package react; import react.ReactComponent; import react.ReactMacro.jsx; import Common; // I need to store also the "input" because of typedef VATBoxState = {ht:Float, ttc:Float, vat:Float, htInput:String, ttcInput:String,lastEdited:String}; /** * A box to manage prices with and without VAT * @author fbarbut */ class VATBox extends react.ReactComponentOfPropsAndState<{ttc:Float,currency:String,vatRates:String,vat:Float,formName:String},VATBoxState> { public function new(props) { super(props); //trace(props); this.state = { ht : round(props.ttc/(1+props.vat/100)), htInput : Std.string(round(props.ttc/(1+props.vat/100))), ttc : round(props.ttc), ttcInput : Std.string(round(props.ttc)), vat:props.vat, lastEdited:null }; } override public function render(){ var rates :Array= props.vatRates.split("|").map(Std.parseFloat); var options = [for (r in rates) jsx('') ]; var priceInputName = props.formName+"_price"; var vatInputName = props.formName+"_vat"; return jsx('
Hors taxe
Taux de TVA
'); } /** * Recompute prices */ function onChange(e:js.html.Event){ e.preventDefault(); var name :String = untyped; var input : String = Std.string(untyped; if (input == null || input == "") input = "0"; input = StringTools.replace(input, ",", "."); var value : Float = Std.parseFloat(input); if (value == null) value = 0; var rate = 1 + (state.vat / 100); //trace('name:$name - raw:' + untyped' - input:$input - value:$value '); switch(name){ case "htInput": this.setState(cast {ht:value , htInput:input , ttc: round(value * rate), ttcInput:round(value * rate) , lastEdited:"htInput"}); case "ttcInput": this.setState(cast {ht: round(value / rate), htInput : round(value/rate), ttcInput:input , ttc:value , lastEdited:"ttcInput"}); case "vat": rate = 1 + (value / 100); if (state.lastEdited == "htInput"){ //compute ttc from ht this.setState(cast { vat:value,,, ttc:round( * rate) , ttcInput:round( * rate)} ); }else{ //compute ht from ttc this.setState(cast { vat:value, ht: round( state.ttc/rate ), htInput: round( state.ttc/rate ), ttc:state.ttc , ttcInput:state.ttc} ); } default: } } inline function round(f:Float):Float{ return Math.round(f * 100) / 100; } }