provisioning tool for building opinionated architecture
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  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. function check_container_missing() {
  3. if container_exists "$CONTAINER"; then
  4. echoerr "$CONTAINER already created!"
  5. exit 1
  6. fi
  7. }
  8. function usage() {
  9. echo 'USAGE with options:'
  10. echo -e "\t\tlxc-miaou-create <CONTAINER_NAME> -o sameuser[,nesting,ssh]"
  11. }
  12. function check() {
  13. check_container_missing || return 1
  14. return 0
  15. }
  16. function set_options() {
  17. declare -a options=("$@")
  18. length=${#options[@]}
  19. if [[ "$length" -ne 0 ]]; then
  20. if [[ "$length" -ne 2 ]]; then
  21. echoerr "unrecognized options: $@" && usage && exit 30
  22. else
  23. prefix="${options[0]}"
  24. option="${options[1]}"
  25. if [[ "$prefix" == '-o' ]]; then
  26. IFS=',' read -r -a options <<<"$option"
  27. for i in ${options[@]}; do
  28. case "$i" in
  29. sameuser) OPTION_SAMEUSER=true ;;
  30. nesting) OPTION_NESTING=true ;;
  31. ssh) OPTION_SSH=true ;;
  32. *) echoerr "unrecognized options: $@" && usage && exit 32 ;;
  33. esac
  34. done
  36. else
  37. echoerr "unrecognized options prefix: $prefix" && usage && exit 31
  38. fi
  39. fi
  40. shift
  41. fi
  42. }
  43. function create() {
  44. local PREFIX="miaou:create"
  45. if [[ "$OPTION_SAMEUSER" == true ]]; then
  46. miaou_user=$(whoami)
  47. fi
  48. echo -n "creating new container <$CONTAINER> based on image <$CONTAINER_RELEASE>... "
  49. bridge_gw=$(lxc network get lxdbr0 ipv4.address | cut -d'/' -f1)
  50. user_data="$(
  51. cat <<EOF
  52. #cloud-config
  53. timezone: 'Indian/Reunion'
  54. apt:
  55. preserve_sources_list: false
  56. conf: |
  57. Acquire::Retries "60";
  58. DPkg::Lock::Timeout "60";
  59. primary:
  60. - arches: [default]
  61. uri:
  62. security:
  63. - arches: [default]
  64. uri:
  65. sources_list: |
  66. # generated by miaou-cloud
  67. deb \$PRIMARY \$RELEASE main
  68. deb \$PRIMARY \$RELEASE-updates main
  69. deb \$SECURITY \$RELEASE-security main
  70. package_update: true
  71. package_upgrade: true
  72. package_reboot_if_required: true
  73. packages:
  74. - git
  75. - file
  76. - bc
  77. - bash-completion
  78. write_files:
  79. - path: /etc/sudoers.d/10-add_TOOLBOX_to_secure_path
  80. content: >
  81. Defaults secure_path="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/TOOLBOX"
  82. runcmd:
  83. - [ systemctl, mask, systemd-hostnamed.service ]
  84. - [ systemctl, disable, e2scrub_reap.service ]
  85. - [ systemctl, disable, systemd-resolved.service, --now ]
  86. - [ systemctl, reset-failed ]
  87. - [ rm, /etc/resolv.conf]
  88. - [ rm, /etc/sudoers.d/90-cloud-init-users]
  89. - "echo nameserver $bridge_gw > /etc/resolv.conf"
  90. final_message: "Container from datasource \$datasource is finally up, after \$UPTIME seconds"
  91. EOF
  92. )"
  93. lxc init local:debian/$CONTAINER_RELEASE/cloud "$CONTAINER" --config user.user-data="$user_data" -q
  94. # allow directory `SHARED` to be read-write mounted
  95. lxc config set "$CONTAINER" raw.idmap "both $(id -u) 0" -q
  96. mkdir -p "$HOME/LXD/SHARED/$CONTAINER"
  97. lxc config device add "$CONTAINER" SHARED disk source="$HOME/LXD/SHARED/$CONTAINER" path=/mnt/SHARED -q
  98. lxc config device add "$CONTAINER" TOOLBOX disk source=/TOOLBOX path=/TOOLBOX -q
  99. lxc config device add "$CONTAINER" MIAOU_BASH disk source=$(realpath /opt/miaou-bash) path=/opt/miaou-bash -q
  100. # environment variables
  101. lxc config set "$CONTAINER" environment.PATH /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/opt/miaou-bash/tools:/TOOLBOX -q
  102. lxc config set "$CONTAINER" environment.container lxc -q
  103. if [[ "$OPTION_NESTING" == true ]]; then
  104. lxc config set "$CONTAINER" security.nesting true -q
  105. lxc config device add "$CONTAINER" miaou disk source=/opt/miaou path=/opt/miaou -q
  106. fi
  107. lxc start "$CONTAINER" -q
  108. # initializing miaou-bash
  109. lxc exec "$CONTAINER" -- /opt/miaou-bash/
  110. # default configuration files (btm,)
  111. lxc exec "$CONTAINER" -- mkdir -p /root/.config/bottom
  112. lxc file push "$MIAOU_BASEDIR/templates/bottom/bottom.toml" "$CONTAINER/root/.config/bottom/bottom.toml" -q
  113. # purge cloud-init after success
  114. attempt=0
  115. max_attempt=10
  116. delay=0.2
  117. while ! lxc exec "$CONTAINER" -- bash -c 'systemd-run -q -p After=cloud-final.service -p Type=oneshot --no-block bash -c "\
  118. cloud-init status --wait &&\
  119. cp /var/lib/cloud/data/status.json /root/cloud-status.json &&\
  120. systemctl stop cloud-{config,final,init-local,init}.service &&\
  121. systemctl disable cloud-{config,final,init-local,init}.service &&\
  122. systemctl stop &&\
  123. apt-get purge -y cloud-init &&\
  124. rm -rf /var/lib/cloud && \
  125. userdel -rf debian \
  126. " 2>/dev/null '; do
  127. attempt=$((attempt++))
  128. if [[ $attempt -gt $max_attempt ]]; then
  129. echoerr "systemd unavailable after $(bc <<<"$max_attempt * $delay") seconds"
  130. exit 1
  131. else
  132. sleep $delay
  133. fi
  134. done
  135. if [[ "$OPTION_SAMEUSER" == true ]]; then
  136. if ! lxc exec "$CONTAINER" -- grep "$miaou_user" /etc/passwd; then
  137. lxc exec "$CONTAINER" -- useradd -ms /bin/bash -G sudo "$miaou_user"
  138. fi
  139. if ! lxc exec "$CONTAINER" -- passwd -S "$miaou_user" | cut -d ' ' -f2 | grep -q ^P; then
  140. shadow_passwd=$(load_yaml_from_expanded credential.shadow)
  141. shadow_remainder=$(lxc exec "$CONTAINER" -- bash -c "grep $miaou_user /etc/shadow | cut -d':' -f3-")
  142. lxc exec "$CONTAINER" -- /opt/miaou-bash/tools/append_or_replace "^$miaou_user:.*:" "$miaou_user:$shadow_passwd:$shadow_remainder" /etc/shadow >/dev/null
  143. fi
  144. fi
  145. if [[ "$OPTION_SSH" == true ]]; then
  146. lxc exec "$CONTAINER" -- /opt/miaou-bash/tools/idem_apt_install openssh-server
  147. fi
  148. if [[ "$OPTION_SSH" == true && "$OPTION_SAMEUSER" == true ]]; then
  149. lxc-miaou-enable-ssh "$CONTAINER"
  150. fi
  151. PREFIX="" echoinfo OK
  152. echo "hint: \`lxc login $CONTAINER [--env user=<USER>]\`"
  153. [[ "$OPTION_SAMEUSER" == true ]] && echo "hint: \`lxc sameuser $CONTAINER\`"
  154. true
  155. }
  156. ## MAIN
  157. . "$MIAOU_BASEDIR/lib/"
  158. OPTION_SAMEUSER=false
  159. OPTION_NESTING=false
  160. OPTION_SSH=false
  161. PREFIX="miaou"
  162. arg1_required "$@" || (usage && exit 1)
  163. readonly CONTAINER=$1
  164. readonly CONTAINER_RELEASE="bookworm"
  165. shift
  166. set_options "$@"
  167. readonly FULL_OPTIONS="$@"
  168. check
  169. create