package sugoi.mail; import tink.core.Future; import tink.core.Noise; import sugoi.mail.IMailer; import smtpmailer.Address; typedef SmtpInfo = { host:String, port:Int, auth:{ username:String, password:String } } /** * Send emails thru OS command `sendemail` * requires: `apt install sendemail libio-socket-ssl-perl libnet-ssleay-perl` */ class SendEmailMailer implements IMailer { var m:SmtpInfo; public function new() {} public function init(?conf:{ smtp_host:String, smtp_port:Int, smtp_user:String, smtp_pass:String }):IMailer { var mailer:SendEmailMailer = new SendEmailMailer(); mailer.m = { host: conf.smtp_host, port: conf.smtp_port, auth: { username: conf.smtp_user, password: conf.smtp_pass } }; return mailer; } public function send(e:sugoi.mail.IMail, ?params:Dynamic, ?callback:MailerResult->Void) { var to:String; var bcc:String; var recipientCounts = e.getRecipients().length; if (recipientCounts > 1) { to = sugoi.mail.Mail.fromString(e.getSender().name, e.getSender().email); bcc = [for (i in e.getRecipients())].join(","); App.log('recipients has been transformed to ${recipientCounts} bcc'); App.log(bcc); } else { to = e.getRecipients()[0].email; bcc = ""; } var args = [ // arguments "-s", '${}:${this.m.port}', "-xu", ${this.m.auth.username}, "-xp", ${this.m.auth.password}, "-o", "message-charset=utf-8", "-o", "message-format=html", "-o", "message-header=X-Mailer: CagettePei", "-f", sugoi.mail.Mail.fromString(e.getSender().name, e.getSender().email), "-t", to, "-bcc", bcc, "-u", e.getSubject(), ]; // FIME: deal with replyTo if (e.getHeaders().exists("Reply-To")) { var replyTo = e.getHeaders()["Reply-To"]; App.log('replyTo "$replyTo" detected'); args.push("-o"); args.push('message-header=Reply-To: ${replyTo}'); } args.push("-m"); args.push('${e.getHtmlBody()}'); // if (App.config.DEBUG) // App.log('args=${args.join(" ")}'); var exitCode = Sys.command("sendemail", args); // var exitCode = 0; var summary = 'email from="${sugoi.mail.Mail.fromString(e.getSender().name, e.getSender().email)}" subject=<${e.getSubject()}>'; if (exitCode == 0) App.log('$summary successfully sent'); else App.log('ERROR: $summary cannot be sent, please review logs'); if (callback != null) { var map = new MailerResult(); if (exitCode == 0) map.set("*", Success(Sent)); else map.set("*", Failure(HardBounce)); callback(map); } } }