You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
'use strict';
const {sep} = require('path'); const {platform} = process; const os = require('os');
exports.EV_ALL = 'all'; exports.EV_READY = 'ready'; exports.EV_ADD = 'add'; exports.EV_CHANGE = 'change'; exports.EV_ADD_DIR = 'addDir'; exports.EV_UNLINK = 'unlink'; exports.EV_UNLINK_DIR = 'unlinkDir'; exports.EV_RAW = 'raw'; exports.EV_ERROR = 'error';
exports.STR_DATA = 'data'; exports.STR_END = 'end'; exports.STR_CLOSE = 'close';
exports.FSEVENT_CREATED = 'created'; exports.FSEVENT_MODIFIED = 'modified'; exports.FSEVENT_DELETED = 'deleted'; exports.FSEVENT_MOVED = 'moved'; exports.FSEVENT_CLONED = 'cloned'; exports.FSEVENT_UNKNOWN = 'unknown'; exports.FSEVENT_TYPE_FILE = 'file'; exports.FSEVENT_TYPE_DIRECTORY = 'directory'; exports.FSEVENT_TYPE_SYMLINK = 'symlink';
exports.KEY_LISTENERS = 'listeners'; exports.KEY_ERR = 'errHandlers'; exports.KEY_RAW = 'rawEmitters'; exports.HANDLER_KEYS = [exports.KEY_LISTENERS, exports.KEY_ERR, exports.KEY_RAW];
exports.DOT_SLASH = `.${sep}`;
exports.BACK_SLASH_RE = /\\/g; exports.DOUBLE_SLASH_RE = /\/\//; exports.SLASH_OR_BACK_SLASH_RE = /[/\\]/; exports.DOT_RE = /\..*\.(sw[px])$|~$|\.subl.*\.tmp/; exports.REPLACER_RE = /^\.[/\\]/;
exports.SLASH = '/'; exports.SLASH_SLASH = '//'; exports.BRACE_START = '{'; exports.BANG = '!'; exports.ONE_DOT = '.'; exports.TWO_DOTS = '..'; exports.STAR = '*'; exports.GLOBSTAR = '**'; exports.ROOT_GLOBSTAR = '/**/*'; exports.SLASH_GLOBSTAR = '/**'; exports.DIR_SUFFIX = 'Dir'; exports.ANYMATCH_OPTS = {dot: true}; exports.STRING_TYPE = 'string'; exports.FUNCTION_TYPE = 'function'; exports.EMPTY_STR = ''; exports.EMPTY_FN = () => {}; exports.IDENTITY_FN = val => val;
exports.isWindows = platform === 'win32'; exports.isMacos = platform === 'darwin'; exports.isLinux = platform === 'linux'; exports.isIBMi = os.type() === 'OS400';