/** * o------------------------------------------------------------------------------o * | This file is part of the RGraph package - you can learn more at: | * | | * | http://www.rgraph.net | * | | * | This package is licensed under the RGraph license. For all kinds of business | * | purposes there is a small one-time licensing fee to pay and for non | * | commercial purposes it is free to use. You can read the full license here: | * | | * | http://www.rgraph.net/LICENSE.txt | * o------------------------------------------------------------------------------o */ /** * Initialise the various objects */ if (typeof(RGraph) == 'undefined') RGraph = {isRGraph:true,type:'common'}; RGraph.Registry = {}; RGraph.Registry.store = []; RGraph.Registry.store['chart.event.handlers'] = []; RGraph.Registry.store['__rgraph_event_listeners__'] = []; // Used in the new system for tooltips RGraph.background = {}; RGraph.objects = []; RGraph.Resizing = {}; RGraph.events = []; RGraph.cursor = []; RGraph.DOM2Events = {}; RGraph.ObjectRegistry = {}; RGraph.ObjectRegistry.objects = {}; RGraph.ObjectRegistry.objects.byUID = []; RGraph.ObjectRegistry.objects.byCanvasID = []; /** * Some "constants" */ HALFPI = (Math.PI / 2); PI = Math.PI; TWOPI = PI * 2; /** * Returns five values which are used as a nice scale * * @param max int The maximum value of the graph * @param obj object The graph object * @return array An appropriate scale */ RGraph.getScale = function (max, obj) { /** * Special case for 0 */ if (max == 0) { return ['0.2', '0.4', '0.6', '0.8', '1.0']; } var original_max = max; /** * Manually do decimals */ if (max <= 1) { if (max > 0.5) { return [0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8, Number(1).toFixed(1)]; } else if (max >= 0.1) { return obj.Get('chart.scale.round') ? [0.2,0.4,0.6,0.8,1] : [0.1,0.2,0.3,0.4,0.5]; } else { var tmp = max; var exp = 0; while (tmp < 1.01) { exp += 1; tmp *= 10; } var ret = ['2e-' + exp, '4e-' + exp, '6e-' + exp, '8e-' + exp, '10e-' + exp]; if (max <= ('5e-' + exp)) { ret = ['1e-' + exp, '2e-' + exp, '3e-' + exp, '4e-' + exp, '5e-' + exp]; } return ret; } } // Take off any decimals if (String(max).indexOf('.') > 0) { max = String(max).replace(/\.\d+$/, ''); } var interval = Math.pow(10, Number(String(Number(max)).length - 1)); var topValue = interval; while (topValue < max) { topValue += (interval / 2); } // Handles cases where the max is (for example) 50.5 if (Number(original_max) > Number(topValue)) { topValue += (interval / 2); } // Custom if the max is greater than 5 and less than 10 if (max < 10) { topValue = (Number(original_max) <= 5 ? 5 : 10); } /** * Added 02/11/2010 to create "nicer" scales */ if (obj && typeof(obj.Get('chart.scale.round')) == 'boolean' && obj.Get('chart.scale.round')) { topValue = 10 * interval; } return [topValue * 0.2, topValue * 0.4, topValue * 0.6, topValue * 0.8, topValue]; } /** * Returns the maximum numeric value which is in an array * * @param array arr The array (can also be a number, in which case it's returned as-is) * @param int Whether to ignore signs (ie negative/positive) * @return int The maximum value in the array */ RGraph.array_max = function (arr) { var max = null; if (typeof(arr) == 'number') { return arr; } for (var i=0; i 0 && arguments[6] == 'center') { var line_count = text.split('\r\n').length; y = y - ((line_count - 1.5) * size); } else if (text.indexOf('\r\n') > 0 && arguments[6] == 'bottom') { var line_count = text.split('\r\n').length; y = y - ((line_count - 0.5) * size); } } /** * This calls the text function recursively to accommodate multi-line text */ if (typeof(text) == 'string' && text.match(/\r\n/)) { var arr = text.split('\r\n'); text = arr[0]; arr = RGraph.array_shift(arr); var nextline = arr.join('\r\n') RGraph.Text(context, font, size, arguments[9] == -90 ? (x + (size * 1.5)) : x, y + (size * 1.5), nextline, arguments[6] ? arguments[6] : null, arguments[7], arguments[8], arguments[9], arguments[10], arguments[11], arguments[12]); } // Accommodate MSIE if (RGraph.isOld()) { y += 2; } context.font = (arguments[11] ? 'Bold ': '') + size + 'pt ' + font; var i; var origX = x; var origY = y; var originalFillStyle = context.fillStyle; var originalLineWidth = context.lineWidth; // Need these now the angle can be specified, ie defaults for the former two args if (typeof(arguments[6]) == null) arguments[6] = 'bottom'; // Vertical alignment. Default to bottom/baseline if (typeof(arguments[7]) == null) arguments[7] = 'left'; // Horizontal alignment. Default to left if (typeof(arguments[8]) == null) arguments[8] = null; // Show a bounding box. Useful for positioning during development. Defaults to false if (typeof(arguments[9]) == null) arguments[9] = 0; // Angle (IN DEGREES) that the text should be drawn at. 0 is middle right, and it goes clockwise if (typeof(arguments[12]) == null) arguments[12] = true; // Whether the bounding box has the placement indicator // The alignment is recorded here for purposes of Opera compatibility if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') != -1) { context.canvas.__rgraph_valign__ = arguments[6]; context.canvas.__rgraph_halign__ = arguments[7]; } // First, translate to x/y coords context.save(); context.canvas.__rgraph_originalx__ = x; context.canvas.__rgraph_originaly__ = y; context.translate(x, y); x = 0; y = 0; // Rotate the canvas if need be if (arguments[9]) { context.rotate(arguments[9] / 57.3); } // Vertical alignment - defaults to bottom if (arguments[6]) { var vAlign = arguments[6]; if (vAlign == 'center') { context.translate(0, size / 2); } else if (vAlign == 'top') { context.translate(0, size); } } // Hoeizontal alignment - defaults to left if (arguments[7]) { var hAlign = arguments[7]; var width = context.measureText(text).width; if (hAlign) { if (hAlign == 'center') { context.translate(-1 * (width / 2), 0) } else if (hAlign == 'right') { context.translate(-1 * width, 0) } } } context.fillStyle = originalFillStyle; /** * Draw a bounding box if requested */ context.save(); context.fillText(text,0,0); context.lineWidth = 1; if (arguments[8]) { var width = context.measureText(text).width; var ieOffset = RGraph.isIE8() ? 2 : 0; context.translate(x, y); context.strokeRect(AA(context.canvas.__object__, - 3), AA(context.canvas.__object__, 0 - 3 - size - ieOffset), width + 6, 0 + size + 6); /** * If requested, draw a background for the text */ if (arguments[10]) { var offset = 3; var ieOffset = RGraph.isIE8() ? 2 : 0; var width = context.measureText(text).width //context.strokeStyle = 'gray'; context.fillStyle = arguments[10]; context.fillRect(AA(context.canvas.__object__, x - offset), AA(context.canvas.__object__, y - size - offset - ieOffset), width + (2 * offset), size + (2 * offset)); //context.strokeRect(x - offset, y - size - offset - ieOffset, width + (2 * offset), size + (2 * offset)); } /** * Do the actual drawing of the text */ context.fillStyle = originalFillStyle; //if (arguments[6] = 'center') { // context.ttextBaseline = 'middle'; //} context.fillText(text,0,0); if (arguments[12]) { context.fillRect( arguments[7] == 'left' ? 0 : (arguments[7] == 'center' ? width / 2 : width ) - 2, arguments[6] == 'bottom' ? 0 : (arguments[6] == 'center' ? (0 - size) / 2 : 0 - size) - 2, 4, 4 ); } } context.restore(); // Reset the lineWidth context.lineWidth = originalLineWidth; context.restore(); } /** * Clears the canvas by setting the width. You can specify a colour if you wish. * * @param object canvas The canvas to clear */ RGraph.Clear = function (canvas) { if (!canvas) { return; } RGraph.FireCustomEvent(canvas.__object__, 'onbeforeclear'); var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); var color = arguments[1]; if (RGraph.isIE8() && !color) { color = 'white'; } /** * Can now clear the canvas back to fully transparent */ if (!color || (color && color == 'transparent')) { context.clearRect(0,0,canvas.width, canvas.height); // Reset the globalCompositeOperation context.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-over'; } else { context.fillStyle = color; context = canvas.getContext('2d'); context.beginPath(); if (RGraph.isIE8()) { context.fillRect(0,0,canvas.width,canvas.height); } else { context.fillRect(-10,-10,canvas.width + 20,canvas.height + 20); } context.fill(); } if (RGraph.ClearAnnotations) { //RGraph.ClearAnnotations(canvas.id); } /** * This removes any background image that may be present */ if (RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.background.image.' + canvas.id)) { var img = RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.background.image.' + canvas.id); img.style.position = 'absolute'; img.style.left = '-10000px'; img.style.top = '-10000px'; } /** * This hides the tooltip that is showing IF it has the same canvas ID as * that which is being cleared */ if (RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.tooltip')) { RGraph.HideTooltip(); //RGraph.Redraw(); } /** * Set the cursor to default */ canvas.style.cursor = 'default'; RGraph.FireCustomEvent(canvas.__object__, 'onclear'); } /** * Draws the title of the graph * * @param object canvas The canvas object * @param string text The title to write * @param integer gutter The size of the gutter * @param integer The center X point (optional - if not given it will be generated from the canvas width) * @param integer Size of the text. If not given it will be 14 */ RGraph.DrawTitle = function (obj, text, gutterTop) { var canvas = obj.canvas; var context = obj.context; var gutterLeft = obj.Get('chart.gutter.left'); var gutterRight = obj.Get('chart.gutter.right'); var gutterBottom = obj.Get('chart.gutter.bottom'); var size = arguments[4] ? arguments[4] : 12; var bold = obj.Get('chart.title.bold'); var centerx = (arguments[3] ? arguments[3] : ((obj.canvas.width - gutterLeft - gutterRight) / 2) + gutterLeft); var keypos = obj.Get('chart.key.position'); var vpos = obj.Get('chart.title.vpos'); var hpos = obj.Get('chart.title.hpos'); var bgcolor = obj.Get('chart.title.background'); // Account for 3D effect by faking the key position if (obj.type == 'bar' && obj.Get('chart.variant') == '3d') { keypos = 'gutter'; } context.beginPath(); context.fillStyle = obj.Get('chart.text.color') ? obj.Get('chart.text.color') : 'black'; /** * Vertically center the text if the key is not present */ if (keypos && keypos != 'gutter') { var vCenter = 'center'; } else if (!keypos) { var vCenter = 'center'; } else { var vCenter = 'bottom'; } // if chart.title.vpos does not equal 0.5, use that if (typeof(obj.Get('chart.title.vpos')) == 'number') { vpos = obj.Get('chart.title.vpos') * gutterTop; if (obj.Get('chart.xaxispos') == 'top') { vpos = obj.Get('chart.title.vpos') * gutterBottom + gutterTop + (obj.canvas.height - gutterTop - gutterBottom); } } else { vpos = gutterTop - size - 5; if (obj.Get('chart.xaxispos') == 'top') { vpos = obj.canvas.height - gutterBottom + size + 5; } } // if chart.title.hpos is a number, use that. It's multiplied with the (entire) canvas width if (typeof(hpos) == 'number') { centerx = hpos * canvas.width; } // Set the colour if (typeof(obj.Get('chart.title.color') != null)) { var oldColor = context.fillStyle var newColor = obj.Get('chart.title.color') context.fillStyle = newColor ? newColor : 'black'; } /** * Default font is Verdana */ var font = obj.Get('chart.text.font'); /** * Override the default font with chart.title.font */ if (typeof(obj.Get('chart.title.font')) == 'string') { font = obj.Get('chart.title.font'); } /** * Draw the title itself */ RGraph.Text(context, font, size, centerx, vpos, text, vCenter, 'center', bgcolor != null, null, bgcolor, bold); // Reset the fill colour context.fillStyle = oldColor; } /** * This function returns the mouse position in relation to the canvas * * @param object e The event object. * RGraph.getMouseXY = function (e) { var el = ((RGraph.isIE8() || RGraph.isIE7()) ? event.srcElement : e.target); var x; var y; // ??? var paddingLeft = el.style.paddingLeft ? parseInt(el.style.paddingLeft) : 0; var paddingTop = el.style.paddingTop ? parseInt(el.style.paddingTop) : 0; var borderLeft = el.style.borderLeftWidth ? parseInt(el.style.borderLeftWidth) : 0; var borderTop = el.style.borderTopWidth ? parseInt(el.style.borderTopWidth) : 0; if (RGraph.isIE8()) e = event; // Browser with offsetX and offsetY if (typeof(e.offsetX) == 'number' && typeof(e.offsetY) == 'number') { x = e.offsetX; y = e.offsetY; // FF and other } else { x = 0; y = 0; while (el != document.body && el) { x += el.offsetLeft; y += el.offsetTop; el = el.offsetParent; } x = e.pageX - x; y = e.pageY - y; } return [x, y]; }*/ RGraph.getMouseXY = function(e) { var el = e.target; var ca = el; var offsetX = 0; var offsetY = 0; var x; var y; // Add padding and border style widths to offset var additionalX = (parseInt(ca.style.borderLeftWidth) || 0) + (parseInt(ca.style.paddingLeft) || 0); var additionalY = (parseInt(ca.style.borderTopWidth) || 0) + (parseInt(ca.style.paddingTop) || 0); if (typeof(e.offsetX) == 'number' && typeof(e.offsetY) == 'number') { x = e.offsetX - additionalX; y = e.offsetY - additionalY; } else { if (typeof(el.offsetParent) != 'undefined') { do { offsetX += el.offsetLeft; offsetY += el.offsetTop; } while ((el = el.offsetParent)); } x = e.pageX - offsetX - additionalX; y = e.pageY - offsetY - additionalY; } // We return a simple javascript object (a hash) with x and y defined return [x, y]; } /** * This function returns a two element array of the canvas x/y position in * relation to the page * * @param object canvas */ RGraph.getCanvasXY = function (canvas) { var x = 0; var y = 0; var obj = canvas; do { x += obj.offsetLeft; y += obj.offsetTop; obj = obj.offsetParent; } while (obj && obj.tagName.toLowerCase() != 'body'); var paddingLeft = canvas.style.paddingLeft ? parseInt(canvas.style.paddingLeft) : 0; var paddingTop = canvas.style.paddingTop ? parseInt(canvas.style.paddingTop) : 0; var borderLeft = canvas.style.borderLeftWidth ? parseInt(canvas.style.borderLeftWidth) : 0; var borderTop = canvas.style.borderTopWidth ? parseInt(canvas.style.borderTopWidth) : 0; return [x + paddingLeft + borderLeft, y + paddingTop + borderTop]; } /** * Registers a graph object (used when the canvas is redrawn) * * @param object obj The object to be registered */ RGraph.Register = function (obj) { // Checking this property ensures the object is only registered once if (!obj.Get('chart.noregister')) { // As of 21st/1/2012 the object registry is now used RGraph.ObjectRegistry.Add(obj); obj.Set('chart.noregister', true); } } /** * Causes all registered objects to be redrawn * * @param string An optional color to use to clear the canvas */ RGraph.Redraw = function () { var objectRegistry = RGraph.ObjectRegistry.objects.byCanvasID; // Get all of the canvas tags on the page var tags = document.getElementsByTagName('canvas'); for (var i=0; i (RGraph.GetHeight(obj) - gutterBottom) ? RGraph.GetHeight(obj) - (gutterBottom + i) : 40); } context.stroke(); // Draw the background grid if (obj.Get('chart.background.grid')) { // If autofit is specified, use the .numhlines and .numvlines along with the width to work // out the hsize and vsize if (obj.Get('chart.background.grid.autofit')) { /** * Align the grid to the tickmarks */ if (obj.Get('chart.background.grid.autofit.align')) { // Align the horizontal lines obj.Set('chart.background.grid.autofit.numhlines', obj.Get('chart.ylabels.count')); // Align the vertical lines for the line if (obj.type == 'line') { if (obj.Get('chart.labels') && obj.Get('chart.labels').length) { obj.Set('chart.background.grid.autofit.numvlines', obj.Get('chart.labels').length - 1); } else { obj.Set('chart.background.grid.autofit.numvlines', obj.data[0].length - 1); } // Align the vertical lines for the bar } else if (obj.type == 'bar' && obj.Get('chart.labels') && obj.Get('chart.labels').length) { obj.Set('chart.background.grid.autofit.numvlines', obj.Get('chart.labels').length); } } var vsize = ((obj.canvas.width - gutterLeft - gutterRight)) / obj.Get('chart.background.grid.autofit.numvlines'); var hsize = (obj.canvas.height - gutterTop - gutterBottom) / obj.Get('chart.background.grid.autofit.numhlines'); obj.Set('chart.background.grid.vsize', vsize); obj.Set('chart.background.grid.hsize', hsize); } context.beginPath(); context.lineWidth = obj.Get('chart.background.grid.width') ? obj.Get('chart.background.grid.width') : 1; context.strokeStyle = obj.Get('chart.background.grid.color'); // Draw the horizontal lines if (obj.Get('chart.background.grid.hlines')) { height = (RGraph.GetHeight(obj) - gutterBottom) for (y=gutterTop; y= 1) days += 31; if (month >= 2) days += 28; // Leap years. Crude, but it functions if (year >= 2008 && year % 4 == 0) days += 1; if (month >= 3) days += 31; if (month >= 4) days += 30; if (month >= 5) days += 31; if (month >= 6) days += 30; if (month >= 7) days += 31; if (month >= 8) days += 31; if (month >= 9) days += 30; if (month >= 10) days += 31; if (month >= 11) days += 30; return days; } /** * Makes a clone of an object * * @param obj val The object to clone */ RGraph.array_clone = function (obj) { if(obj == null || typeof(obj) != 'object') { return obj; } var temp = []; for (var i=0;i 0) { return String(prepend + String(num) + append); } // We need then number as a string num = String(num); // Take off the decimal part - we re-append it later if (num.indexOf('.') > 0) { var tmp = num; num = num.replace(/\.(.*)/, ''); // The front part of the number decimal = tmp.replace(/(.*)\.(.*)/, '$2'); // The decimal part of the number } // Thousand seperator //var seperator = arguments[1] ? String(arguments[1]) : ','; var seperator = thousand_seperator; /** * Work backwards adding the thousand seperators */ var foundPoint; for (i=(num.length - 1),j=0; i>=0; j++,i--) { var character = num.charAt(i); if ( j % 3 == 0 && j != 0) { output += seperator; } /** * Build the output */ output += character; } /** * Now need to reverse the string */ var rev = output; output = ''; for (i=(rev.length - 1); i>=0; i--) { output += rev.charAt(i); } // Tidy up //output = output.replace(/^-,/, '-'); if (output.indexOf('-' + obj.Get('chart.scale.thousand')) == 0) { output = '-' + output.substr(('-' + obj.Get('chart.scale.thousand')).length); } // Reappend the decimal if (decimal.length) { output = output + decimal_seperator + decimal; decimal = ''; RegExp.$1 = ''; } // Minor bugette if (output.charAt(0) == '-') { output = output.replace(/-/, ''); prepend = '-' + prepend; } return prepend + output + append; } /** * Draws horizontal coloured bars on something like the bar, line or scatter */ RGraph.DrawBars = function (obj) { var hbars = obj.Get('chart.background.hbars'); /** * Draws a horizontal bar */ obj.context.beginPath(); for (i=0; i obj.max) { hbars[i][1] = obj.max - hbars[i][0]; } // If height is negative, and the abs() value is greater than .max, use a negative max instead if (Math.abs(hbars[i][1]) > obj.max) { hbars[i][1] = -1 * obj.max; } // If start point is greater than max, change it to max if (Math.abs(hbars[i][0]) > obj.max) { hbars[i][0] = obj.max; } // If start point plus height is less than negative max, use the negative max plus the start point if (hbars[i][0] + hbars[i][1] < (-1 * obj.max) ) { hbars[i][1] = -1 * (obj.max + hbars[i][0]); } // If the X axis is at the bottom, and a negative max is given, warn the user if (obj.Get('chart.xaxispos') == 'bottom' && (hbars[i][0] < 0 || (hbars[i][1] + hbars[i][1] < 0)) ) { alert('[' + obj.type.toUpperCase() + ' (ID: ' + obj.id + ') BACKGROUND HBARS] You have a negative value in one of your background hbars values, whilst the X axis is in the center'); } var ystart = (obj.grapharea - (((hbars[i][0] - obj.min) / (obj.max - obj.min)) * obj.grapharea)); var height = (Math.min(hbars[i][1], obj.max - hbars[i][0]) / (obj.max - obj.min)) * obj.grapharea; // Account for the X axis being in the center if (obj.Get('chart.xaxispos') == 'center') { ystart /= 2; height /= 2; } ystart += obj.Get('chart.gutter.top') var x = obj.Get('chart.gutter.left'); var y = ystart - height; var w = obj.canvas.width - obj.Get('chart.gutter.left') - obj.Get('chart.gutter.right'); var h = height; // Accommodate Opera :-/ if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera') != -1 && obj.Get('chart.xaxispos') == 'center' && h < 0) { h *= -1; y = y - h; } /** * Account for X axis at the top */ if (obj.Get('chart.xaxispos') == 'top') { y = obj.canvas.height - y; h *= -1; } obj.context.fillStyle = hbars[i][2]; obj.context.fillRect(x, y, w, h); } obj.context.fill(); } /** * Draws in-graph labels. * * @param object obj The graph object */ RGraph.DrawInGraphLabels = function (obj) { var canvas = obj.canvas; var context = obj.context; var labels = obj.Get('chart.labels.ingraph'); var labels_processed = []; // Defaults var fgcolor = 'black'; var bgcolor = 'white'; var direction = 1; if (!labels) { return; } /** * Preprocess the labels array. Numbers are expanded */ for (var i=0; i 0) { for (var i=0; i 0) { var x = (obj.type == 'bar' ? coords[0] + (coords[2] / 2) : coords[0]); var y = (obj.type == 'bar' ? coords[1] + (coords[3] / 2) : coords[1]); var length = typeof(labels_processed[i][4]) == 'number' ? labels_processed[i][4] : 25; context.beginPath(); context.fillStyle = 'black'; context.strokeStyle = 'black'; if (obj.type == 'bar') { /** * X axis at the top */ if (obj.Get('chart.xaxispos') == 'top') { length *= -1; } if (obj.Get('chart.variant') == 'dot') { context.moveTo(AA(obj, x), obj.coords[i][1] - 5); context.lineTo(AA(obj, x), obj.coords[i][1] - 5 - length); var text_x = AA(obj, x); var text_y = obj.coords[i][1] - 5 - length; } else if (obj.Get('chart.variant') == 'arrow') { context.moveTo(AA(obj, x), obj.coords[i][1] - 5); context.lineTo(AA(obj, x), obj.coords[i][1] - 5 - length); var text_x = AA(obj, x); var text_y = obj.coords[i][1] - 5 - length; } else { context.arc(AA(obj, x), y, 2.5, 0, 6.28, 0); context.moveTo(AA(obj, x), y); context.lineTo(AA(obj, x), y - length); var text_x = AA(obj, x); var text_y = y - length; } context.stroke(); context.fill(); } else if (obj.type == 'line') { if ( typeof(labels_processed[i]) == 'object' && typeof(labels_processed[i][3]) == 'number' && labels_processed[i][3] == -1 ) { context.moveTo(AA(obj, x), y + 5); context.lineTo(AA(obj, x), y + 5 + length); context.stroke(); context.beginPath(); // This draws the arrow context.moveTo(AA(obj, x), y + 5); context.lineTo(AA(obj, x) - 3, y + 10); context.lineTo(AA(obj, x) + 3, y + 10); context.closePath(); var text_x = x; var text_y = y + 5 + length; } else { var text_x = x; var text_y = y - 5 - length; context.moveTo(AA(obj, x), y - 5); context.lineTo(AA(obj, x), y - 5 - length); context.stroke(); context.beginPath(); // This draws the arrow context.moveTo(AA(obj, x), y - 5); context.lineTo(AA(obj, x) - 3, y - 10); context.lineTo(AA(obj, x) + 3, y - 10); context.closePath(); } context.fill(); } // Taken out on the 10th Nov 2010 - unnecessary //var width = context.measureText(labels[i]).width; context.beginPath(); // Fore ground color context.fillStyle = (typeof(labels_processed[i]) == 'object' && typeof(labels_processed[i][1]) == 'string') ? labels_processed[i][1] : 'black'; RGraph.Text(context, obj.Get('chart.text.font'), obj.Get('chart.text.size'), text_x, text_y, (typeof(labels_processed[i]) == 'object' && typeof(labels_processed[i][0]) == 'string') ? labels_processed[i][0] : labels_processed[i], 'bottom', 'center', true, null, (typeof(labels_processed[i]) == 'object' && typeof(labels_processed[i][2]) == 'string') ? labels_processed[i][2] : 'white'); context.fill(); } } } } } /** * This function "fills in" key missing properties that various implementations lack * * @param object e The event object */ RGraph.FixEventObject = function (e) { if (RGraph.isIE8() || RGraph.isIE7()) { var e = event; e.pageX = (event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft); e.pageY = (event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop); e.target = event.srcElement; if (!document.body.scrollTop && document.documentElement.scrollTop) { e.pageX += parseInt(document.documentElement.scrollLeft); e.pageY += parseInt(document.documentElement.scrollTop); } } // This is mainly for FF which doesn't provide offsetX if (typeof(e.offsetX) == 'undefined' && typeof(e.offsetY) == 'undefined') { var coords = RGraph.getMouseXY(e); e.offsetX = coords[0]; e.offsetY = coords[1]; } // Any browser that doesn't implement stopPropagation() (MSIE) if (!e.stopPropagation) { e.stopPropagation = function () {window.event.cancelBubble = true;} } return e; } /** * Thisz function hides the crosshairs coordinates */ RGraph.HideCrosshairCoords = function () { var div = RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.coordinates.coords.div'); if ( div && div.style.opacity == 1 && div.__object__.Get('chart.crosshairs.coords.fadeout') ) { setTimeout(function() {RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.coordinates.coords.div').style.opacity = 0.9;}, 50); setTimeout(function() {RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.coordinates.coords.div').style.opacity = 0.8;}, 100); setTimeout(function() {RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.coordinates.coords.div').style.opacity = 0.7;}, 150); setTimeout(function() {RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.coordinates.coords.div').style.opacity = 0.6;}, 200); setTimeout(function() {RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.coordinates.coords.div').style.opacity = 0.5;}, 250); setTimeout(function() {RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.coordinates.coords.div').style.opacity = 0.4;}, 300); setTimeout(function() {RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.coordinates.coords.div').style.opacity = 0.3;}, 350); setTimeout(function() {RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.coordinates.coords.div').style.opacity = 0.2;}, 400); setTimeout(function() {RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.coordinates.coords.div').style.opacity = 0.1;}, 450); setTimeout(function() {RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.coordinates.coords.div').style.opacity = 0;}, 500); setTimeout(function() {RGraph.Registry.Get('chart.coordinates.coords.div').style.display = 'none';}, 550); } } /** * Draws the3D axes/background */ RGraph.Draw3DAxes = function (obj) { var gutterLeft = obj.Get('chart.gutter.left'); var gutterRight = obj.Get('chart.gutter.right'); var gutterTop = obj.Get('chart.gutter.top'); var gutterBottom = obj.Get('chart.gutter.bottom'); var context = obj.context; var canvas = obj.canvas; context.strokeStyle = '#aaa'; context.fillStyle = '#ddd'; // Draw the vertical left side context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(gutterLeft, gutterTop); context.lineTo(gutterLeft + 10, gutterTop - 5); context.lineTo(gutterLeft + 10, canvas.height - gutterBottom - 5); context.lineTo(gutterLeft, canvas.height - gutterBottom); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); context.fill(); // Draw the bottom floor context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(gutterLeft, canvas.height - gutterBottom); context.lineTo(gutterLeft + 10, canvas.height - gutterBottom - 5); context.lineTo(canvas.width - gutterRight + 10, canvas.height - gutterBottom - 5); context.lineTo(canvas.width - gutterRight, canvas.height - gutterBottom); context.closePath(); context.stroke(); context.fill(); } /** * This function attempts to "fill in" missing functions from the canvas * context object. Only two at the moment - measureText() nd fillText(). * * @param object context The canvas 2D context */ RGraph.OldBrowserCompat = function (context) { if (!context) { return; } if (!context.measureText) { // This emulates the measureText() function context.measureText = function (text) { var textObj = document.createElement('DIV'); textObj.innerHTML = text; textObj.style.position = 'absolute'; textObj.style.top = '-100px'; textObj.style.left = 0; document.body.appendChild(textObj); var width = {width: textObj.offsetWidth}; textObj.style.display = 'none'; return width; } } if (!context.fillText) { // This emulates the fillText() method context.fillText = function (text, targetX, targetY) { return false; } } // If IE8, add addEventListener() if (!context.canvas.addEventListener) { window.addEventListener = function (ev, func, bubble) { return this.attachEvent('on' + ev, func); } context.canvas.addEventListener = function (ev, func, bubble) { return this.attachEvent('on' + ev, func); } } } /** * Draws a rectangle with curvy corners * * @param context object The context * @param x number The X coordinate (top left of the square) * @param y number The Y coordinate (top left of the square) * @param w number The width of the rectangle * @param h number The height of the rectangle * @param number The radius of the curved corners * @param boolean Whether the top left corner is curvy * @param boolean Whether the top right corner is curvy * @param boolean Whether the bottom right corner is curvy * @param boolean Whether the bottom left corner is curvy */ RGraph.strokedCurvyRect = function (context, x, y, w, h) { // The corner radius var r = arguments[5] ? arguments[5] : 3; // The corners var corner_tl = (arguments[6] || arguments[6] == null) ? true : false; var corner_tr = (arguments[7] || arguments[7] == null) ? true : false; var corner_br = (arguments[8] || arguments[8] == null) ? true : false; var corner_bl = (arguments[9] || arguments[9] == null) ? true : false; context.beginPath(); // Top left side context.moveTo(x + (corner_tl ? r : 0), y); context.lineTo(x + w - (corner_tr ? r : 0), y); // Top right corner if (corner_tr) { context.arc(x + w - r, y + r, r, PI + HALFPI, TWOPI, false); } // Top right side context.lineTo(x + w, y + h - (corner_br ? r : 0) ); // Bottom right corner if (corner_br) { context.arc(x + w - r, y - r + h, r, TWOPI, HALFPI, false); } // Bottom right side context.lineTo(x + (corner_bl ? r : 0), y + h); // Bottom left corner if (corner_bl) { context.arc(x + r, y - r + h, r, HALFPI, PI, false); } // Bottom left side context.lineTo(x, y + (corner_tl ? r : 0) ); // Top left corner if (corner_tl) { context.arc(x + r, y + r, r, PI, PI + HALFPI, false); } context.stroke(); } /** * Draws a filled rectangle with curvy corners * * @param context object The context * @param x number The X coordinate (top left of the square) * @param y number The Y coordinate (top left of the square) * @param w number The width of the rectangle * @param h number The height of the rectangle * @param number The radius of the curved corners * @param boolean Whether the top left corner is curvy * @param boolean Whether the top right corner is curvy * @param boolean Whether the bottom right corner is curvy * @param boolean Whether the bottom left corner is curvy */ RGraph.filledCurvyRect = function (context, x, y, w, h) { // The corner radius var r = arguments[5] ? arguments[5] : 3; // The corners var corner_tl = (arguments[6] || arguments[6] == null) ? true : false; var corner_tr = (arguments[7] || arguments[7] == null) ? true : false; var corner_br = (arguments[8] || arguments[8] == null) ? true : false; var corner_bl = (arguments[9] || arguments[9] == null) ? true : false; context.beginPath(); // First draw the corners // Top left corner if (corner_tl) { context.moveTo(x + r, y + r); context.arc(x + r, y + r, r, PI, PI + HALFPI, false); } else { context.fillRect(x, y, r, r); } // Top right corner if (corner_tr) { context.moveTo(x + w - r, y + r); context.arc(x + w - r, y + r, r, PI + HALFPI, 0, false); } else { context.moveTo(x + w - r, y); context.fillRect(x + w - r, y, r, r); } // Bottom right corner if (corner_br) { context.moveTo(x + w - r, y + h - r); context.arc(x + w - r, y - r + h, r, 0, HALFPI, false); } else { context.moveTo(x + w - r, y + h - r); context.fillRect(x + w - r, y + h - r, r, r); } // Bottom left corner if (corner_bl) { context.moveTo(x + r, y + h - r); context.arc(x + r, y - r + h, r, HALFPI, PI, false); } else { context.moveTo(x, y + h - r); context.fillRect(x, y + h - r, r, r); } // Now fill it in context.fillRect(x + r, y, w - r - r, h); context.fillRect(x, y + r, r + 1, h - r - r); context.fillRect(x + w - r - 1, y + r, r + 1, h - r - r); context.fill(); } /** * Hides the zoomed canvas */ RGraph.HideZoomedCanvas = function () { var interval = 15; var frames = 10; if (typeof(__zoomedimage__) == 'object') { obj = __zoomedimage__.obj; } else { return; } if (obj.Get('chart.zoom.fade.out')) { for (var i=frames,j=1; i>=0; --i, ++j) { if (typeof(__zoomedimage__) == 'object') { setTimeout("__zoomedimage__.style.opacity = " + String(i / 10), j * interval); } } if (typeof(__zoomedbackground__) == 'object') { setTimeout("__zoomedbackground__.style.opacity = " + String(i / frames), j * interval); } } if (typeof(__zoomedimage__) == 'object') { setTimeout("__zoomedimage__.style.display = 'none'", obj.Get('chart.zoom.fade.out') ? (frames * interval) + 10 : 0); } if (typeof(__zoomedbackground__) == 'object') { setTimeout("__zoomedbackground__.style.display = 'none'", obj.Get('chart.zoom.fade.out') ? (frames * interval) + 10 : 0); } } /** * Adds an event handler * * @param object obj The graph object * @param string event The name of the event, eg ontooltip * @param object func The callback function */ RGraph.AddCustomEventListener = function (obj, name, func) { if (typeof(RGraph.events[obj.uid]) == 'undefined') { RGraph.events[obj.uid] = []; } RGraph.events[obj.uid].push([obj, name, func]); return RGraph.events[obj.uid].length - 1; } /** * Used to fire one of the RGraph custom events * * @param object obj The graph object that fires the event * @param string event The name of the event to fire */ RGraph.FireCustomEvent = function (obj, name) { if (obj && obj.isRGraph) { // New style of adding custom events if (obj[name]) { (obj[name])(obj); } var uid = obj.uid; if ( typeof(uid) == 'string' && typeof(RGraph.events) == 'object' && typeof(RGraph.events[uid]) == 'object' && RGraph.events[uid].length > 0) { for(var j=0; j str.length ? obj.Get('chart.labels')[i] : str); } } obj.context.font = obj.Get('chart.text.size') + 'pt ' + obj.Get('chart.text.font'); len = obj.context.measureText(str).width + 5; return (obj.type == 'hbar' ? len / 3 : len); } /** * If you prefer, you can use the SetConfig() method to set the configuration information * for your chart. You may find that setting the configuration this way eases reuse. * * @param object obj The graph object * @param object config The graph configuration information */ RGraph.SetConfig = function (obj, c) { for (i in c) { if (typeof(i) == 'string') { obj.Set(i, c[i]); } } return obj; } /** * Clears all the custom event listeners that have been registered * * @param string Limits the clearing to this object ID */ RGraph.RemoveAllCustomEventListeners = function () { var id = arguments[0]; if (id && RGraph.events[id]) { RGraph.events[id] = []; } else { RGraph.events = []; } } /** * Clears a particular custom event listener * * @param object obj The graph object * @param number i This is the index that is return by .AddCustomEventListener() */ RGraph.RemoveCustomEventListener = function (obj, i) { if ( typeof(RGraph.events) == 'object' && typeof(RGraph.events[obj.id]) == 'object' && typeof(RGraph.events[obj.id][i]) == 'object') { RGraph.events[obj.id][i] = null; } } /** * This draws the background * * @param object obj The graph object */ RGraph.DrawBackgroundImage = function (obj) { if (typeof(obj.Get('chart.background.image')) == 'string') { if (typeof(obj.canvas.__rgraph_background_image__) == 'undefined') { var img = new Image(); img.__object__ = obj; img.__canvas__ = obj.canvas; img.__context__ = obj.context; img.src = obj.Get('chart.background.image'); obj.canvas.__rgraph_background_image__ = img; } else { img = obj.canvas.__rgraph_background_image__; } // When the image has loaded - redraw the canvas img.onload = function () { RGraph.Clear(obj.canvas); RGraph.RedrawCanvas(obj.canvas); } var gutterLeft = obj.Get('chart.gutter.left'); var gutterRight = obj.Get('chart.gutter.right'); var gutterTop = obj.Get('chart.gutter.top'); var gutterBottom = obj.Get('chart.gutter.bottom'); var stretch = obj.Get('chart.background.image.stretch'); var align = obj.Get('chart.background.image.align'); // Handle chart.background.image.align if (typeof(align) == 'string') { if (align.indexOf('right') != -1) { var x = obj.canvas.width - img.width - gutterRight; } else { var x = gutterLeft; } if (align.indexOf('bottom') != -1) { var y = obj.canvas.height - img.height - gutterBottom; } else { var y = gutterTop; } } else { var x = gutterLeft; var y = gutterTop; } // X/Y coords take precedence over the align var x = typeof(obj.Get('chart.background.image.x')) == 'number' ? obj.Get('chart.background.image.x') : x; var y = typeof(obj.Get('chart.background.image.y')) == 'number' ? obj.Get('chart.background.image.y') : y; var w = stretch ? obj.canvas.width - gutterLeft - gutterRight : img.width; var h = stretch ? obj.canvas.height - gutterTop - gutterBottom : img.height; /** * You can now specify the width and height of the image */ if (typeof(obj.Get('chart.background.image.w')) == 'number') w = obj.Get('chart.background.image.w'); if (typeof(obj.Get('chart.background.image.h')) == 'number') h = obj.Get('chart.background.image.h'); obj.context.drawImage(img,x,y,w, h); } } /** * This function determines wshether an object has tooltips or not * * @param object obj The chart object */ RGraph.hasTooltips = function (obj) { if (typeof(obj.Get('chart.tooltips')) == 'object' && obj.Get('chart.tooltips')) { for (var i=0; i=0; --i) { var obj = objects[i].getObjectByXY(e); if (obj) { return obj; } } } /** * Retrieves the relevant objects based on the X/Y position. * NOTE This function returns an array of objects * * @param object e The event object * @return An array of pertinent objects. Note the there may be only one object */ RGraph.ObjectRegistry.getObjectsByXY = function (e) { var canvas = e.target; var ret = []; var objects = RGraph.ObjectRegistry.getObjectsByCanvasID(canvas.id); // Retrieve objects "front to back" for (var i=(objects.length - 1); i>=0; --i) { var obj = objects[i].getObjectByXY(e); if (obj) { ret.push(obj); } } return ret; } /** * Retrieves the object with the corresponding UID * * @param string uid The UID to get the relevant object for */ RGraph.ObjectRegistry.getObjectByUID = function (uid) { var objects = RGraph.ObjectRegistry.objects.byUID; for (var i=0; i 0 ? objects[0] : null; } /** * This takes centerx, centery, x and y coordinates and returns the * appropriate angle relative to the canvas angle system. Remember * that the canvas angle system starts at the EAST axis * * @param number cx The centerx coordinate * @param number cy The centery coordinate * @param number x The X coordinate (eg the mouseX if coming from a click) * @param number y The Y coordinate (eg the mouseY if coming from a click) * @return number The relevant angle (measured in in RADIANS) */ RGraph.getAngleByXY = function (cx, cy, x, y) { var angle = Math.atan((y - cy) / (x - cx)); angle = Math.abs(angle) if (x >= cx && y >= cy) { angle += TWOPI; } else if (x >= cx && y < cy) { angle = (HALFPI - angle) + (PI + HALFPI); } else if (x < cx && y < cy) { angle += PI; } else { angle = PI - angle; } /** * Upper and lower limit checking */ if (angle > TWOPI) { angle -= TWOPI; } return angle; } /** * This function returns the distance between two points. In effect the * radius of an imaginary circle that is centered on x1 and y1. The name * of this function is derived from the word "Hypoteneuse", which in * trigonmetry is the longest side of a triangle * * @param number x1 The original X coordinate * @param number y1 The original Y coordinate * @param number x2 The target X coordinate * @param number y2 The target Y coordinate */ RGraph.getHypLength = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { var ret = Math.sqrt(((x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1)) + ((y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1))); return ret; } /** * This function gets the end point (X/Y coordinates) of a given radius. * You pass it the center X/Y and the radius and this function will return * the endpoint X/Y coordinates. * * @param number cx The center X coord * @param number cy The center Y coord * @param number r The lrngth of the radius */ RGraph.getRadiusEndPoint = function (cx, cy, angle, radius) { var x = cx + (Math.cos(angle) * radius); var y = cy + (Math.sin(angle) * radius); return [x, y]; } /** * This installs all of the event listeners * * @param object obj The chart object */ RGraph.InstallEventListeners = function (obj) { /** * Don't attempt to install event listeners for older versions of MSIE */ if (RGraph.isOld()) { return; } /** * If this function exists, then the dynamic file has been included. */ if (RGraph.InstallCanvasClickListener) { RGraph.InstallWindowMousedownListener(obj); RGraph.InstallWindowMouseupListener(obj); RGraph.InstallCanvasMousemoveListener(obj); RGraph.InstallCanvasMouseupListener(obj); RGraph.InstallCanvasMousedownListener(obj); RGraph.InstallCanvasClickListener(obj); } else if ( RGraph.hasTooltips(obj) || obj.Get('chart.adjustable') || obj.Get('chart.annotatable') || obj.Get('chart.contextmenu') || obj.Get('chart.resizable') || obj.Get('chart.key.interactive') || obj.Get('chart.events.click') || obj.Get('chart.events.mousemove') ) { alert('[RGRAPH] You appear to have used dynamic features but not included the file: RGraph.common.dynamic.js'); } } /** * Loosly mimicks the PHP function print_r(); */ RGraph.pr = function (obj) { var str = ''; var indent = (arguments[2] ? arguments[2] : ''); switch (typeof(obj)) { case 'number': if (indent == '') { str+= 'Number: ' } str += String(obj); break; case 'string': if (indent == '') { str+= 'String (' + obj.length + '):' } str += '"' + String(obj) + '"'; break; case 'object': // In case of null if (obj == null) { str += 'null'; break; } str += 'Object\n' + indent + '(\n'; for (var i in obj) { if (typeof(i) == 'string' || typeof(i) == 'number') { str += indent + ' ' + i + ' => ' + RGraph.pr(obj[i], true, indent + ' ') + '\n'; } } var str = str + indent + ')'; break; case 'function': str += obj; break; case 'boolean': str += 'Boolean: ' + (obj ? 'true' : 'false'); break; } /** * Finished, now either return if we're in a recursed call, or alert() * if we're not. */ if (arguments[1]) { return str; } else { alert(str); } } /** * Produces a dashed line * * @param */ RGraph.DashedLine = function(context, x1, y1, x2, y2) { /** * This is the size of the dashes */ var size = 5; /** * The optional fifth argument can be the size of the dashes */ if (typeof(arguments[5]) == 'number') { size = arguments[5]; } var dx = x2 - x1; var dy = y2 - y1; var num = Math.floor(Math.sqrt((dx * dx) + (dy * dy)) / size); var xLen = dx / num; var yLen = dy / num; var count = 0; do { (count % 2 == 0 && count > 0) ? context.lineTo(x1, y1) : context.moveTo(x1, y1); x1 += xLen; y1 += yLen; } while(count++ <= num); } /** * Makes an AJAX call. It calls the given callback (a function) when ready * * @param string url The URL to retrieve * @param function callback A function that is called when the response is ready, there's an example below * called "myCallback". */ RGraph.AJAX = function (url, callback) { // Mozilla, Safari, ... if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { var httpRequest = new XMLHttpRequest(); // MSIE } else if (window.ActiveXObject) { var httpRequest = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } httpRequest.onreadystatechange = function () { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { this.__user_callback__ = callback; this.__user_callback__(); } } httpRequest.open('GET', url, true); httpRequest.send(); } /** * Rotates the canvas * * @param object canvas The canvas to rotate * @param int x The X coordinate about which to rotate the canvas * @param int y The Y coordinate about which to rotate the canvas * @param int angle The angle(in RADIANS) to rotate the canvas by */ RGraph.RotateCanvas = function (canvas, x, y, angle) { var context = canvas.getContext('2d'); context.translate(x, y); context.rotate(angle); context.translate(0 - x, 0 - y); } /** * This draws an extra set of axes * * @param object obj The chart object * @param object prop An assoc array of options: * axis.x REQUIRED * axis.min Minimum value - default is 0 * axis.max Maximum value - REQUIRED * axis.color Color - default is black * axis.title Title - default is nothing * axis.title.color The color of the title text, default is black * axis.font The font that the text is rendered in, default is Arial * axis.text.size The default is 12 (ish) * axis.numticks The number of tickmarks, default is 10 * axis.numylabels The number of Y labels * axis.align This determines which side of the axis that the labels are draswn on. * It can be left or right * axis.scale.formatter This should be a function which accepts two arguments - the chart * object and the value. The function should then format the number * as required and then return it. */ RGraph.DrawAxes = function (obj, prop) { var gutterTop = obj.gutterTop; var gutterBottom = obj.gutterBottom; var context = obj.context; var x = prop['axis.x']; var y = obj.properties['chart.gutter.top']; var min = prop['axis.min'] ? prop['axis.min'] : 0; var max = prop['axis.max']; var color = prop['axis.color'] ? prop['axis.color'] : 'black'; var title = prop['axis.title'] ? prop['axis.title'] : ''; var title_color = prop['axis.title.color'] ? prop['axis.title.color'] : color; var label_color = prop['axis.text.color'] ? prop['axis.color'] : color; var height = obj.canvas.height - obj.gutterBottom - obj.gutterTop; var numticks = prop['axis.numticks'] ? prop['axis.numticks'] : 10; var numlabels = prop['axis.numlabels'] ? prop['axis.numlabels'] : 5; var gap = height / numticks; var font = prop['axis.font'] ? prop['axis.font'] : 'Arial'; var size = prop['axis.text.size'] ? prop['axis.text.size'] : 10; var align = typeof(prop['axis.align']) == 'string'? prop['axis.align'] : 'left'; var formatter = prop['axis.scale.formatter']; var decimals = prop['axis.scale.decimals']; var units_pre = prop['axis.units.pre']; var units_post = prop['axis.units.post']; /** * Set the color */ context.strokeStyle = color; /** * Draw the main vertical line */ context = obj.context; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo(AA(obj, x), y); context.lineTo(AA(obj, x), y + height); context.stroke(); /** * Draw the axes tickmarks */ context.beginPath(); for (var i=0; i<=numticks; ++i) { context.moveTo(align == 'right' ? x + 3 : x - 3,AA(obj, y + (gap *i))); context.lineTo(x,AA(obj, y + (gap *i))); } context.stroke(); /** * Draw the scale for the axes */ context.fillStyle = label_color; context.beginPath(); var text_len = 0; for (var i=0; i<=numlabels; ++i) { var original = ((max - min) * ((numlabels-i) / numlabels)) + min; var text = RGraph.number_format(obj, original.toFixed(decimals), units_pre, units_post); var text = String(typeof(formatter) == 'function' ? formatter(obj, original) : text); var text_len = Math.max(text_len, context.measureText(text).width); RGraph.Text( context, font, size, x - (align == 'right' ? -5 : 5), gutterTop + ((height / numlabels)*i), text, 'center', align == 'right' ? 'left' : 'right' ); } context.stroke(); /** * Draw the title for the axes */ if (title) { context.beginPath(); context.fillStyle = title_color RGraph.Text(context, font, size + 2, align == 'right' ? x + size + text_len + 2 : x - size - text_len - 2, height / 2 + gutterTop, title, 'center', 'center', null, align == 'right' ? 90 : -90); context.stroke(); } } /** * Measures text by creating a DIV in the document and adding the relevant text to it. * Then checking the .offsetWidth and .offsetHeight. * * @param string text The text to measure * @param bool bold Whether the text is bold or not * @param string font The font to use * @param size number The size of the text (in pts) * @return array A two element array of the width and height of the text */ RGraph.MeasureText = function (text, bold, font, size) { var div = document.createElement('DIV'); div.innerHTML = text; div.style.position = 'absolute'; div.style.top = '-100px'; div.style.left = '-100px'; div.style.color = 'rgba(0,0,0,0)'; div.style.fontFamily = font; div.style.fontWeight = bold ? 'bold' : 'normal'; div.style.fontSize = size + 'pt'; document.body.appendChild(div); var size = [div.offsetWidth, div.offsetHeight]; document.body.removeChild(div); return size; } /** * If the effects library isn't included already this prevents an unknown function error */ if (!RGraph.AddEffects) { RGraph.AddEffects = function (obj) {} } // Some other functions. Because they're rarely changed - they're hand minified function AA(obj,value){var value=String(value).replace(/^(\d+)\.\d+/,'$1');var newvalue=Number(value)+0.5;return(newvalue-value)>=0?newvalue:Math.floor(value);} RGraph.LinearGradient=function(obj,x1,y1,x2,y2,color1,color2){var gradient=obj.context.createLinearGradient(x1,y1,x2,y2);var numColors=arguments.length-5;for (var i=5;i=0;i--){newarr.push(arr[i]);}return newarr;} RGraph.Registry.Set=function(name,value){RGraph.Registry.store[name]=value;return value;} RGraph.Registry.Get=function(name){return RGraph.Registry.store[name];} RGraph.degrees2Radians=function(degrees){return degrees*(PI/180);} RGraph.is_array=function(obj){return obj!=null&&obj.constructor.toString().indexOf('Array')!=-1;} RGraph.trim=function(str){return RGraph.ltrim(RGraph.rtrim(str));} RGraph.ltrim=function(str){return str.replace(/^(\s|\0)+/, '');} RGraph.rtrim=function(str){return str.replace(/(\s|\0)+$/, '');} RGraph.GetHeight=function(obj){return obj.canvas.height;} RGraph.GetWidth=function(obj){return obj.canvas.width;} RGraph.is_null=function(arg){if(arg==null||(typeof(arg))=='object'&&!arg){return true;}return false;} RGraph.Timer=function(label){var d=new Date();console.log(label+': '+d.getSeconds()+'.'+d.getMilliseconds());} RGraph.Async=function(func){return setTimeout(func,arguments[1]?arguments[1]:1);} RGraph.isIE7=function(){return navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 7')>0;} RGraph.isIE8=function(){return navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 8')>0;} RGraph.isIE9=function(){return navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE 9')>0;} RGraph.isIE9up=function(){navigator.userAgent.match(/MSIE (\d+)/);return Number(RegExp.$1)>=9;} RGraph.isOld=function(){return RGraph.isIE7()||RGraph.isIE8();} RGraph.Reset=function(canvas){canvas.width=canvas.width;} function pd(variable){RGraph.pr(variable);} function p(variable){RGraph.pr(variable);} function a(variable){alert(variable);} function cl(variable){return console.log(variable);}