MIAOU ===== provisioning tool for building opinionated architecture following these principles: * free software: AGPLv3 * multi-target: DEV, BETA (alias staging), PROD * container-based: LXD/LXC on Debian 12 (bookworm) * secured: NFT * monitored: MONIT TODO ---- * [ ] backup postgresql missing out on **saturday** * [ ] TOOLBOOX/nc (binary) * [ ] final ansible-like indicators: same/new * [ ] patched editor (backup+editor+diff+patch) * [ ] to improve log journal for each `recipe` (apache, for example) in order to shorten disk space ORIGIN ------ The project name `miaou` comes up from both a French and Reunion's Creole pun * miaou is a shortcut for *mi aim aou*, which means 'I love you' * miaou means 'meow' in french, related to the acronym C.H.A.T.O.N.S ARCHITECTURE ------------ to draw... (mermaid?) * DEV (sync from PROD via SAVE, sync from BETA, push new to BETA) * BETA (sync from PROD via SAVE, push new to PROD) * PROD (backup to SAVE, full backup, recipe data backup) * SAVE (dedicated server, home local) ACTIVE COMPONENTS ----------------- * grub * cgroup1 * linux * rust * tera * go * perl * python * ovh * bash * miaou-bash Debian12 fresh install ---------------------- * # log as normal user with sudo group * sudo apt install -y git * git clone https://git.artcode.re/miaou/miaou.git * # EITHER: * ./miaou/lib/install.sh dev * # OR: * EMAIL=`` ./miaou/lib/install.sh dev * # then, FINALLY * miaou Nested container test drive ---------------------------- * CONTAINER=nested * lxc-miaou-create $CONTAINER -o sameuser,nesting * lxc sameuser $CONTAINER * /opt/miaou/lib/install.sh dev Hardening server ---------------- * /opt/miaou/lib/harden.sh Development mode ---------------- * # requirement Codium IDE * sudo apt install y shellcheck shfmt