provisioning tool for building opinionated architecture
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  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. function check_database_exists() {
  3. db-psql list | grep -q "$longname"
  4. }
  5. function check_port_used() {
  6. # shellcheck disable=SC2034
  7. usedport=$(lxc exec "$container" -- bash -c "grep xmlrpc_port /etc/odoo15/$shortname.conf | cut -d' ' -f3")
  8. [[ "$usedport" == "$port" ]]
  9. }
  10. function check_service_running() {
  11. lxc exec "$container" -- bash -c "systemctl is-active --quiet ${longname}.service"
  12. }
  13. function _read() {
  14. disable_trace
  15. check_database_exists
  16. check_container "$container"
  17. check_port_used
  18. check_service_running
  19. enable_trace
  20. return 0
  21. }
  22. function _create() {
  23. echo "creating templates ... "
  24. mkdir -p "$MIAOU_CONFIGDIR/apps/odoo15"
  25. longport=$((port + 1000))
  26. APP_PORT=$port LONG_PORT=$longport APP_NAME=$shortname tera -e -t "$MIAOU_BASEDIR/templates/apps/odoo15/odoo.conf.j2" -o "$MIAOU_CONFIGDIR/apps/odoo15/$shortname.conf" "$MIAOU_CONFIGDIR/miaou.expanded.yaml" >/dev/null
  27. APP_NAME=$shortname tera -t "$MIAOU_BASEDIR/templates/apps/odoo15/odoo.service.j2" --env-only -o "$MIAOU_CONFIGDIR/apps/odoo15/$longname.service" >/dev/null
  28. echo "creating templates ... OK"
  29. echo "copying files to container <$container> ... "
  30. lxc file push --uid 0 --gid 0 "$MIAOU_CONFIGDIR/apps/odoo15/$shortname.conf" "$container/etc/odoo15/$shortname.conf"
  31. lxc file push --uid 0 --gid 0 "$MIAOU_CONFIGDIR/apps/odoo15/$longname.service" "$container/etc/systemd/system/$longname.service"
  32. echo "copying files to container <$container> ... OK"
  33. echo "create data folder for $shortname"
  34. cat <<EOF | lxc_exec "$container"
  35. set -Eeuo pipefail
  36. echo allow addons writable for user odoo
  37. mkdir -p /home/odoo/data-$shortname/addons/15.0
  38. chmod u+w /home/odoo/data-$shortname/addons/15.0
  39. chown -R odoo:odoo /home/odoo/data-$shortname
  40. EOF
  41. if ! (db-psql list | grep -q "$longname"); then
  42. echo "create empty database <$longname> ... "
  43. db-psql create "$longname"
  44. echo "create empty database <$longname> ... OK"
  45. admin_username=$(echo -e "$data" | yq '.admin.username')
  46. [[ $admin_username = 'null' ]] && echoerr "odoo12 recipe requires \`data:admin:username\` into miaou.yaml service definition of <$fqdn>" && exit 1
  47. admin_password=$(echo -e "$data" | yq '.admin.password')
  48. [[ $admin_password = 'null' ]] && echoerr "odoo12 recipe requires \`data:admin:password\` into miaou.yaml service definition of <$fqdn>" && exit 1
  49. cat <<EOF | lxc_exec "$container"
  50. set -Eeuo pipefail
  51. echo reloading systemd
  52. systemctl daemon-reload
  53. systemctl stop $longname
  54. echo initialize database...
  55. su odoo -c "python3.9 /home/odoo/odoo15/odoo-bin -c /etc/odoo15/$shortname.conf -i base --without-demo=all --stop-after-init"
  56. echo initialize database OK
  57. echo install default modules ...
  58. su odoo -c "python3.9 /home/odoo/odoo15/odoo-bin -c /etc/odoo15/$shortname.conf -i account,contacts,l10n_fr,account,sale,point_of_sale -d $longname --worker=0 --stop-after-init"
  59. echo default modules OK
  60. echo activate french language
  61. su odoo -c "python3.9 /home/odoo/odoo15/odoo-bin -c /etc/odoo15/$shortname.conf --load-language fr_FR -d $longname --worker=0 --stop-after-init"
  62. echo change administrator password, default credential applied!
  63. echo "UPDATE res_users SET login='$admin_username', password='$admin_password' WHERE id=2" | PGPASSWORD=$longname psql -U $longname -h ct1.lxd
  64. EOF
  65. else
  66. echo "database already exists!"
  67. fi
  68. echo "initialize odoo $shortname $longname ..."
  69. cat <<EOF | lxc_exec "$container"
  70. set -Eeuo pipefail
  71. echo reloading systemd
  72. systemctl daemon-reload
  73. if ! systemctl is-active --quiet $longname; then
  74. echo start service $longname
  75. systemctl enable $longname
  76. systemctl start $longname
  77. systemctl is-active --quiet $longname
  78. else
  79. echo service $longname already started!
  80. fi
  81. EOF
  82. echo "initialize odoo $shortname $longname ... OK"
  83. }
  84. function _update() {
  85. echo "update"
  86. }
  87. function _delete() {
  88. echo "delete"
  89. }
  90. function usage() {
  91. echo "Usage: $COMMAND_NAME -c|r|u|d --port $port --fqdn $fqdn --container $container --name $name --data $data"
  92. exit 2
  93. }
  94. ### MAIN
  95. # init_strict
  96. COMMAND_NAME=$(basename "$0")
  97. # read the options
  98. TEMP=$(getopt -n "$COMMAND_NAME" -o crud --long port:,container:,name:,fqdn:,domain:,subdomain:,data: -- "$@")
  99. # shellcheck disable=SC2181
  100. [[ "$?" -eq 0 ]] || usage
  101. eval set -- "$TEMP"
  102. action="unset"
  103. port="unset"
  104. fqdn="unset"
  105. container="unset"
  106. shortname="unset"
  107. longname="unset"
  108. data="unset"
  109. # extract options and their arguments into variables.
  110. while true; do
  111. case "$1" in
  112. --port)
  113. port=$2
  114. shift 2
  115. ;;
  116. --fqdn)
  117. fqdn=$2
  118. shift 2
  119. ;;
  120. --container)
  121. container=$2
  122. shift 2
  123. ;;
  124. --name)
  125. shortname=$2
  126. longname="odoo15-$shortname"
  127. shift 2
  128. ;;
  129. --data)
  130. data=$2
  131. shift 2
  132. ;;
  133. --domain)
  134. shift 2
  135. ;;
  136. --subdomain)
  137. shift 2
  138. ;;
  139. -c)
  140. [[ "$action" == "unset" ]] || usage
  141. action="_create"
  142. shift 1
  143. ;;
  144. -r)
  145. [[ "$action" == "unset" ]] || usage
  146. action="_read"
  147. shift 1
  148. ;;
  149. -u)
  150. [[ "$action" == "unset" ]] || usage
  151. action="_update"
  152. shift 1
  153. ;;
  154. -d)
  155. [[ "$action" == "unset" ]] || usage
  156. action="_delete"
  157. shift 1
  158. ;;
  159. --)
  160. shift
  161. break
  162. ;;
  163. *)
  164. echoerr "Internal error: unrecognized option: <$1>"
  165. exit 1
  166. ;;
  167. esac
  168. done
  169. [[
  170. "$action" != unset &&
  171. "$port" != unset &&
  172. "$fqdn" != unset &&
  173. "$container" != unset &&
  174. "$shortname" != unset &&
  175. "$data" != unset ]] || usage
  176. . "$MIAOU_BASEDIR/lib/"
  177. $action