/* * Copyright (c)2012 Nicolas Cannasse * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ package sys.db; import haxe.macro.Context; #if !macro import sys.db.TableInfos.TableType; #end #if neko import neko.Lib; import neko.Web; #elseif php import php.Lib; import php.Web; #end class MacroHelper { public macro static function importFile( file : String ) { var data = try sys.io.File.getContent(Context.resolvePath(file)) catch( e : Dynamic ) null; return Context.makeExpr(data,Context.currentPos()); } } #if !macro class AdminStyle { public static var BASE_URL = "/db/"; public static var CSS = { var file = MacroHelper.importFile("db.css"); if( file == null ) null else ''; } public static var HTML_BOTTOM = ""; var isNull : Bool; var value : String; var isHeader : Bool; var table : TableInfos; public function new(t) { this.table = t; } function out(str : String,?params : Dynamic) { if( params != null ) { for( x in Reflect.fields(params) ) str = str.split("@"+x).join(Reflect.field(params,x)); } Sys.println(str); } public function text(str,?title) { str = StringTools.htmlEscape(str); if( title != null ) str = ''+str+''; out(str); } public function begin( title ) { out('@title',{ title: title }); if( CSS != null ) out(CSS); out(''); out(' ',{ base : BASE_URL }); out(''); out('


',{ title : title }); } public function end() { out('
'); out(HTML_BOTTOM); out(''); } public function beginList() { out(""); } public function beginItem() { out("
  • "); } public function endItem() { out("
  • "); } public function goto(url) { Web.redirect(BASE_URL+url); } public function link( url, name ) { out('@name',{ url : BASE_URL+url, name : name }); } public function linkConfirm( url, name ) { out('@name',{ url : BASE_URL+url, name : name }); } public function beginForm(url,?file,?id) { out('
    ',{ id:id, url : BASE_URL+url, enc : if( file ) ' enctype="multipart/form-data"' else "" }); beginTable(); } public function endForm() { endTable(); out('
    '); } public function beginTable( ?css ) { if( css != null ) out('',{ css : css }); else out('
    '); } public function endTable() { out('
    '); } public function beginLine( ?isHeader, ?css ) { var str = '' else ''; out(str); this.isHeader = isHeader; } public function nextRow( ?isHeader ) { out((if( this.isHeader ) '' else '')+(if( isHeader ) '' else '')); this.isHeader = isHeader; } public function endLine() { out((if( this.isHeader ) '' else '')+''); } public function addSubmit( name, ?url, ?confirm, ?iname ) { beginLine(); nextRow(); out(''); endLine(); } public function checkBox(name,checked) { out(''); } function input(name,css,?options : Dynamic) { if( options == null ) options = {}; beginLine(true); out(name); nextRow(); if( isNull ) checkBox(name+"__data",value != null); out(''); endLine(); } function getFileURL( v : String ) { return "/file/" + v + ".png"; } function inputText(name, css, ?noWrap ) { beginLine(true); out(name); nextRow(); if( isNull ) checkBox(name+"__data",value != null); out('',{ noWrap : noWrap?' wrap="off"':'', name : name, css : css, value : if( value != null ) StringTools.htmlEscape(value) else "" }); endLine(); } public function inputField( name : String, type : TableType, isNull, value ) { this.isNull = isNull; this.value = value; switch( type ) { case DId, DUId, DBigId: infoField(name,if( value == null ) "#ID" else value); case DInt: input(name,"dint",{ size : 10 }); case DBigInt: input(name,"dbigint",{ size : 20 }); case DUInt: input(name,"duint",{ size : 10 }); case DTinyInt: input(name, "dtint", { size : 4 } ); case DTinyUInt, DSmallInt, DSmallUInt, DMediumInt, DMediumUInt: input(name, "dint", { size : 10 } ); case DFloat, DSingle: input(name,"dfloat",{ size : 10 }); case DBool: input(name,"dbool",{ isCheck : true }); case DString(n): input(name,"dstring",{ size : n }); case DTinyText: input(name,"dtinytext"); case DDate: if( value != null ) this.value = try value.toString().substr(0,10) catch( e : Dynamic ) "#INVALID"; input(name,"ddate",{ size : 10 }); case DDateTime, DTimeStamp: if( value != null ) this.value = try value.toString() catch( e : Dynamic ) "#INVALID"; input(name, "ddatetime", { size : 19 } ); case DText, DSmallText: inputText(name, "dtext"); case DSerialized, DNekoSerialized: inputText(name, "dtext", true); case DData: inputText(name, "dtext", true); case DEnum(_): // todo : use a select box with possible constructors input(name, "dtint", { size : 4 } ); case DEncoded: input(name,"denc",{ size : 6 }); case DFlags(fl,_): beginLine(true); out(name); nextRow(); if( isNull ) checkBox(name+"__data",value != null); var vint = Std.parseInt(value); if( vint == null ) vint = 0; var pos = 0; for( i in 0...fl.length ) { out(''); out(fl[i]); } endLine(); case DBinary, DSmallBinary, DLongBinary, DBytes(_), DNull, DInterval: throw "NotSupported"; } } public function binField( name : String, isNull, value : String, url : Void -> String ) { beginLine(true); out(name); nextRow(); if( isNull ) checkBox(name+"__data",value != null); if( value != null ) text("["+value.length+" bytes]"); else if( url != null ) text("null"); out('',{ name : name }); if( value != null && url != null ) link(url(),"download"); endLine(); } public function infoField( name : String, value ) { beginLine(true); out(name); nextRow(); out(value); endLine(); } public function choiceField( name : String, values : List<{ id : String, str : String }>, def : String, link, ?disabled : Bool, ?isImage: Bool ) { beginLine(true); out(name); nextRow(); var infos = { func : if( isImage ) "updateImage" else "updateLink", name : name, link : link, size : if( values != null && values.length > 15 ) 10 else 1, dis : if( disabled ) 'disabled="yes"' else "", def : if( def == "null" ) "" else def, }; if( values == null ) out('',infos); else { out(''); } out('goto',{ name : name }); if( isImage ) out('',{ name : name, file : getFileURL(def) }); out('',{ name : name }); endLine(); } public function errorField( message ) { beginLine(true); nextRow(); error(message); endLine(); } public function error( message ) { out('
    ',{ msg : message }); } } #end