::use 'base.mtt'::
::foreach notification getMessages()::
::if notification.error:: ::else:: ::end:: ::raw notification.text::

::if group._image!=null:: ::if group.extUrl!=null && group.extUrl!=""::
::end:: ::end::

::if isMember:: ::_("Go to my account"):: ::else::

Inscriptions :

::switch group._regOption:: ::case::

::_("Contact the person in charge in order to subscribe to this group and get to know membership conditions.")::

::_("Membership request")::


::_("This group accepts subscriptions on waiting list. A coordinator will contact you.")::

::_("Subscription on waiting list")::


::_("Free subscription")::


::_("This group is full and do not accept any more subscription.")::

::end:: ::end::

::if user==null::

::_("Already member? Log in:")::



::if group.txtIntro!=null && group.txtIntro!="":: ::raw nl2br(group.txtIntro):: ::end::

::_("Next deliveries")::

::foreach d group.getDeliveries(4)::
::set s = getDate( d.date ):: ::if isToday(d.date):: $$today(::s.dow::,::s.d::,::s.m::,::s.y::,::s.h::,::d._place::) ::else:: $$date(::s.dow::,::s.d::,::s.m::,::s.y::,::d._place::) ::end::


::group._contact.firstName:: ::group._contact.lastName::

::_("Suppliers and products")::

::_("Non-complete extract of available products:")::

::foreach c contracts::

::c._vendor.name::, $$nullSafe(::c._vendor.zipCode::) $$nullSafe(::c._vendor.city::)

::foreach p c.getProductsPreview(6)::

