::use 'design.mtt'::

::_("Import products")::

::if step==1::

::elseif step==2::

Produits à importer

::if !csv.isEmpty():: ::foreach h csv.getHeaders():: ::end:: ::foreach d csv.getDatas():: ::foreach r d:: ::end:: ::end::
::if r!=null:: ::r:: ::end::

::raw _("Before validating the import, please check if the table above is correctly filled.
If data are not in line or not corresponding to the right column, it means that your CSV file is not correct.")::

::_("Import these products in the database"):: ::else::

::_("It seems that there is no data to import.")::

::elseif step==3:: ::if numImported>0::
::__("Congratulations! You have imported ::num:: products in your database", {num:numImported})::

::_("You did not import anything in your database because your file was empty or contained products already present in the database.")::

::end:: ::_("Back to the management of products"):: ::end::


::_("This page will allow you to import a large number of products in your database from an Excel file.")::