::use 'design.mtt'::

::__("Modify the order delivered on ::date::",{date:hDate(date)})::

::raw _("You can modify here an existing order. If you would like to remove a product, just key-in the quantity 0.
You may not be able to modify all elements as the order could be closed for some suppliers")::

::set total = 0:: ::foreach o orders:: ::set total = total + o.total:: ::end::
::_("Product"):: ::_("U.P."):: ::_("Sub-total"):: ::_("Fees"):: ::_("Total"):: ::_("Quantity")::
::o.quantity:: x ::o.productName:: ::formatNum(o.productPrice):: ::currency():: ::formatNum(o.subTotal):: ::currency():: $$nullSafe(::formatNum(o.fees)::) ::formatNum(o.total):: ::currency():: ::if o.canModify:: ::else:: ::_("Order closed or already paid"):: ::end::
::_("TOTAL"):: ::roundTo(total,2)::::currency()::