60 lines
1.3 KiB

::use 'design.mtt'::
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="article text-center">
<h2>::_("Order payment")::</h2>
::_("Your current balance is"):: <b>::ua.balance::</b>
</div> -->
<div style="font-size:120%;">
::_("Amount to pay"):: : <b>::formatNum(amount):: ::currency()::</b>
::_("Your basket has been recorded, please select a payment method to confirm it.")::
<div class="row">
::if(paymentTypes==null || paymentTypes.length==0)::
<div class="col-md-12">
<div class="alert alert-danger">
::_("Currently no payment method has been defined for this group.")::
::foreach p paymentTypes::
<div class="col-md-4">
::if(p.type != "moneypot" || allowMoneyPotWithNegativeBalance || futurebalance >= 0)::
::set class = "clickable"::
::set href = p.link::
::set class = "clickable disabled"::
::set href = "#"::
::set warning = _("You do not have sufficient funds to pay this order with your money pot.")::
<a class="::class::" href="::href::" style="min-height:120px;vertical-align:middle;">
::raw p.icon::
::if( warning )::