::use 'design.mtt'::

::_("Hello"):: ::if whichUser()==0:: ::user.firstName:: ::else:: ::user.firstName2:: ::end:: !


::raw _("Connect to your Cagette Pro account to manage your products, catalogs and deliveries.")::

::foreach p pros:: ::end::

::raw _("Please click on the Cagette group you want to connect to.")::

::foreach ua amaps:: ::set group = ua._amap:: ::end:: ::if amaps.length==0::

::_("You don't belong to any group yet")::

::_("Create my own group")::
::if session.lang!="de":: ::_("Find other groups near me"):: ::end:: ::_("Create my own group")::

::_("Subscriptions on waiting list")::

::foreach w wl:: ::end::
::w._group.name:: ::__("Request sent on ::date::",{ date:hDate(w.date) }):: ::_("Cancel")::