::_("Place"):: : ::distrib._place.toString()::, ::distrib._place.getAddress()::
::set c = contract._contact:: ::set v = contract._vendor:: ::_("Contact in charge of the contract") : ::c.firstName:: ::c.lastName::, ::c.email::, ::c.phone::
::_("Farmer"):: : ::v.name:: , ::if v.email!=null :: ::v.email:: ::end::, ::if v.phone!=null :: ::v.phone:: ::end::
::_("Members on duty"):: : ::if distrib._distributor1!=null:: ::distrib._distributor1.getName()::, ::end:: ::if distrib._distributor2!=null:: ::distrib._distributor2.getName()::, ::end:: ::if distrib._distributor3!=null:: ::distrib._distributor3.getName()::, ::end:: ::if distrib._distributor4!=null:: ::distrib._distributor4.getName():: ::end::
::raw nl2br(distrib._contract._amap.txtDistrib)::
::set basket = getBasket(m.userId,distrib._place.id,distrib.date):: N°::basket.num:: - ::m.userName:: ::set u = getUser(m.userId):: ::if u !=null && u.phone!=null:: - Tél. $$nullSafe(::u.phone::) ::end:: ::if m.userName2 != null:: ::_("alternately with"):: ::m.userName2:: ::set u = getUser(m.userId2): ::if u !=null:: - Tél. $$nullSafe(::u.phone::) ::end:: ::end:: | |||||||
::_("Qty"):: | ::_("Ref"):: | ::_("Product"):: | ::_("U.P."):: | ::_("Sub-total"):: | ::_("Fees"):: | ::_("Total"):: | ::_("Signature"):: |
::if(m.quantity==0 && m.canceled):: ::_("Canceled"):: ::else:: ::raw m.smartQt:: ::end:: | $$nullSafe(::m.productRef::) | ::m.productName:: | ::formatNum(m.productPrice):: ::currency():: | ::formatNum(m.subTotal):: ::currency():: | ::if m.percentageValue!=null:: ::formatNum(m.fees):: ::currency():: ::end:: | ::formatNum(m.total):: ::currency():: ::set total = total + m.total:: ::set subtotal = subtotal + m.total:: | |
::_("TOTAL"):: | ::formatNum(subtotal):: ::currency():: | ::set subtotal = 0:: | |||||
::_("Total order:"):: | ::formatNum(total):: ::currency():: |
::_("Push on \"Control + P\" to print this page.")::