::use 'design.mtt'::


::if step==1::

::elseif step==2::

::_("Users to import")::

::if (data!=null && data.length>0) || (data2!=null && data2.length>0):: ::foreach d data:: ::foreach r d:: ::end:: ::end::
::_("First name"):: ::_("Last name"):: ::_("Email"):: ::_("Phone"):: ::_("Partner first name"):: ::_("Partner last name"):: ::_("Partner email"):: ::_("phone"):: ::_("Address 1"):: ::_("Address 2"):: ::_("zip code"):: ::_("City")::
::if r!=null:: ::r:: ::end::

::_("Existing accounts")::

::foreach d data2:: ::foreach r d:: ::end:: ::end::
::_("First name"):: ::_("Last name"):: ::_("Email"):: ::_("Phone"):: ::_("Partner first name"):: ::_("Partner last name"):: ::_("Partner email"):: ::_("phone"):: ::_("Address 1"):: ::_("Address 2"):: ::_("zip code"):: ::_("City")::
::if r!=null:: ::r:: ::end::

::_("Before validating this import, please check that this table est correctly filled.
If some datas are shifted or are not linked to the right column, please check your CSV file.")::

::_("Try again")::
::_("Finalize import"):: ::else::
::_("Oups !")::

::_("It looks like there is no data to import. Please check your CSV file or check that the users you want to import are not already registred.")::

::_("Try again")::
::elseif step==3:: ::if numImported>0::
::raw __("Congratulations ! You just imported ::numImported:: users in your group.",{numImported:numImported})::

::raw _("You may now consider inviting them to log into Cagette.net")::


::_("You did'nt import anything in your database because your file was empty, or contained already registred users")::

::end:: ::_("Go back to the main page"):: ::end::


::raw _("Here you can import a large amount of members in your database from a simple Excel or Libre Office file.