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<title>::_("Attendance sheet")::</title>
<link href="/css/print.css" rel="stylesheet"/>
<h2> -
::__("Distribution of the ::date::, from ::from:: to ::to::",{date:dDate(,from:hHour(,to:hHour(distrib.end)})::
<h2> -
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-map-marker"></span><b>::_("Place"):: : </b>
::distrib._place.toString()::, ::distrib._place.getAddress()::
::set c = contract._contact::
::set v = contract._vendor::
<b>::_("Contact in charge of the contract") :</b> ::c.firstName:: ::c.lastName::,,
<b>::_("Farmer"):: : </b> ,
::if!=null :: ::end::,
::if!=null :: ::end::
<b>::_("Members on duty"):: : </b>
::if distrib._distributor1!=null:: ::distrib._distributor1.getName()::, ::end::
::if distrib._distributor2!=null:: ::distrib._distributor2.getName()::, ::end::
::if distrib._distributor3!=null:: ::distrib._distributor3.getName()::, ::end::
::if distrib._distributor4!=null:: ::distrib._distributor4.getName():: ::end::
<table class="table table-bordered table-hover" style="width:100%;">
::foreach p products::
::foreach user users::
::set basket = getBasket(,,
<span ::cond basket!=null::>N°::basket.num:: - </span>
::foreach p products::
::set o = orders.get(
::raw o.smartQt::
<th>::formatNum(totalByUser( ::currency()::</th>
::foreach p products::
::set q = totalByProduct(
::if(p.qt!=null && (p.hasFloatQt || p.variablePrice) )::
::q * p.qt:: ::unit(p._unitType,false)::
<p>::raw nl2br(distrib._contract._amap.txtDistrib)::</p>
<p class="hidden"><i>::_("Push on \"Control + P\" to print this page.")::</i></p>