provisioning tool for building opinionated architecture
You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
### error_handling
function trap_error() { error_code=$1 error_line=$2
if [[ ${error_code} -lt 100 ]]; then printf "\nEXIT #${error_code} due to error at line ${error_line} : \n-----------------------------------------\n" sed "${error_line}q;d" $0 echo fi exit $error_code } set -e trap 'trap_error $? $LINENO' ERR
### ------------------
function detectWordpress() { local result=$(pwd) while [[ ! ("$result" == / || -f "$result/wp-config.php") ]]; do result=$(dirname "$result") done
if [[ "$result" == / ]]; then echo >&2 "no WORDPRESS detected!" exit 100 fi
echo "$result" }
function getConfigComment() { local result=$(grep -e "^#" $WP_CONFIG | grep "$1" | head -n1 | cut -d ',' -f2 | cut -d \' -f2) if [[ -z "$result" ]]; then echo "config comment: $1 not found!" exit 2 fi echo "$result" } function getConfigEntry() { local result=$(grep "$1" $WP_CONFIG | head -n1 | cut -d ',' -f2 | cut -d \' -f2) if [[ -z "$result" ]]; then echo "config entry: $1 not found!" exit 2 fi echo "$result" }
function sql() { local result=$(echo "$1" | mysql -srN -u $DB_USER -h $DB_HOST $DB_NAME -p$DB_PASS 2>&1) if [[ $result =~ ^ERROR ]]; then echo >&2 "sql failure: $result" exit 3 else echo "$result" fi }
function sqlFile() { local result=$(cat "$1" | mysql -srN -u $DB_USER -h $DB_HOST $DB_NAME -p$DB_PASS 2>&1) if [[ $result =~ ^ERROR ]]; then echo >&2 "sql failure: $result" exit 3 else echo "$result" fi } function changeHome() { local FROM=$1 local TO=$2 sql "UPDATE wp_options SET option_value = replace(option_value, '$FROM', '$TO') WHERE option_name = 'home' OR option_name = 'siteurl'" sql "UPDATE wp_posts SET guid = replace(guid, '$FROM','$TO')" sql "UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = replace(post_content, '$FROM', '$TO')" sql "UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = replace(meta_value,'$FROM','$TO')" }
function lastMigration() { sql "SELECT migration_file FROM migrations ORDER BY last_run DESC LIMIT 1" }
function upgradeMigration() { local LAST_MIGRATION=$1 local UPGRADE=false if [[ "$LAST_MIGRATION" == '' ]]; then UPGRADE=true fi
local MIG_BASE="$WP_BASE/wp-content/migrations" local MIGRATIONS=$(ls -p1 $MIG_BASE | grep -v /) local MIG_FILE for mig in $MIGRATIONS; do if [[ "$UPGRADE" == true ]]; then printf "applying %50s ... " $mig printf "%d %d" $(sqlFile $MIG_BASE/$mig) echo " DONE" MIG_FILE=$mig else printf "useless %50s \n" $mig if [[ "$LAST_MIGRATION" == "$mig" ]]; then UPGRADE=true fi fi done
if [[ $UPGRADE == true && $MIG_FILE != '' ]]; then local done=$(sql "INSERT INTO migrations(migration_file, last_run) VALUES ('$mig', NOW())") echo "all migrations succeeded, wrote: $mig" else echo "already up-to-date" fi }
function buildMigrations() { if [[ ! -d "$WP_BASE"/wp-content/migrations ]]; then mkdir -p "$WP_BASE"/wp-content/migrations echo "migrations folder created!" fi
sql "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS migrations (id int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, migration_file varchar(255) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, last_run varchar(45) COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci NOT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (id) )"
function playEnvironment() {
local PLATFORM=$1 local PLATFORM_BASE="$WP_BASE/wp-content/migrations/$PLATFORM" if [[ -d "$PLATFORM_BASE" ]]; then echo play platform $PLATFORM
local MIGRATIONS=$(ls -p1 $PLATFORM_BASE | grep -v /) for mig in $MIGRATIONS; do printf "applying %50s ... " $mig printf "%d %d" $(sqlFile $PLATFORM_BASE/$mig) echo " DONE" done fi }
## MAIN ## ----
WP_BASE=$(detectWordpress) WP_CONFIG="$WP_BASE/wp-config.php" echo "WP_BASE = $WP_BASE"
WP_HOME=$(getConfigComment WP_HOME) echo "WP_HOME = $WP_HOME"
DB_HOST=$(getConfigEntry DB_HOST) DB_NAME=$(getConfigEntry DB_NAME) DB_USER=$(getConfigEntry DB_USER) DB_PASS=$(getConfigEntry DB_PASSWORD)
CURRENT_HOME=$(sql "SELECT option_value FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'home'") if [[ "$CURRENT_HOME" != "$WP_HOME" ]]; then echo "HOME detected = $CURRENT_HOME , needs to apply changes" $(changeHome "$CURRENT_HOME" "$WP_HOME") fi
if [[ "$WP_HOME" =~ https?:\/\/beta[0-9]*\..*|https?:\/\/.*\.beta[0-9]*\..* ]]; then playEnvironment BETA else if [[ "$WP_HOME" =~ https?:\/\/dev[0-9]*\..*|https?:\/\/.*\.dev[0-9]*\..* ]]; then playEnvironment DEV else playEnvironment PROD fi fi
CURRENT_MIGRATION=$(lastMigration) upgradeMigration "$CURRENT_MIGRATION"