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  33. ╙─╜ 200 OK
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  52. ╙╨╜ 400 client error
  53. ╙ǁ╜ 400 client error
  54. ╙⍑╜ 500 servererror
  55. ╙⯶╜ 500 servererror
  56. ╙ ╜ 500 servererror
  57. 00:20:45 web.1 | Rails ╣ ╠ Redirected to
  58. 00:20:45 web.1 | Rails ╙║╜ Completed 303 See Other in 10ms (ActiveRecord: 0.7ms | Allocations: 2390)
  59. 00:20:45 web.1 | Rails ╓║╖ Started GET "/scores/1" for at 2024-06-07 00:20:45 +0400
  60. 00:20:45 web.1 | Rails ╣ ╠ Processing by ScoresController#show as TURBO_STREAM
  61. 00:20:45 web.1 | Rails ╣ ╠ Parameters: {"id"=>"1"}
  62. 00:37:27 web.1 | Rails ╙║╜ Completed 303 See Other in 16ms (ActiveRecord: 0.8ms | Allocations: 2395)
  63. 00:37:27 web.1 | Rails ╓║╖ Started GET "/scores/1" for at 2024-06-07 00:37:27 +0400
  64. 00:37:27 web.1 | Rails ╣ ╠ Processing by ScoresController#show as TURBO_STREAM
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