provisioning tool for building opinionated architecture
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1 year ago
  1. #!/bin/bash
  2. readonly DOMAIN=$1
  3. readonly PROTOCOL=${2:-https}
  4. readonly TIMEOUT=10 # max seconds to wait
  5. result=0
  6. function usage {
  7. echo 'usage: <DOMAIN> [ https | 443 | smtps | 587 | pop3 | 993 | imap | 995 | ALL ]'
  8. exit -1
  9. }
  10. function check_ssl {
  11. local protocol=$1
  12. case $protocol in
  13. SMTPS )
  14. local extra="-starttls smtp -showcerts"
  15. ;;
  16. esac
  17. echo -n "$protocol "
  18. certificate_info=$(echo | timeout $TIMEOUT openssl s_client $extra -connect $DOMAIN:$2 2>/dev/null)
  19. issuer=$(echo "$certificate_info" | openssl x509 -noout -text 2>/dev/null | grep Issuer: | cut -d: -f2)
  20. date=$( echo "$certificate_info" | openssl x509 -noout -enddate 2>/dev/null | cut -d'=' -f2)
  21. date_s=$(date -d "${date}" +%s)
  22. now_s=$(date -d now +%s)
  23. date_diff=$(( (date_s - now_s) / 86400 ))
  24. if [[ -z $date ]]; then
  25. echo -n "does not respond "
  26. echo -ne "\033[31;1m"
  27. echo FAILURE
  28. (( result += 1 ))
  29. elif [[ $date_diff -gt 20 ]]; then
  30. echo -n "issuer:$issuer "
  31. echo -n "will expire in $date_diff days "
  32. echo -ne "\033[32;1m"
  33. echo ok
  34. elif [[ $date_diff -gt 0 ]];then
  35. echo -n "issuer:$issuer "
  36. echo -n "will expire in $date_diff days "
  37. echo -ne "\033[31;1m"
  38. echo WARNING
  39. (( result += 1 ))
  40. else
  41. echo -n "issuer:$issuer "
  42. echo -n "has already expired $date_diff ago "
  43. echo -ne "\033[31;1m"
  44. echo FAILURE
  45. (( result += 1 ))
  46. fi
  47. echo -ne "\033[0m"
  48. }
  49. #MAIN
  50. [[ -z "$DOMAIN" ]] && usage
  51. case $PROTOCOL in
  52. https | 443 )
  53. check_ssl HTTPS 443;;
  54. smtps | 587 )
  55. check_ssl SMTPS 587;;
  56. pop3 | 995 )
  57. check_ssl POP3 995;;
  58. imap | 993 )
  59. check_ssl IMAP 993;;
  60. all | ALL )
  61. check_ssl HTTPS 443
  62. check_ssl SMTPS 587
  63. check_ssl POP3 995
  64. check_ssl IMAP 993
  65. ;;
  66. *)
  67. usage
  68. ;;
  69. esac
  70. exit "$result"