'use strict'
const test = require('tape') const buildQueue = require('../').promise const { promisify } = require('util') const sleep = promisify(setTimeout) const immediate = promisify(setImmediate)
test('concurrency', function (t) { t.plan(2) t.throws(buildQueue.bind(null, worker, 0)) t.doesNotThrow(buildQueue.bind(null, worker, 1))
async function worker (arg) { return true } })
test('worker execution', async function (t) { const queue = buildQueue(worker, 1)
const result = await queue.push(42)
t.equal(result, true, 'result matches')
async function worker (arg) { t.equal(arg, 42) return true } })
test('limit', async function (t) { const queue = buildQueue(worker, 1)
const [res1, res2] = await Promise.all([queue.push(10), queue.push(0)]) t.equal(res1, 10, 'the result matches') t.equal(res2, 0, 'the result matches')
async function worker (arg) { await sleep(arg) return arg } })
test('multiple executions', async function (t) { const queue = buildQueue(worker, 1) const toExec = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] const expected = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'] let count = 0
await Promise.all(toExec.map(async function (task, i) { const result = await queue.push(task) t.equal(result, expected[i], 'the result matches') }))
async function worker (arg) { t.equal(arg, toExec[count], 'arg matches') return expected[count++] } })
test('drained', async function (t) { const queue = buildQueue(worker, 2)
const toExec = new Array(10).fill(10) let count = 0
async function worker (arg) { await sleep(arg) count++ }
toExec.forEach(function (i) { queue.push(i) })
await queue.drained()
t.equal(count, toExec.length)
toExec.forEach(function (i) { queue.push(i) })
await queue.drained()
t.equal(count, toExec.length * 2) })
test('drained with exception should not throw', async function (t) { const queue = buildQueue(worker, 2)
const toExec = new Array(10).fill(10)
async function worker () { throw new Error('foo') }
toExec.forEach(function (i) { queue.push(i) })
await queue.drained() })
test('drained with drain function', async function (t) { let drainCalled = false const queue = buildQueue(worker, 2)
queue.drain = function () { drainCalled = true }
const toExec = new Array(10).fill(10) let count = 0
async function worker (arg) { await sleep(arg) count++ }
toExec.forEach(function () { queue.push() })
await queue.drained()
t.equal(count, toExec.length) t.equal(drainCalled, true) })
test('set this', async function (t) { t.plan(1) const that = {} const queue = buildQueue(that, worker, 1)
await queue.push(42)
async function worker (arg) { t.equal(this, that, 'this matches') } })
test('unshift', async function (t) { const queue = buildQueue(worker, 1) const expected = [1, 2, 3, 4]
await Promise.all([ queue.push(1), queue.push(4), queue.unshift(3), queue.unshift(2) ])
t.is(expected.length, 0)
async function worker (arg) { t.equal(expected.shift(), arg, 'tasks come in order') } })
test('push with worker throwing error', async function (t) { t.plan(5) const q = buildQueue(async function (task, cb) { throw new Error('test error') }, 1) q.error(function (err, task) { t.ok(err instanceof Error, 'global error handler should catch the error') t.match(err.message, /test error/, 'error message should be "test error"') t.equal(task, 42, 'The task executed should be passed') }) try { await q.push(42) } catch (err) { t.ok(err instanceof Error, 'push callback should catch the error') t.match(err.message, /test error/, 'error message should be "test error"') } })
test('unshift with worker throwing error', async function (t) { t.plan(2) const q = buildQueue(async function (task, cb) { throw new Error('test error') }, 1) try { await q.unshift(42) } catch (err) { t.ok(err instanceof Error, 'push callback should catch the error') t.match(err.message, /test error/, 'error message should be "test error"') } })
test('no unhandledRejection (push)', async function (t) { function handleRejection () { t.fail('unhandledRejection') } process.once('unhandledRejection', handleRejection) const q = buildQueue(async function (task, cb) { throw new Error('test error') }, 1)
await immediate() process.removeListener('unhandledRejection', handleRejection) })
test('no unhandledRejection (unshift)', async function (t) { function handleRejection () { t.fail('unhandledRejection') } process.once('unhandledRejection', handleRejection) const q = buildQueue(async function (task, cb) { throw new Error('test error') }, 1)
await immediate() process.removeListener('unhandledRejection', handleRejection) })