3277
msgid "Never logged in"
msgstr "Ne s'est jamais connecté"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:3393
msgid "Memberships to renew"
msgstr "Adhésion à renouveller"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:3499
msgid "Members balance"
msgstr "Solde des adhérents"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:4080
#: lang/master/tpl/member/waiting.mtt:79
msgid "Waiting list"
msgstr "Liste d'attente"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:4120
msgid "There is ::waitingList:: people on waiting list."
msgstr "Il y a ::waitingList:: personnes dans la liste d'attente."
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:4278
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:4578
msgid "Display the list"
msgstr "Afficher la liste"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:4383
msgid "New members"
msgstr "Nouveaux adhérents"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/default.mtt:4416
msgid "There is ::newUsers:: members who never logged in"
msgstr "Il y a ::newUsers:: membres qui ne se sont jamais connecté"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/waiting.mtt:276
msgid "Message"
msgstr "Message"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/waiting.mtt:701
msgid "Accept membership request"
msgstr "Accepter la demande"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/waiting.mtt:892
msgid "Deny request"
msgstr "Refuser"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/balance.mtt:52
msgid "Balance of members"
msgstr "Solde des adhérents"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/balance.mtt:147
msgid "Balanced"
msgstr "Solde équilibré"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/balance.mtt:497
msgid "In debt"
msgstr "Solde débiteur"
#: lang/master/tpl/member/balance.mtt:844
msgid "In credit"
msgstr "Solde créditeur"
#: lang/master/tpl/plugin/pro/design.mtt:648 lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:1146
msgid "et"
msgstr "et"
#: lang/master/tpl/plugin/pro/design.mtt:895 lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:1397
msgid "Log out"
msgstr "Déconnexion"
#: lang/master/tpl/plugin/pro/delivery/view.mtt:1602
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProduct.mtt:1619
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProduct.mtt:1854
msgid "Order form"
msgstr "Bon de commande"
#: lang/master/tpl/plugin/pro/delivery/default.mtt:3661
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:1397
msgid "Weekly"
msgstr "Hebdomadaire"
#: lang/master/tpl/plugin/pro/delivery/default.mtt:3692
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:1429
msgid "Monthly"
msgstr "Mensuel"
#: lang/master/tpl/plugin/pro/delivery/default.mtt:3724
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:1462
msgid "Every 2 weeks"
msgstr "Toute les 2 semaines"
#: lang/master/tpl/plugin/pro/delivery/default.mtt:3762
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:1501
msgid "Every 3 weeks"
msgstr "Toute les 3 semaines"
#: lang/master/tpl/install/default.mtt:78
#: lang/master/tpl/install/default.mtt:400
msgid "Update"
msgstr "Mise à jour"
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/addimage.mtt:40
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/default.mtt:452
msgid "Choose a logo"
msgstr "Définir un logo"
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/addimage.mtt:250
msgid "Format : JPG, GIF or PNG"
msgstr "Format : JPG, GIF ou PNG"
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/default.mtt:219
msgid "contracts in progress"
msgstr "contrats en cours"
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/default.mtt:288
msgid "Edit properties"
msgstr "Modifier les propriétés"
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/default.mtt:519
msgid ""
"Your group has a public page, You can use it as a micro-website.
"paste the address of this page and share it !"
msgstr ""
"Votre groupe a une page publique, vous pouvez l'utiliser comme un micro site "
Copiez-collez cette adresse et partagez la !"
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/default.mtt:962
msgid "Display"
msgstr "Afficher"
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/design.mtt:162
msgid "My group"
msgstr "Mon groupe"
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/design.mtt:296
msgid "Access rights"
msgstr "Droits d'accès"
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/design.mtt:366
msgid "VAT rates"
msgstr "Taux de TVA"
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/design.mtt:501
msgid "Currency"
msgstr "Monnaie"
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/rights.mtt:40
msgid "Management of rights and access"
msgstr "Gestion des droits et accès"
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/rights.mtt:102
msgid "Add a right"
msgstr "Ajouter un droit"
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/rights.mtt:259
msgid "Actions"
msgstr "Actions"
#: lang/master/tpl/amapadmin/rights.mtt:540
#: lang/master/tpl/categories/default.mtt:1135
msgid "Modify"
msgstr "Modifier"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:45
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/design.mtt:834
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/contract.mtt:305
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/selectDistrib.mtt:83
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/selectDistrib.mtt:705
msgid "Orders"
msgstr "Commandes"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:427
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:588
msgid "New order"
msgstr "Nouvelle commande"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:888
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:1750
msgid "Summary by products"
msgstr "Récapitulatif par produits"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:1386
msgid "Standard"
msgstr "Standard"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:1486
msgid "By Product-User"
msgstr "Par Produit-adhérent"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:1850
msgid ""
"Be careful, there are ::disabledProducts:: order(s) containing "
"disabled products."
msgstr ""
"Attention, il y a ::disabledProducts:: commande(s) qui contiennent "
"des produits désactivés."
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:4520
msgid "Prod. ID"
msgstr "Ref."
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:4681
msgid "Unit price including taxes"
msgstr "Prix unitaire TTC"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:4859
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:6020
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:1909
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:3087
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:2701
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:3923
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:668
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:1853
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:1080
msgid "Paid"
msgstr "Payé"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:6093
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:3158
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:3994
msgid "Not paid"
msgstr "Non payé"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:6332
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:6725
msgid ""
"Do you really want to delete this order row for the product \"::productName::"
"\" ?"
msgstr ""
"Voulez vous vraiment effacer cette commande du produit \"::productName::\" ?"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/orders.mtt:7333
msgid "::totalAdh:: member(s) in this distribution."
msgstr "::totalAdh:: adhérents dans cette distribution."
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/view.mtt:44
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/design.mtt:304
msgid "Summary"
msgstr "Récapitulatif"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/view.mtt:151
msgid "Contract type"
msgstr "Type de contrat"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/view.mtt:227
msgid "CSA Contract"
msgstr "Contrat AMAP"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/view.mtt:268
msgid "Variable order contract"
msgstr "Contrat à commande variable"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/view.mtt:629
msgid "Duplicate"
msgstr "Dupliquer"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/view.mtt:1152
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/products.mtt:44
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/design.mtt:534
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/contract.mtt:146
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/stocks.mtt:47
#: lang/master/tpl/stats/default.mtt:138 lang/master/tpl/stats/default.mtt:215
msgid "Products"
msgstr "Produits"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProductList.mtt:1130
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProduct.mtt:45
msgid "Summary table per product"
msgstr "Récapitulatif par produit"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProductList.mtt:1172
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProduct.mtt:255
msgid ""
"Be careful, if the price of the product was modified during the sale, every "
"order of a member is taken into account with the price as it was at the time "
"of the creation of the order"
msgstr ""
"Attention, si le prix du produit a évolué au fil de la vente, chaque "
"commande d'adhérent est prise en compte avec le prix au moment où la "
"commande a été faite."
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProductList.mtt:1509
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProduct.mtt:561
msgid "Weight/Vol."
msgstr "Poids/Vol."
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProductList.mtt:1542
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProduct.mtt:595
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByDate.mtt:578
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByTimeFrame.mtt:726
msgid "Quantities"
msgstr "Quantités"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProductList.mtt:1603
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProduct.mtt:658
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByDate.mtt:643
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByTimeFrame.mtt:789
msgid "Reference"
msgstr "Référence"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProductList.mtt:1634
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:1752
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByDate.mtt:676
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:2544
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByTimeFrame.mtt:821
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:927
msgid "Unit price incl. VAT"
msgstr "Prix unitaire TTC"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProductList.mtt:2304
msgid "Push \"Control + P\" to print this page."
msgstr "Appuyez sur \"Control + P\" pour imprimer cette page."
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:114
msgid "Orders from the"
msgstr "Commandes du"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:155
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByTimeFrame.mtt:137
msgid "to"
msgstr "au"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:437
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:567
msgid "CSV Export"
msgstr "Export CSV"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:598
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:1267
msgid "Totals per supplier"
msgstr "Totaux par producteur"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:725
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:1096
msgid "Sub-totals per contract"
msgstr "Sous-totaux par contrat"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:3861
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:4697
msgid "Total member"
msgstr "Total adhérent"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByTimeFrame.mtt:4195
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:5031
msgid "Total of all orders:"
msgstr "Total de toutes les commandes :"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProduct.mtt:173
msgid "Delivery of the ::date::"
msgstr "Livraison du ::date::"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByProduct.mtt:690
msgid "Unit Price incl. VAT"
msgstr "Prix unitaire TTC"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:64
msgid "Key-in an order"
msgstr "Saisir une commande"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:111
msgid "Key-in an order for"
msgstr "Saisir une commande pour"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:213
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/order.mtt:152
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderAndPay.mtt:156
msgid "For the delivery of the"
msgstr "Pour la livraison du"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:666
msgid "Member:"
msgstr "Adhérent :"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:1197
msgid "Alternately with :"
msgstr "En alternance avec :"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:1676
msgid "(inactive)"
msgstr "(inactif)"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:2320
msgid "Paid:"
msgstr "Payé :"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:3056
msgid "Reverse the alternation"
msgstr "Inverser l'alternance"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:3370
msgid "Total order"
msgstr "Total commande"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:3930
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/products.mtt:3808
msgid "Check all"
msgstr "Tout cocher"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/edit.mtt:4389
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/order.mtt:3143
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderAndPay.mtt:3140
msgid "Validate the order"
msgstr "Valider la commande"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/products.mtt:93
msgid "New product"
msgstr "Nouveau produit"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/products.mtt:259
msgid "Import from Excel/CSV"
msgstr "Import CSV"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/products.mtt:674
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/products.mtt:1022
msgid "You need to select at least one product to perform this action"
msgstr "Vous devez sélectionner au moins un produit pour faire cette action"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/products.mtt:3549
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:3983
msgid "Picture"
msgstr "Photo"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/products.mtt:3994
msgid "Enable"
msgstr "Activer"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/products.mtt:4132
msgid "Disable"
msgstr "Désactiver"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByDate.mtt:84
msgid "Global view of orders - delivery of"
msgstr "Vue globale des commandes - livraison du"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:202
msgid "Distributions to validate"
msgstr "Distributions à valider"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:250
msgid "You need to validate these distributions which took place recently"
msgstr "Vous devez valider ces distributions terminées récemment"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:1197
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:2570
msgid "Old contracts"
msgstr "Anciens contrats"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:1235
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:3111
msgid "Contracts"
msgstr "Contrats"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:2076
msgid "Manage"
msgstr "Gérer"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:2400
msgid "New contract"
msgstr "Nouveau contrat"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:2715
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/calendar.mtt:222
msgid "Calendar"
msgstr "Calendrier"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:2975
msgid "Global orders view"
msgstr "Vue globale des commandes"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:3203
msgid "Same day"
msgstr "Dans la même journée"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:3327
msgid "Timeframe"
msgstr "De date à date"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:3465
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:2692
msgid "Farmers"
msgstr "Producteurs"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:4165
msgid "New farmer"
msgstr "Nouveau producteur"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:4290
msgid "Delivery places"
msgstr "Lieux de livraison"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/default.mtt:4655
msgid "New delivery place"
msgstr "Nouveau lieu de distribution"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/ordersByDate.mtt:926
msgid "Totals per member"
msgstr "Totaux par adhérent"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:44
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/design.mtt:692
msgid "Distributions"
msgstr "Distributions"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:1238
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:1828
msgid "Distribution cycle"
msgstr "Cycle de distribution"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:1754
msgid "One time distribution"
msgstr "Distribution ponctuelle"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:2031
msgid "Distributions engagement"
msgstr "Participation aux distributions"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/deliveries.mtt:2166
msgid "Old distributions"
msgstr "Anciennes distributions"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/design.mtt:386
msgid "Edit contract"
msgstr "Modifier contrat"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/design.mtt:922
msgid "Stats"
msgstr "Statistiques"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/distributionp.mtt:44
msgid "Participate to deliveries"
msgstr "Participations aux livraisons"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/distributionp.mtt:101
msgid ""
"This page allows to see if members have participated to deliveries enough."
msgstr ""
"Cette page permet de voir si les adhérents ont suffisamment effectué de "
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/distributionp.mtt:295
msgid "::distribs:: deliveries requiring ::distributorNum:: person(s)"
msgstr "::distribs:: livraisons nécéssitant ::distributorNum:: personne(s)"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/distributionp.mtt:437
msgid "person(s) using this contract"
msgstr "souscripteurs à ce contrat"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/distributionp.mtt:496
msgid "participations to deliveries to do per family."
msgstr "permanences à faire par foyer."
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/distributionp.mtt:651
msgid "Suscriber"
msgstr "Souscripteurs"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/distributionp.mtt:705
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/distributionp.mtt:1380
msgid "Number of attendances to deliveries"
msgstr "Présence aux distributions"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/distributionp.mtt:1081
msgid "Insufficient"
msgstr "Insuffisant"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/distributionp.mtt:1298
msgid "Member without order in this contract"
msgstr "Adhérent sans commande dans ce contrat"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/contract.mtt:228
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/contract.mtt:849
msgid "Deliveries"
msgstr "Livraisons"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/selectDistrib.mtt:219
msgid "Location"
msgstr "Lieu"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/selectDistrib.mtt:942
msgid "Click here to manage deliveries"
msgstr "Cliquez ici pour gérer les distributions"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/selectDistrib.mtt:1076
msgid "Old orders"
msgstr "Commandes anciennes"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByTimeFrame.mtt:83
msgid "Global view of orders - from"
msgstr "Vue globale des - du"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByTimeFrame.mtt:864
msgid "Total HT"
msgstr "Total HT"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/vendorsByTimeFrame.mtt:895
msgid "Total TTC"
msgstr "Total TTC"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/stats.mtt:102
msgid "Seniority of subscribers"
msgstr "Ancienneté des adhérents"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/stats.mtt:203
msgid "Sharing between orders"
msgstr "Répartition des commandes"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/stats.mtt:294
msgid "Seniority of subscribers of ::contract::"
msgstr "Ancienneté des souscripteurs de ::contract::"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/stats.mtt:439
msgid "Number"
msgstr "Nombre"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/stats.mtt:469
msgid "Year"
msgstr "Année"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/stats.mtt:664
msgid "Sharing between orders of"
msgstr "Répartition des commandes de"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/stats.mtt:827
msgid "Total price"
msgstr "Prix total"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/stats.mtt:862
msgid "% of orders"
msgstr "% des commandes"
#: lang/master/tpl/contractadmin/stats.mtt:1169
msgid "products"
msgstr "produits"
#: lang/master/tpl/user/definePassword.mtt:29
msgid "Change of password"
msgstr "Changement de mot de passe"
#: lang/master/tpl/user/definePassword.mtt:154
#: lang/master/tpl/user/forgottenPassword.mtt:231
msgid ""
"If you have forgotten your password or if you would like to change it, "
"please key-in below your e-mail address:"
msgstr ""
"Si vous avez oublié votre mot de passe ou que vous souhaitez le changer, "
"saisissez ci-dessous votre email :"
#: lang/master/tpl/user/definePassword.mtt:326
#: lang/master/tpl/user/forgottenPassword.mtt:446
msgid "An e-mail was sent to you to allow you changing your password."
msgstr ""
"Un email vous a été envoyé afin que vous puissiez changer votre mot-de-passe."
#: lang/master/tpl/user/definePassword.mtt:433
#: lang/master/tpl/user/forgottenPassword.mtt:563
msgid "Key-in your new password:"
msgstr "Saisissez votre nouveau mot de passe :"
#: lang/master/tpl/user/definePassword.mtt:513
#: lang/master/tpl/user/forgottenPassword.mtt:685
msgid "Congratulations, your password have been modified!"
msgstr "Bravo, votre mot de passe est modifié !"
#: lang/master/tpl/user/definePassword.mtt:635
msgid "Log in with"
msgstr "Connectez-vous avec"
#: lang/master/tpl/user/forgottenPassword.mtt:815
msgid "Log in with your new password"
msgstr "Connectez-vous avec votre nouveau mot de passe"
#: lang/master/tpl/user/default.mtt:67
msgid "Password forgotten"
msgstr "mot de passe oublié"
#: lang/master/tpl/user/default.mtt:130 lang/master/tpl/shop/needLogin.mtt:202
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/needLogin.mtt:544
msgid "Connection"
msgstr "Connexion"
#: lang/master/tpl/user/insert.mtt:181
msgid ""
"These persons are already in the database, but are not member of this group:"
msgstr ""
"Ces personnes sont déjà dans la base de données, mais pas inscrites à cette "
"Amap :"
#: lang/master/tpl/user/insert.mtt:417
msgid "These persons are already member of this group:"
msgstr "Ces personnes sont déjà inscrites à cette AMAP :"
#: lang/master/tpl/user/choose.mtt:55
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/newPasswordConfirmed.mtt:35
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/forgottenPassword.mtt:35
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/invitation.mtt:238
msgid "Hello"
msgstr "Bonjour"
#: lang/master/tpl/user/choose.mtt:258
msgid ""
"Connect to your Cagette Pro account to manage your products, catalogs "
"and deliveries."
msgstr ""
"Connectez-vous sur votre compte Cagette Pro pour gérer vos produits, "
"catalogues et livraisons."
#: lang/master/tpl/user/choose.mtt:875
msgid "Please click on the Cagette group you want to connect to."
msgstr ""
"Cliquez sur le groupe Cagette auquel vous souhaitez vous connecter."
#: lang/master/tpl/user/choose.mtt:1533
msgid "You don't belong to any group yet"
msgstr "Vous n'êtes membre d'aucun groupe pour l'instant"
#: lang/master/tpl/user/choose.mtt:1696 lang/master/tpl/user/choose.mtt:2154
msgid "Create my own group"
msgstr "Créer mon propre groupe"
#: lang/master/tpl/user/choose.mtt:1999
msgid "Find other groups near me"
msgstr "Trouver des groupes près de chez moi"
#: lang/master/tpl/user/choose.mtt:2303
msgid "Subscriptions on waiting list"
msgstr "Inscriptions en liste d'attente"
#: lang/master/tpl/user/choose.mtt:2494
msgid "Request sent on ::date::"
msgstr "Demande envoyée le ::date::"
#: lang/master/tpl/user/choose.mtt:2699
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"
#: lang/master/tpl/user/register.mtt:67
msgid "Sign up!"
msgstr "Sign up!"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/insertChoose.mtt:55
msgid "Choose a type of contract:"
msgstr "Choisissez un type de contrat :"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/insertChoose.mtt:278
msgid "Create a CSA contract"
msgstr "Créer un contrat AMAP"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/insertChoose.mtt:345
msgid ""
"It is a contract with a duration of one year or for one season. Products are "
"always the same at each delivery"
msgstr ""
"C'est un contrat avec un engagement à l'année ou à la saison. Les produits "
"sont toujours les mêmes à chaque livraison."
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/insertChoose.mtt:493
msgid ""
"Example: there is a contract for vegetables that is 1 year long. Jean takes "
"a basket that costs 10€ per delivery, and Brigitte takes a basket that "
"costs 15€ per delivery."
msgstr ""
"Exemple : Imaginons un contrat maraîcher qui dure une année. Jean prend un "
"panier à 10€ pour chaque livraison de l'année, et Brigitte prend un panier à "
"15€ pour chaque livraison de l'année."
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/insertChoose.mtt:890
msgid "Create a contract with variable orders"
msgstr "Créer un contrat à commande variable"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/insertChoose.mtt:972
msgid ""
"It is a contract in which members can change their orders at each delivery. "
"There is a different order for each delivery."
msgstr ""
"C'est un contrat dans lequel les adhérents peuvent changer leur commande à "
"chaque livraison. A chaque livraison correspond une commande différente."
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/insertChoose.mtt:1129
msgid ""
"Example: Jean orders a basket that costs 10€ for the first delivery, "
"then nothing for the second delivery, then a basket for 20€ etc."
msgstr ""
"Exemple : Jean prend un panier à 10€ pour la première livraison, puis rien "
"la deuxième livraison, puis un panier à 20€ ...etc"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/view.mtt:1835
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/productInfo.mtt:2271
msgid "Read more"
msgstr "En savoir plus"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/view.mtt:1943 lang/master/tpl/amap/default.mtt:1745
msgid "Coordinator"
msgstr "Coordinateur"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/view.mtt:2466
msgid "Next distributions"
msgstr "Prochaines distributions"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/view.mtt:3051
msgid "No planned distributions."
msgstr "Pas de distribution planifiée."
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/view.mtt:3369 lang/master/tpl/shop/default.mtt:4637
msgid "You can check your previous orders in 'my account' section"
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez voir vos précédentes commandes dans la rubrique 'mon compte'"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderByDate.mtt:93
msgid "Modify the order delivered on ::date::"
msgstr "Modifier ma commande livrée le ::date::"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderByDate.mtt:184
msgid ""
"You can modify here an existing order. If you would like to remove a "
"product, just key-in the quantity 0.
You may not be able to modify all "
"elements as the order could be closed for some suppliers"
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez modifier ici une commande déjà réalisée. Si vous souhaitez "
"enlever un article, mettez simplement la quantité à zéro.
"Vous ne pourrez pas forcément modifier tous les articles car la commande "
"peut être close pour certains fournisseurs."
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderByDate.mtt:1538
msgid "Order closed or already paid"
msgstr "Commande close ou déjà payée"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderByDate.mtt:1888
msgid "Update the order"
msgstr "Mettre à jour la commande"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/order.mtt:245
msgid ""
"As long as orders are open, you can come back on this page and modify your "
You can check any time your current orders on the following page "
"my account."
msgstr ""
"Tant que les commandes sont ouvertes, vous pouvez revenir sur cette page et "
"modifier votre commande.
Vous pouvez consulter à tout moment vos "
"commandes en cours sur la page mon compte."
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/order.mtt:2413
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderAndPay.mtt:2495
msgid "There is currently no open order"
msgstr "Aucune commande ouverte pour l'instant"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/order.mtt:3009
msgid "Tip: to remove an order please key-in the quantity 0"
msgstr "Note: Pour effacer une commande, saisissez une quantité égale à 0"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/order.mtt:3282
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderAndPay.mtt:3286
msgid "Supplier:"
msgstr "Producteur :"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/order.mtt:3345
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderAndPay.mtt:3347
msgid "Contact in charge:"
msgstr "Responsable :"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:51
msgid "Last orders"
msgstr "Dernières commandes"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:170
msgid "CSA Contracts"
msgstr "Contrats AMAP"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:1922
msgid "Unpaid"
msgstr "Non payé"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:2415
msgid "Order delivered on"
msgstr "Commande livrée le"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:3950
msgid "Profile"
msgstr "Compte"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:4152
msgid ""
"Do you really want to quit this group ? You won't be a member anymore: you "
"won't receive any new message and won't be able to see your previous orders "
"in this group."
msgstr ""
"Voulez vraiment quitter ce groupe ? Vous ne serez plus membre : vous ne "
"recevrez plus de messages et ne pourrez plus voir vos anciennes commandes."
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:4386
msgid "Leave this group"
msgstr "Quitter ce groupe"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:5095
msgid "Tutorials"
msgstr "Tutoriels"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:5406
msgid "Start"
msgstr "Commencer"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:5592
msgid "Stop"
msgstr "Arrêter"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:5761
msgid "Tutorial stopped"
msgstr "Tutoriel stoppé"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:5824
msgid "You'll be able to restart it here."
msgstr "Vous pourrez le relancer ici."
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:6085
msgid "Display the interface in another language"
msgstr "Afficher l'interface dans une autre langue"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/default.mtt:6197
msgid "Current language is"
msgstr "La langue actuelle est"
#: lang/master/tpl/contract/orderAndPay.mtt:259
msgid ""
"Key-in here your orders in advance for this supplier.
You can check your "
"current orders any time on the following page my "
Tip: to remove an order please key-in the quantity 0"
msgstr ""
"Saisissez ici vos commandes à l'avance pour ce producteur.
Vous pouvez "
"consulter à tout moment vos commandes en cours sur la page mon compte.
NB : Pour effacer une commande, saisissez une "
"quantité égale à 0"
#: lang/master/tpl/error.mtt:315
msgid "Ouch !"
msgstr "Ouille !"
#: lang/master/tpl/error.mtt:349
msgid "An error occurred."
msgstr "Une erreur est survenue."
#: lang/master/tpl/error.mtt:404
msgid "If the website is unavailable, please try again in few minutes."
msgstr "Si le site est indisponible, merci de revenir dans quelques minutes."
#: lang/master/tpl/error.mtt:493
msgid ""
"If this happen repeatedly, please let us know so we can solve the issue."
msgstr ""
"En cas d'erreur répétées, merci de nous contacter de façon à ce que nous "
"corrigions votre problème."
#: lang/master/tpl/error.mtt:598
msgid "Technical description of the error"
msgstr "Description technique de l'erreur"
#: lang/master/tpl/categories/default.mtt:73
msgid ""
"Categories allow to sort your products per category, for example "
"\"vegetables, meet, backery, etc.\"
\tIt is possible to create many "
"groups of categories in order to sort products as we wish."
msgstr ""
"Les catégories permettent de classer vos produits par catégories, par "
"exemple \"légumes, viande, boulangerie...etc\"
Il est possible de créer "
"plusieurs groupes de catégories afin de pouvoir classer les produits comme "
"on veut."
#: lang/master/tpl/categories/default.mtt:314
msgid ""
"You currently have no category. Would you like to create the list of "
"categories by default ?"
msgstr ""
"Vous n'avez aucune catégorie pour l'instant. Voulez vous créer la liste de "
"catégories par défaut ?"
#: lang/master/tpl/categories/default.mtt:482
msgid "Create the list of default categories"
msgstr "Créer la liste de catégories par défaut"
#: lang/master/tpl/categories/default.mtt:733
msgid "Modify group"
msgstr "Modifier groupe"
#: lang/master/tpl/categories/default.mtt:874
msgid "Remove group"
msgstr "Effacer groupe"
#: lang/master/tpl/categories/default.mtt:1266
msgid "Remove"
msgstr "Effacer"
#: lang/master/tpl/categories/default.mtt:1407
msgid "Add a category in this group"
msgstr "Ajouter une catégorie dans ce groupe"
#: lang/master/tpl/categories/default.mtt:1565
msgid "Add a group"
msgstr "Ajouter un groupe"
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:1268
msgid "Go to my account"
msgstr "Accéder à mon compte"
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:1436
msgid ""
"Contact the person in charge in order to subscribe to this group and get to "
"know membership conditions."
msgstr ""
"Contactez le responsable pour vous inscrire à ce groupe et connaître les "
"modalités d'adhésion."
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:1741
msgid "Membership request"
msgstr "Demande d'adhésion"
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:1828
msgid ""
"This group accepts subscriptions on waiting list. A coordinator will contact "
msgstr ""
"Ce groupe prend les inscriptions sur liste d'attente. Un coordinateur vous "
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:2082
msgid "Subscription on waiting list"
msgstr "Inscription liste d'attente"
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:2325
msgid "Free subscription"
msgstr "Inscription libre"
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:2411
msgid "This group is full and do not accept any more subscription."
msgstr "Ce groupe est complet et n'accepte plus de nouvelles inscriptions."
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:2600
msgid "Already member? Log in:"
msgstr "Déjà membre ? Connectez-vous :"
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:2811 lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:1611
msgid "Log in"
msgstr "Connexion"
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:3113
msgid "Next deliveries"
msgstr "Prochaines distributions"
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:4223
msgid "Suppliers and products"
msgstr "Producteurs et produits"
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:4277
msgid "Non-complete extract of available products:"
msgstr "Extrait non exhaustif des produits proposés :"
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:5027
msgid ""
msgstr ""
#: lang/master/tpl/group/view.mtt:5060
msgid ", the free software of food direct-selling"
msgstr "CagettePéi, logiciel libre du circuit court pour la Réunion"
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:903
msgid "Change group"
msgstr "Changer de groupe"
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:1737
msgid "Look for another group"
msgstr "Chercher un autre groupe"
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:2482
msgid "Home"
msgstr "Accueil"
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:2588
msgid "My account"
msgstr "Mon compte"
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:3444
msgid "Group"
msgstr "Groupe"
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:3578
msgid "Admin"
msgstr "Admin"
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:4968
msgid "HELP"
msgstr "AIDE"
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:5065
msgid "Documentation"
msgstr "Documentation"
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:5198
msgid "Facebook group"
msgstr "Groupe Facebook"
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:5461
msgid "Vous êtes producteur ?"
msgstr "Vous êtes producteur ?"
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:5508
msgid "Découvrez nos formations gratuites pour utiliser Cagette Pro "
msgstr "Découvrez nos formations gratuites pour utiliser Cagette Pro "
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:5780
msgid "CONTACT US"
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:5928
msgid "Propose features"
msgstr "Proposer une amélioration"
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:6034
msgid "FOLLOW US"
msgstr "SUIVEZ-NOUS"
#: lang/master/tpl/design.mtt:7435
msgid ""
" is made by "
msgstr ""
"CagettePéi est une fourche du logiciel réalisé par
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:2124
msgid "Total ordered"
msgstr "Total commandé"
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:3075
msgid "This payment was received"
msgstr "Ce paiement a été reçu"
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:3494
msgid "Total paid"
msgstr "Total payé"
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:3749
msgid "This order has been made when payments were disabled"
msgstr "Cette commande a été faite lorsque les paiements étaient désactivés"
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:4287
msgid "Paid too much, credit of ::amount::"
msgstr "Trop payé, crédit de ::amount::"
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:4429
msgid "Missing"
msgstr "Manque"
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:4540
msgid "Everything is allright !"
msgstr "Tout va bien !"
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:4683
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:6883
msgid "Key-in a refund"
msgstr "Saisir un remboursement"
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:4783
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:6983
msgid "Key-in a payment"
msgstr "Saisir un paiement"
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:5081
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:5566
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:7249
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:7685
msgid "Validate this order"
msgstr "Valider cette commande"
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:5215
msgid ""
"You cannot validate this order because the amount paid
by the member "
"does not correspond to the total amount of his order!"
msgstr ""
"Vous ne pouvez pas valider cette commande car le montant payé
par "
"l'adhérent ne correspond pas au total de sa commande !"
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:5954
msgid "Details"
msgstr "Détail"
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:6312
msgid "This payment has been received"
msgstr "Ce paiement a été reçu"
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:7384
msgid ""
"You cannot validate this order
because the balance of the member is "
msgstr ""
"Vous ne pouvez pas valider cette commande
car le solde de cet adhérent "
"est négatif"
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:7961
msgid "Back to the delivery validation"
msgstr "Retour à la validation de distribution"
#: lang/master/tpl/validate/user.mtt:8103
msgid "Payment history of this member"
msgstr "Historique de paiement de ce membre"
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/productInfo.mtt:292
msgid "incl. VAT"
msgstr "TTC"
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/productInfo.mtt:455
msgid "VAT included"
msgstr "% de TVA inclus"
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/productInfo.mtt:577
msgid "included"
msgstr "inclus"
#. product has a variable weight
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/productInfo.mtt:860
msgid "about ::qt:: ::unit::"
msgstr "environ ::qt:: ::unit::"
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/productInfo.mtt:1343
msgid "Variable price depending on weight"
msgstr "Prix variable selon pesée"
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/default.mtt:952
msgid "Orders will close on"
msgstr "La commande fermera le"
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/default.mtt:1500
msgid "Autres"
msgstr "Autres"
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/default.mtt:3262
msgid "Out of stock"
msgstr "Rupture de stock"
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/default.mtt:3360
msgid "Order closed"
msgstr "Commande close"
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/default.mtt:3499
msgid "Only ::pstock:: items in stock"
msgstr "Seulement ::pstock:: en stock"
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/default.mtt:4328
msgid "My order"
msgstr "Ma commande"
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/default.mtt:4506
msgid "Sign up and validate the order"
msgstr "S'inscrire et valider la commande"
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/default.mtt:4877
msgid "All products"
msgstr "Tous les produits"
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/needLogin.mtt:294
msgid "In order to confirm your basket,
You need to authenticate."
msgstr "Afin de confirmer votre panier,
Vous devez vous identifier."
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/needLogin.mtt:735
msgid "Sign up"
msgstr "S'inscrire"
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/choose.mtt:77
msgid "Choose a delivery"
msgstr "Choisissez une livraison"
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/choose.mtt:222
msgid "There is currently no delivery planned."
msgstr "Il n'y a aucune distribution de planifiée pour l'instant."
#: lang/master/tpl/shop/choose.mtt:2197
msgid "Opening of orders"
msgstr "Ouverture des commandes"
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/newPasswordConfirmed.mtt:81
msgid "A new password has been defined for ::site::"
msgstr "Un nouveau mot de passe a été défini pour ::site::"
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/newPasswordConfirmed.mtt:160
msgid "The new password is ::pass::, don't forget it !"
msgstr "Le nouveau mot de passe est ::pass::, ne l'oubliez pas !"
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/newPasswordConfirmed.mtt:255
msgid ""
"You can use the following emails to log into your account : ::emails::"
msgstr ""
"Vous pouvez utiliser les emails suivants pour vous connecter à votre "
"compte : ::emails::"
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/forgottenPassword.mtt:80
msgid "You asked to modify your password,"
msgstr "Vous avez demandé à changer votre mot de passe,"
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/forgottenPassword.mtt:145
msgid "Click here to perform this operation"
msgstr "cliquez ici pour effectuer cette opération"
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/forgottenPassword.mtt:207
msgid "Be careful, this link is valid only 24 hours for security reasons."
msgstr ""
"Attention, pour des raisons de sécurité ce lien n'est valable que pendant "
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/invitation.mtt:324
msgid "As a member of ::groupName::"
msgstr "En tant que membre de ::groupName::"
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/invitation.mtt:405
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/invitation.mtt:481
msgid "you have been pre-registered on"
msgstr "vous avez été pré-inscrit(e) sur CagettePéi"
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/invitation.mtt:566
msgid ""
"This software makes the organisation of the group easy by informing you "
"about the next delivery dates, orders and current contracts"
msgstr ""
"Ce logiciel en ligne facilite l'organisation du groupe en vous informant sur "
"les prochaines dates de livraisons, les commandes et les contrats en cours."
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/invitation.mtt:720
msgid "In order to finalize the subscription, please choose your password"
msgstr ""
"Afin de finaliser votre inscription, vous êtes invité(e) à définir votre mot "
"de passe."
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/invitation.mtt:809
msgid "You will then be able to connect anytime by using your e-mail"
msgstr ""
"Vous pourrez ensuite vous connecter quand vous le souhaitez en utilisant "
"votre email"
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/invitation.mtt:949
msgid "and your password on the website"
msgstr "et votre mot de passe en vous rendant sur le site web"
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/invitation.mtt:1268
msgid "Finalize your subscription"
msgstr "Finaliser votre inscription"
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/design.mtt:218
msgid "This e-mail was sent from"
msgstr "Cet e-mail a été envoyé depuis"
#: lang/master/tpl/mail/design.mtt:336
msgid "You receive this message because you are part of"
msgstr "Vous recevez ce message car vous faites partie de"
#: js/Tuto.hx:970
msgid "This tutorial is over."
msgstr "Ce tutoriel est terminé."
#: js/Tuto.hx:1108
msgid "Come back to tutorials page"
msgstr "Revenir à la page des tutoriels"
#: js/Tuto.hx:1848
msgid "OK"
msgstr "OK"
#: common/Common.hx:6443
msgid "Guided tour for the coordinator"
msgstr "Visite guidée du coordinateur"
#: common/Common.hx:6533
msgid ""
You will then have a global "
"overview on the different tools that are available to you.
Vous aurez ainsi une vue "
"d'ensemble sur les différents outils qui sont à votre disposition."
msgstr ""
"Cette partie de la barre de navigation est visible par tous les membres."
Il permet d’accéder aux trois pages principales :
#: common/Common.hx:7455
msgid ""
"This part is for coordinators only.Here you will be able to manage "
"the register of members, orders, products, etc.
Every time that you register a new membrer, an account will be created for "
"him/her. Now the member can join you at and order or consult the "
"planning of the deliveries.
"\t\t\t\t\tÀ chaque fois que vous saisissez un nouvel adhérent, un compte est "
"créé à son nom. \n"
"\t\t\t\t\tIl pourra donc se connecter à CagettePéi pour faire des commandes "
"ou consulter son planning de distribution.\n"
msgstr ""
"Nous sommes maintenant sur la fiche d'un adhérent. Ici vous pourrez :\n"
#: common/Common.hx:8491
msgid ""
"Now let's have a look at the contracts section which is very "
"important for coordinators."
msgstr ""
"Voyons maintenant la section des contrats qui est très importante "
"pour les coordonnateurs."
#: common/Common.hx:8710
msgid ""
"Here you find the list of contracts.They inculde a start date, a end "
"date, and represent your relationship with a farmer.
\n" "\t\t\t\t\tC'est ici que vous pourrez gérer :\n" "\t\t\t\t\t\t
We have seen the main features related to contracts.
Let's see the " "messaging section.
" msgstr "" "Nous avons vu l'essentiel en ce qui concerne les contrats." "p>
Explorons maintenant la messagerie.
" #: common/Common.hx:11991 msgid "" "The messaging section allows you to send e-mails to different lists of " "members. It is not necessary anymore to maintain a lot of lists of e-mails " "depending on contracts, as all these lists are automatically generated.
" "E-mails are sent with your e-mail address as sender, so you will receive " "answers in your own mailbox.
" msgstr "" "La messagerie vous permet d'envoyer des emails à différentes listes " "d'adhérents.\n" "\t\t\t\t\tIl n'est plus nécéssaire de maintenir de nombreuses listes " "d'emails en fonction des contrats, toutes ces listes\n" "\t\t\t\t\tsont gérées automatiquement.
\n" "\t\t\t\t\tLes emails sont envoyés avec votre adresse email en tant " "qu'expéditeur, vous recevrez donc les réponses sur votre boite email " "habituelle.
" #: common/Common.hx:12445 msgid "Click here now on this page" msgstr "Cliquez maintenant sur cette rubrique" #: common/Common.hx:12601 msgid "" "In this last page, you can configure everything that is related to your " "group.
The page Access rights is important as it is where you " "can define other coordinators among members. They will then be able to " "manage one or many contracts, send emails, etc.
" msgstr "" "Dans cette dernière rubrique, vous pouvez configurer tout ce qui concerne " "votre groupe en général.
\n" "\t\t\t\t\tLa rubrique Droits et accès est importante puisque c'est " "là que vous pourrez nommer d'autres coordinateurs parmi les adhérents. Ils " "pourront\n" "\t\t\t\t\tainsi gérer les contrats dont ils s'occupent, utiliser la " "messagerie, etc.\n" "\t\t\t\t\t
" #: common/Common.hx:12985 msgid "" "This is the last step of this tutorial. I hope that it gave you a good "
"overview of this software.
To go further, do not hesitate to look at the "
"documentation. The link is always available at the bottom of the "
C'est la dernière étape de ce tutoriel, j'espère qu'il vous aura donné "
"une bonne vue d'ensemble du logiciel.
"\t\t\t\t\tPour aller plus loin, n'hésitez pas à consulter la "
"documentation dont le lien est toujours disponible en bas de "