::use 'design.mtt'::

::_("Order"):: ::c.name::

::raw _("Key-in here your orders in advance for this supplier.
You can check your current orders any time on the following page my account.
Tip: to remove an order please key-in the quantity 0")::

::foreach d userOrders:: ::if d.distrib==null:: ::else:: ::end:: ::end:: ::if userOrders.length>0:: ::foreach uo userOrders[0].datas:: ::set i = repeat.uo.index:: ::foreach d userOrders:: ::end:: ::end:: ::else:: ::end:: ::foreach d userOrders:: ::end::
::_("Product"):: ::_("Price")::::_("Qty")::::dDate(d.distrib.date)::
  ::uo.product.getName():: ::set price = uo.product.price + uo.product._contract.computeFees(uo.product.price):: ::formatNum(price):: ::currency():: ::set o = d.datas[i]:: ::if o.order==null:: ::if d.distrib==null:: ::else:: ::end:: ::else:: ::o.order.quantity:: ::end::
::_("There is currently no open order")::
Total ::set total=0:: ::foreach o d.datas:: ::if o.order!=null:: ::set q = o.order.quantity:: ::set price = o.product.price + o.product._contract.computeFees(o.product.price):: ::set total = total+(q*price):: ::end:: ::end:: ::formatNum(total):: ::currency()::

::_("Supplier:"):: ::c._vendor.name::

::_("Contact in charge:"):: $$contact(::c._contact::)
