module Semantic # Abstract colorized formatter class AbstractFormatter < SemanticLogger::Formatters::Color include AnsiColors TAG_NONE = ''.freeze CENTER_SIZE = 20 TAG_FIXED_LENGTH = Rails.application.config.x.action_controller.main_session_tag_fixed_length || 10 private def exception return unless log.exception if log.exception.is_a?(Semantic::TagWrapError) exc_wrapper = log.exception # puts "TAG_WRAP detected #{exc_wrapper.tag}" exc = exc_wrapper.error log.tags = Array.wrap(exc_wrapper.tag) else exc = log.exception end clazz = colorize("#{exc.class}\n", color_map[:fatal]) message = colorize(exc.message.chomp(''), color_map[:error]) # TODO: backtrace_cleaner might be optionally disable from Live::Constant backtrace = stackisize(Rails.backtrace_cleaner.clean(exc.backtrace)) "#{clazz}#{message}#{backtrace}" end def origin true_class = == taint = true_class ? TEXT_CYAN : TEXT_GRAY_400 colorize(centerize(, taint) end def ansi_trace(trace, symbol) match = trace.match(/(↳ )?(.*:\d+)(:in `)?(.*'?)/) # only m2(=file) and m4(=optional function) are useful return trace unless match _, m2, _, m4 = match.captures "#{symbol} #{m2} #{BOLD}#{m4.chop}#{CLEAR}" end def stackisize(items) return '' if items.empty? traces = { |item| ansi_trace(item, '➟') } "\n#{traces.join("\n")}" end def tags first_tag, taint = log.tags.empty? ? [TAG_NONE, CLEAR] : [log.tags.first, BG_GRAY + TEXT_YELLOW] colorize(centerize(first_tag, TAG_FIXED_LENGTH), taint) end def named_tags return if log.named_tags.empty? log.named_tags end def centerize(text, max_length = CENTER_SIZE) = text.reverse.truncate(max_length) end end